
The use of camphor alcohol in the treatment of children

Camphor alcohol is an inexpensive and very effective treatment for joint pain, skin rashes and acne, and some ear conditions. It is believed that this drug has been tested over generations and time, and therefore is reliable. However, not everything that is good for an adult is also suitable for a child. Is it possible to use camphor alcohol to treat childhood ailments and how to do it correctly, let's try to figure it out together.

What it is?

Camphor is a colorless, volatile crystal with a noticeable, memorable scent that is found naturally in most essential oils. Camphor is obtained in three ways - from camphor laurel leaves, semi-synthetic method - from fir oil, and synthetic - from processed turpentine products.

Camphor alcohol is an alcoholic solution of camphor crystals. In pharmacies, it is sold in glass bottles of 25 and 40 ml.

Instructions for use

The drug has anti-inflammatory antimicrobial properties, improves blood circulation, relieves pain and itching. It can only be used externally. Adults use it as rubbing, compresses for muscle and joint pain, drip into the ears for otitis media, make mini-compresses on the temples for headaches.

Is it possible for children?

Children can use camphor alcohol, but with great care and rather limited. The fact is that camphor is a toxic substance, it can cause severe allergies in a child, whose immunity is weaker than that of an adult. That is why the alcohol solution of this drug is completely prohibited for use under the age of 2 years.

For ears with otitis media, instillation of alcohol is contraindicated in all cases. This cannot be done, no matter what the omniscient supporters of alternative medicine advise on the Internet.

With an inflammatory process in the ear, children are sometimes given a compress with this drug. But before use, you must definitely consult a doctor.

If the eardrum is damaged the drug can not be used categorically, otherwise camphor alcohol can get deep into the inner ear and cause serious complications up to complete deafness.

It is impossible to determine the integrity of the membrane on your own; you need an examination by an otolaryngologist, who has special devices for diagnosing such conditions.

When treating otitis media, it is forbidden to use pure, undiluted alcohol. The pharmaceutical product must be diluted with water or saline in a ratio of 1: 2, and if the child is small (from 2 to 4 years old), then 1: 3.

In some cases, children are allowed to put cotton turundas dipped in diluted camphor alcohol into the sore ear. We will describe how this is done below.

Sometimes the drug is used as a cough rub. In this case, it must be remembered that the child should in no case inhale the toxic vapors of camphor. Only children who have reached the age of 6 years and older can treat a cough in this way, again, with great care! Remember who a baby when coughing should not be rubbed with camphor in any case, even if it is diluted with water. Such procedures cannot be carried out even if the young patient has a fever. Camphor has a warming effect and at a temperature of 37.0 or 38.0 it can greatly complicate the child's condition.

Camphor alcohol is allowed (with the observance of safety measures) to treat acne in adolescents, and also to make compresses with this agent on a sore spot with sprains and severe bruises.

How to be treated?

Ear compress

The pharmaceutical preparation is diluted in half with water and warmed to room temperature. The solution should not be cold or hot. Gauze, folded several times, is moistened in this composition, having previously made a hole in it for the ear. A wet compress is applied to the parotid region, the auricle must pass through the cut hole in the gauze. The structure is covered with a piece of compress paper (sold in pharmacies), a hole is also made in it. The third layer is dry and sterile cotton wool, after which the multi-layer ear dressing is attached with a plaster or bandage wrapped over the head.

The compress should not be put on at night. It should not be used at all if the child has purulent ear inflammation, so as not to provoke the early spread of the infection.

Turundas in the ear

From sterile cotton, you need to twist turundas and dip them into pre-warmed camphor alcohol diluted with water. You need to inject into the ear only after you make sure that the medicine does not drip or drip from the turunda. It should be damp, but not wet. Turunda is injected shallowly and for no more than 15 minutes.

This method also has a warming effect, and therefore the contraindications are the same as in the case of a compress.


To rub the chest and back, camphor alcohol must be diluted with water. The procedure should be carried out carefully, covering the child's nose and mouth with a wet towel (in order to avoid the penetration of volatile essential vapors of camphor into the respiratory tract). Pre-lubricate the skin with baby cream so as not to provoke allergic dermatitis, rub the heated solution with light circular and arcuate movements from the center of the chest (or spine) to the ribs.

Cosmetic product

Teenage acne will go away much faster if you wipe the face and neck area with diluted half-camphor alcohol once a day.

Warming compresses for injuries

In place of a bruise or sprain, you can apply gauze soaked in camphor alcohol, “warm” with cotton wool on top and fix it with an elastic bandage. Remember to treat your skin with baby cream or petroleum jelly before applying the compress.

General recommendations

  • Before the first use, you need to conduct a home allergy test. Apply a drop of diluted camphor alcohol to the back of your hand, behind the ear. If after two hours in these places there is no redness or local swelling, the drug can be used. If an allergic reaction occurs, it is better to refuse treatment with this remedy.

  • When applying a compress to the child from time to time (once every five minutes), monitor the condition of the skin. If you notice severe redness or the child begins to complain of a noticeable burning sensation under the compress, the procedure should be stopped immediately.

  • The general course of drug treatment should not exceed 3-5 days.

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