
Can pregnant women eat strawberries?

A plate of fragrant strawberries attracts everyone and always. Expectant mothers especially want this delicious berry, but after hearing frightening rumors about the incredible harm of strawberries for the baby and the woman herself "in position", many refuse the delicacy, but in vain. Strawberries, if eaten correctly and in the right quantities, can be incredibly healthy and enjoyable for a pregnant woman and her unborn child.

Composition and benefits

Strawberries are a very tasty, juicy and sweet berry that all children and at least half of adults are not indifferent to. It is loved as an independent dessert and as a decoration for curd dishes, cream, cereals, and confectionery. Compotes from this berry, fruit drinks are incredibly pleasant. The berry is rich in vitamins, among which there is almost everything that a pregnant woman needs for the normal well-being and development of the baby. These are vitamin A, and B vitamins, ascorbic acid, tocopherol, niacin. The mineral composition is also a feast for the eyes - potassium, magnesium, calcium, silicon, phosphorus. There are strawberries and iron and iodine, and manganese, and zinc with selenium... And this is not a complete list of everything that you can get if you eat fresh ripe strawberries.

Despite the fact that the berries are quite sweet, for women, strawberries are not dangerous to gain excess weight. 100 grams of the product contains only 47 kcal. Pregnant women can and should eat strawberries. But don't forget about the sensible approach. The amount of berries should not be excessive, so as not to harm either the woman or the baby during pregnancy. The rest of the berry will be of undoubted benefit.

Since the berries are rich in ascorbic acid, then strawberries help to strengthen female immunity, which always weakens during pregnancy for natural reasons... One handful of garden victoria contains the daily amount of folic acid, which is needed to form the central nervous system of the fetus. The abundance of vitamin B 12 promotes the production of enzymes, including digestive ones, which helps a woman to improve digestion.

If a woman suffers from toxicosis, then strawberries can become a sweet and pleasant medicine. - due to the presence of vitamin B1, it helps to relieve nausea and malaise, stimulates blood circulation. Vitamin E in the berry contributes to the release of accumulated toxins and toxins, it is a constant participant in metabolic processes.

In addition, vitamin E helps to relieve the increased tone of the uterine muscles, so the berry is especially useful for women with a diagnosed threat of spontaneous miscarriage.

Strawberry juice can not only be drunk but also applied externally. This is a long-known remedy for women for age spots. They appear against the background of a change in hormonal balance in almost all expectant mothers. These spots completely disappear after the birth has taken place, but to reduce their intensity if spots, for example, appear on the face, wetting the pigmentation areas with strawberry juice will help.

Regular and moderate consumption of strawberries helps to eliminate iodine deficiency, supports the thyroid gland, calcium is needed to mineralize the bones of the fetus, and if it is not enough, then the child will take a substance from the plasma of the mother's blood, and the woman herself will suffer from hypocalcemia. Iron helps to increase the amount of hemoglobin in the blood. The anemia of pregnant women, which is characteristic of almost all, is experienced more easily, without causing significant harm to the growth and development of the child.

Strawberries are the berry of a great mood... It contains magnesium, which is necessary for the nervous system of the expectant mother to work without disturbances, and the muscles do not come to the unnecessary tone now. It cheers up, saves from depression, which, unfortunately, often accompanies serious hormonal changes in the first and third trimesters. Berries are a natural source of plant fiber. It is almost not digested in the stomach and small intestine, reaches the rectum, along the way gently stimulating the nerve receptors of the intestinal wall, which helps prevent constipation, soft digestion.

Strawberry juice produces a mild diuretic effect, which is very beneficial for edema. A reasonable amount of strawberries in the diet of a pregnant woman will help to quickly relieve puffiness due to increased urination. Fruits increase appetite, help normalize blood pressure. Berry is even credited with a mild analgesic effect, but official medicine knows nothing about this feature of strawberries.

Important! Useful properties will appear if a woman has no contraindications to the use of berries and does not exceed its permissible amount. Expectant mothers are advised not to exceed the dose of 150-300 grams of fresh berries per day.

Potential harm and contraindications

Strawberries are the more frightening berry. The real degree of its danger is insignificant. The negative effects of eating berries during pregnancy are quite rare. And yet, if in doubt, you should talk to your doctor who knows for sure if this product is right for you.

Many people fear that strawberries are a strong allergen. On the one hand, this is so. But women have been eating this berry since childhood, most do not have any allergies. Another question is if the lady has never eaten strawberries before pregnancy. Acute allergic reactions are indeed possible here. Only now it will be very difficult to find such a lady.

Previously, the World Health Organization did not recommend that pregnant women add foods of high potential allergenicity to their diet, so as not to provoke allergies in the child. However, recent studies have shown that allergens should go to the baby, since they form his immunity, and, conversely, protect him from allergies in the future. Therefore, the doctors officially changed their recommendations, allowing expectant mothers to eat red berries, including strawberries. But it is clear that the amount of this product should not exceed the recommended amount.

If you eat a lot of strawberries, then you can disrupt the digestive processes, this can cause diarrhea, increased flatulence. With caution, doctors urge to use this berry for caries - it is quite sweet and can aggravate the destruction of tooth enamel, and toothache during pregnancy is a very unpleasant situation. Strawberry is contraindicated for women who are allergic to it. If each berry has previously caused a rash and itching, it is not worth bringing the body to sensitization while waiting for the child. Field or meadow strawberries, which are often called "wild berries", are especially dangerous for allergy sufferers.

You should not eat strawberries during the period of acute gastrointestinal ailments or during the exacerbation of chronic diseases of the stomach, pancreas, and liver. This will create an unnecessary excess load, negatively affect the acidity of gastric juice. You need to return to the question of whether or not you can eat a berry after the acute period has passed. The amount of the product then and the appropriateness of its use will be determined by the attending physician.

Important! With gestational diabetes, you can eat strawberries, but only with the permission of the doctor and in the amount determined by the medical specialist. If diabetes is difficult to correct, then the quantity can be reduced to 1-2 berries per day, or fragrant strawberries will have to be eliminated altogether.

Rules for use during pregnancy by trimester

Despite the fact that early dates are considered the most dangerous and risky, it is in the early stages that strawberries will be of particular benefit. In the 1st trimester, the use of fruits is considered safe. But, given the properties of the berry, it is still not worth experimenting if a single dose had negative consequences - heartburn, nausea, diarrhea, and a skin rash appeared. In this case, the issue of eating strawberries is removed until the end of the breastfeeding period. In the 2nd trimester, the amount of berries consumed should be somewhat limited, for example, to 150-200 grams per day.

In the later stages of the 3rd trimester, it is undesirable to lean heavily on this delicacy, it is better to eat no more than 100 grams and no more than 2 times a week. It is better to combine the berry with other products, for example, with cottage cheese or sour cream, with thermostatic yogurt or kefir. And in the last weeks, the number of berries should be reduced to 2-3 per meal per day, once a week.

Precautions and Tips

Strawberries will give the expectant mother only pleasure and will not do any harm if a woman learns to choose and eat it correctly.

  • First of all, you need to remember about seasonality. If it is January, and the pregnant woman really wants to taste strawberries, you should not buy large and expensive imported berries, since they are treated with so many chemicals for a longer preservation that it is unsafe even for a strong man, let alone a woman waiting to be born child.
  • In the cold season, when the berries are not growing in your area, you need to choose frozen strawberries. The benefits from it, of course, are not as great as from fresh, but there will not be much harm either.
  • In the season, choose only ripe berries, bright, without signs of greenery, without areas of rot. Unripe strawberries can cause severe eating disorders, and overripe berries are a breeding ground for bacteria and a likely cause of severe food poisoning.
  • If strawberries do not grow in your area at all, evaluate berries for nitrates in season. Strawberries stuffed with fertilizers are large, they shine and shine like a papier-mâché mock-up, they do not have that unique strawberry flavor. It is better to take an unsightly, smaller berry that smells good, this usually grows by itself, without the use of fertilizers and growth stimulants.
  • Pregnant women are strongly discouraged from eating strawberries on an empty stomach. This common mistake leads to diarrhea in most cases.
  • During pregnancy, you should not lean on strawberry jam, jam, confiture from this berry. This invariably leads to a pathological weight gain, to a violation of carbohydrate metabolism not only in the woman's body, but also in the baby, since his weak pancreas cannot yet produce as much insulin as is needed to assimilate a large amount of sugar obtained from the mother's blood.
  • Avoid strawberry compote and pre-packaged juices. There are few strawberries, but a lot of sugar, preservatives and dyes, which can cause anomalies in the baby's development and severe complications of pregnancy.
  • Doctors don't mind dried strawberries. It has a greater amount of fiber, which is useful for constipation, but dried fruit cannot be abused either.

Important! The maximum benefit can be obtained from fresh berries, any heat treatment destroys most of all nutrients - this is also not recommended to be forgotten.

For 5 dangerous foods during pregnancy, see the next video.

Watch the video: 5 Supper Foods For Pregnant Women (July 2024).