
Yellow discharge during early pregnancy

The appearance of specific discharge during pregnancy can ruin the mood of almost every expectant mother. Many women are terrified of this. This article will help you understand what the features of the appearance of yellow discharge from the genital tract in early pregnancy are.

Norm variant

Various causative factors can contribute to the appearance of a discharge that is yellow in color. It should be noted right away that the appearance of this symptom is not always a manifestation of any pathology. It also happens that yellowish discharge is an individual feature of even physiologically proceeding pregnancy. To understand this, the main features of the appearance of such secretions should be noted.

Each woman's vaginal secretion has its own unique characteristics. Its color can also vary. It is possible to consider such discharge as normal in the early stages of pregnancy if they:

  • are creamy or pale yellow;
  • scanty or insignificant;
  • no unpleasant smell;
  • are not accompanied by the development of uncomfortable symptoms in the external genital area (there is no itching, redness and severe dryness in the vagina).

The appearance of such specific yellowish discharge may also indicate changes in the female hormonal background.

During early pregnancy, the level of hormones in the blood is constantly changing. This is a prerequisite for the growth and development of a small embryo that resides in the uterus.

An increase in the concentration of progesterone in the blood - the main hormone of pregnancy - is often accompanied by the fact that a woman's vaginal discharge changes. In this case, not only their color changes, but also their consistency. There are usually few such physiological vaginal secretions.

The reasons for the development of pathological discharge

In some cases, the appearance of yellow discharge from the genital tract is already a sign of the manifestation of a certain pathological condition. In this situation, it is very important to understand in a timely manner what reason influenced the development of this unfavorable symptom.

Abnormal vaginal discharge usually has a number of features. So, they differ in the brightness of color, have an unpleasant odor, and, as a rule, are accompanied by the development of concomitant adverse symptoms.


Various diseases of the reproductive female organs can lead to the appearance of pathological secretions. One of these diseases is candidiasis. This infection is characterized by an intensive growth of candidal fungi in the vagina. The active reproduction of these microorganisms leads to a change in the vaginal environment, which contributes to the appearance of specific secretions.

It is generally accepted that candidal discharge has a cheesy appearance and a predominantly white color. In most cases this is the case, but there are still a number of exceptions. So, in some cases, candidiasis is manifested by the appearance of creamy yellow and white-yellow discharge. They usually have an unpleasant, even sour, odor. The general condition of a pregnant woman is also aggravated by the fact that candidal discharge from the genital tract, as a rule, is accompanied by the development of severe itching in the vagina.

Vaginal candidiasis quite often occurs during pregnancy. It can develop both early and, in some cases, late. The development of genital tract candidiasis is largely facilitated by the physiological decrease in immunity in a pregnant woman.

Bacterial vaginosis

The development of this pathology in early pregnancy, unfortunately, is not at all uncommon. A decrease in immunity also contributes to the fact that rapid bacterial growth begins on the vaginal mucosa. The increase in the number of microbes and contributes to the fact that specific secretions appear.

They are initially grayish in color. Gradually, as the disease progresses, vaginal discharge changes color and becomes bright yellow. A characteristic sign of discharge from the genital tract is the presence of a characteristic unpleasant odor. Doctors often compare it with the smell of "rotten" fish. The appearance of yellow discharge is also accompanied by severe itching, which brings the woman severe discomfort.

Many women try to cope with these adverse symptoms by resorting to various traditional medicine methods. Note that doing this during pregnancy should be extremely careful.... Some of these products can cause allergies. In this case, the adverse symptoms will only worsen.

Treatment of bacterial vaginosis, which developed in the first half of pregnancy, is best done in conjunction with a doctor.

Inflammatory diseases of the genital tract

Inflammation of the reproductive organs often leads to the fact that a woman has a variety of secretions. Chronic inflammatory diseases of the female genital organs are also accompanied by the development of edema, itching and burning. These symptoms significantly affect the well-being of the expectant mother.

Many women wonder why it is during pregnancy that they most often have some kind of chronic disease. The answer is simple enough. The physiological decline in the immune system that occurs during pregnancy contributes to these exacerbations. This reduction in immunity is by nature. If this did not happen, then the mother's body simply rejected the fetus.

The discharge that appears during an exacerbation of chronic diseases of the female genital organs can have a very different color. It can be either light yellow or dark yellow. This largely depends on the location of the damage, as well as on the severity of the developed pathology.

If the vaginal discharge turns yellow-pink, then this may be a sign of some kind of erosive process. In the place of erosion, bleeding areas appear, which can bleed with any mechanical contact with them. Usually, vaginal discharge with small impurities of blood can appear when trauma to the erosion of the cervix. Also, pinkish discharge may appear after a transvaginal ultrasound or after having sex.

It is necessary to treat an exacerbation of a chronic disease. For this, the expectant mother is drawn up a whole therapy scheme. It necessarily includes drugs that target the inflammation in the genital tract.

Such treatment is selected carefully. Some of the drugs can have adverse effects on the fetus, so only safe drugs are selected.

Infectious pathologies

These diseases develop as a result of various pathogenic microbes entering the female body. Staphylococci, streptococci, anaerobes - all these microbes can cause severe inflammation in the female intimate organs. One of the characteristic signs of an infectious pathology of the reproductive organs is the appearance of vaginal discharge. Their color can be very diverse. This largely depends on which pathogen caused the development of the disease.

Often, vaginal discharge turns yellow-green. They tend to be plentiful and odorless. The consistency of such secretions may vary. They are usually stringy and rather poorly separated from the mucous membrane. The appearance of yellow-green vaginal discharge may indicate infection with staphylococcal flora. In this case, the pathology quickly leads to the development of cervicitis or vaginitis. In such a situation, in addition to vaginal discharge, a woman also experiences itching and severe redness of the genitals.

Antibiotics are required to eliminate adverse symptoms. Note that many of the antibacterial drugs can have significant effects on the fetus. Doctors categorically prohibit the use of such products at home, without a preliminary medical appointment.

In the early stages of pregnancy, systemic antibiotics in the form of tablets and capsules can be used only when absolutely necessary. Only a doctor can assess the indications for the appointment of antibacterial drugs in tablets. Thus, with the appearance of yellow-green discharge from the genital tract, the first thing to do is to see a specialist. In this situation, the doctor will take swabs from the genital tract, and will also conduct a complete clinical examination. Only after such a diagnosis, the doctor will determine the treatment tactics.

Sexually transmitted infections

These infectious diseases also quite often lead to the appearance of specific secretions in pregnant women. They can have a wide variety of colors - from yellowish to brown. The danger of sexually transmitted infections is that they can significantly aggravate the course of pregnancy. Pathogenic microbes, which are the causative agents of the disease, enter the bloodstream and are rapidly spread throughout the body of the expectant mother. The danger of such pathologies is also that they can lead to infection of the fetus.

To prevent such diseases, you should remember the rules for their prevention. Unprotected intercourse with an infected partner can lead to infection. If even the first signs of such diseases appear, you should immediately consult a doctor.

Allergic pathologies

Almost every mother who carries a baby can face various manifestations of allergies. Even women who did not have a high susceptibility to various allergens before pregnancy may experience adverse symptoms. This is largely influenced by hormonal changes occurring in the body of a pregnant woman.

Allergies can also lead to vaginal discharge that is yellowish in color. They usually appear after wearing panty liners, using intimate hygiene products, and can also occur after bathing with a new shower gel. Allergy in the intimate area is usually quite bright. In addition to the resulting yellow vaginal discharge, a woman may experience severe itching. Sometimes it is unbearable. In this case, as a rule, the mucous membranes of the genital tract become irritated and redden.

Adverse symptoms may appear within a few hours after contact with a new allergen. In some cases, several days pass before the development of such uncomfortable discharge.

The main component of the treatment of any manifestation of allergy is the mandatory exclusion of exposure to the provoking allergen. So, a woman should figure out what could be the reason for her appearance of such adverse symptoms. After the cause is established, contact with the allergen must be stopped immediately.

If, despite the elimination of the allergen, the well-being of a pregnant woman does not improve, then she should consult a doctor. In such a situation, the doctor will consider prescribing antihistamines. These medications work to relieve perineal itching, swelling, and redness.

For information on what secretions should alert women, see the next video.

Watch the video: Is It Normal To Have Discharge During Pregnancy? PeopleTV (July 2024).