
Which mixture is best for you?

Only a mother is able to decide what to feed her child. Although breastfeeding is considered the most appropriate option, it happens when the baby has to be fed with formula. And then the mother's task is to choose the best type of food for her baby.

When are mixtures the only way out?

Breastfeeding is not possible in all situations. You cannot do without mixtures in such cases:

  • If the baby was born much earlier or he has problems with the nervous system, the result of which was the suppression of the sucking and swallowing reflex.
  • If the baby is in the hospital in the intensive care unit.
  • If the mother has serious illnesses, for example, oncological pathologies, tuberculosis and others.
  • If the mother is forced to take medications that get into milk and are dangerous for the baby.
  • When a nursing mother developed purulent mastitis.
  • If several babies are born and not enough milk is produced to feed them.
  • If the woman does not support the idea of ​​breastfeeding.

In many situations, when breastfeeding from the mother's breast is impossible due to immaturity or illness of the baby, the mother can give the baby expressed milk, and not formula.

Read about which is better: breast milk or formula in another article.


Infants under one year old are fed both liquid and dry breast milk substitutes. Such substitutes can be unleavened as well as fermented milk.

Most of the mixtures are made from cow's milk, which is subject to special processing aimed at reducing the risk of allergic reactions and the maximum approximation of the chemical composition to human milk.

Based on the adaptability of formulas to breast milk, they are divided into the following types:

  1. Adapted. Their name indicates that they have the maximum adaptation to human milk. The proteins in such products are often whey and are absorbed by the crumbs very easily. They contain the optimal amount of phosphorus, as well as calcium - substances important for bone mineralization. Most mixtures of this type contain the amino acid taurine, which is necessary for the development of the brain and eyes. Some formulations include nucleotides to help shape the baby's immune system. Examples are Nan, Nutrilon, Hipp, Frisolak, Bona, Heinz and others.
  2. Less adapted. Since the main protein here is casein, they are also called "casein formulas". They are recommended for children who have a tendency to regurgitate. Since the satiety of these mixtures is increased, they are the best choice for crumbs that do not cope well with breaks between feedings.
  3. Partially adapted. The composition resembles human milk only partially, therefore their use is recommended for children over two to three months of age. These include Malysh, Detolakt, Vitalakt M, Milumil, Malutka and others.
  4. "Subsequent Formulas". This is the name of the mixtures intended for children over six months, in some cases over a year. They have an increased energy value, suitable for the needs of children of this age.

In addition, infant formula is classified by consistency:

  • In the form of a dry powder, which must be diluted in boiled water before feeding;
  • In liquid form - they need to be warmed up before giving to the child.

Milk-based mixtures are distinguished, which are fresh, and fermented milk, which include various lacto- and bifidobacteria. Fermented milk mixtures are often prescribed for children with allergic reactions, dysbacteriosis, or simply with unstable stools.

If your child tolerates the selected formula well, do not change it only on the advice of a friend. New food is stress for the child's body and a test of strength. Do not overload the baby unnecessarily.

Types of medicinal mixtures and indications for their intake

Only a doctor should prescribe a medicinal mixture to a child. They have strict indications, for example:

  • If a baby has a deficiency of an enzyme that breaks down lactose, a lactose-free mixture is recommended.
  • There are special formulas for babies who are born prematurely.
  • Soy formula is available for children who cannot tolerate cow's milk.
  • For a crumb, who has a very difficult food allergy and disrupted digestion processes, semi-elementary mixtures are shown.
  • If the child has frequent regurgitation and bouts of vomiting, he is prescribed mixtures that contain thickeners.

Brand review and analysis

When choosing the right formula for your baby, it is important to pay attention to the composition of the product, taking into account the main components.

To begin with, let's note what ingredients are in mixtures and why they are for the baby:

  1. Proteins. Typically expressed as 1.4 g per 100 grams of product. In human milk, this figure is slightly lower, because assimilation is better.
  2. The ratio of whey proteins to casein. In breast milk, it is represented by numbers from 80: 20 to 60: 40. It is this indicator that should be in the formula received by a baby under six months. If there is more casein component, it is called casein and is not considered highly adaptable.
  3. Taurine. This amino acid is important for the development of the baby's nervous system, as well as vision. It is added to all mixes.
  4. Vegetable oils. For a greater similarity of the fat component with human milk, mixes of vegetable oils are added to the products. There is controversy over palm oil, although it, like rapeseed oil, is legal for babies.
  5. Fatty acid. Among them, linoleic is one of the vital ones. It is essential for the retina of the eye and the brain. This fatty acid is obtained from soybean, sunflower, coconut and corn oil. Equally important is the ratio of this fatty acid to linolenic acid. It should be no more than 7 to 1 - if there is more linoleic acid, this is unfavorable for the development of immunity, the heart and the nervous system of the baby.
  6. Lactose. This carbohydrate is extremely important for babies, as it gives the baby's body energy, helps the absorption of calcium and iron, and is also needed for the development of beneficial microflora.
  7. Maltodextrin. A substance that belongs to carbohydrates and is also necessary for the development of bacteria in the intestines. The addition of this ingredient makes the mixture sweeter and more satisfying.
  8. Prebiotics. They are represented by fibers, oligosaccharides and lactulose, whose pine influence is to regulate digestion.
  9. Probiotics. This is the name of the microorganisms included in the composition that stimulate the development of normal microflora in the intestine.
  10. Starch. It is important for thickening food, therefore it is added to formula for babies who regurgitate a lot.
  11. Vitamin and mineral formula. The mixtures include all the minerals and vitamins important for the development of the crumbs in greater quantities than they are presented in a woman's milk, since they are absorbed much worse. When choosing, you should pay attention to the ratio of calcium to a mineral such as phosphorus. The optimal indicator is 2 to 1. The best ratio of sodium and potassium is 1 to 3, copper and iron is 1 to 20, zinc and iron is 1 to 2. But such a trace element as manganese should be less in infant formula, since it excess can cause hyperactivity. Among the vitamins in the composition, special attention should be paid to ascorbic acid, which the baby of the first half of life should receive more than 30 mg per day.
  12. Nucleotides. These substances are important for the development of the baby, the formation of immunity and the functioning of the intestines.
  13. Choline. Such a substance is needed for the nervous system of the crumbs.

Consider the features of the composition of common mixtures:

A study comparing these formulas and their safety, compliance with the composition written on the label, and ease of use determined that all formulas on the Russian market are safe for babies.

The best composition was found in the mixture of the Humana brand, the worst - in Malysh Istra (less minerals, no nucleotides and omega fats).

If we compare quality and price, then the mixtures differ from the manufacturer HiPP in the best ratio.

Also, studies have determined that a spoon in a jar is often inaccurate. The greatest deviation was found in the spoon attached to Agusha mixtures.

The most accessible to buyers are mixtures of the brands Agusha, Malyutka, NAS, Nutrilak, Nutrilon, Nestogen. They can be found in a large number of stores.

Inexpensive mixtures are Malyutka, Nestogen, Semper, Nutrilak, Similak.

Tips for choosing

Before purchasing the mixture, you should definitely consult with the pediatrician who is watching your child, since the right choice affects the health of the baby. Immediately after birth, fresh mixtures are recommended, since regurgitation may increase from fermented milk types of product. From the second or third month of life, 50% of the fresh mixture can be replaced with fermented milk.

When purchasing an adapted formula for your baby, you need to make sure that you can regularly buy the same product for your baby. See which mixes in your area are found in stores and markets the most. Buy one of them and check the baby's reaction, then buy it with a margin, remembering to check the integrity of its packaging and the expiration date.

When choosing, be sure to read the composition and choose the best one for your baby. A tin can is more convenient than a cardboard box.

Choose a formula that says the milk comes from cows that have not been fed with antibiotics, hormones, or other medications on the packaging.

We take into account the age

Since the digestive system and the need for substances change with age, the formula of the infant formula, like the composition of breast milk, depends on the age of the baby. Therefore, with age, the amount of unadapted milk proteins, vitamins and other microelements increases. Mixtures become more satisfying with age.

You can understand the age at which the mixture is applied as follows:

  • The number "0" on the package (or the prefix "pre") - for babies with low weight or premature babies;
  • "1" - from birth to 6 months;
  • "2" - from six months to a year;
  • "3" - for a child over one year old.

Quantity calculation

If the baby is not yet 10 days old, to determine the volume of the mixture he needs per day, use the Finkelstein formula. With a baby weighing less than 3200 g, his age in days is multiplied by 70, and with a greater weight - by 80.

For a baby over 10 days old but under 2 months old the volume per day should be 1/5 of its weight.

Baby aged from two to four months should receive a volume equal to 1/6 of its mass per day.

For a baby of four to six months the daily volume is 1/7 of its weight.

Baby over six months approximately receives a mixture per day in a volume equal to 1 / 8-1 / 9 of its mass.

The resulting amount of the mixture is divided by the number of feedings.

Possible problems

You should definitely discuss the following difficulties with your pediatrician:

  • The child has insufficient growth and weight gain.
  • Frequent regurgitation appeared.
  • The chair is three times a day or more. At the same time, white undigested lumps are found in it.
  • The baby has anxiety after feeding.

Watch the video: Why need minerals and vitamins. Which mineral mixture is best in PIg farming (July 2024).