
The benefits of badger fat for children and does it help with coughs?

Many adults know that such a product of animal origin and traditional medicine as badger fat has many medicinal properties. But can children take it? At what age is it allowed to rub a baby with such fat, and when can you start giving it inside? Will such a product harm the child's body and does it really effectively cope with coughs? Let's figure it out.


Badger fat accumulates active and valuable compounds when the animal prepares for hibernation, therefore, such a product contains vitamins E, K, A, group B, omega fatty acids, organic acids, minerals and other substances. They provide the healing effect of this animal fat:

For the cases of the use of badger fat, see the video of the Medpochta channel.

Benefits and medicinal properties

  • Badger fat is well absorbed and at the same time enriches the body with vitamins, trace elements and other useful compounds.
  • Eating badger fat improves protein metabolism, normalizes digestion, strengthens the immune system and regulates blood formation.
  • This product has bactericidal properties.
  • Especially known is the property of badger fat to treat cough. It helps in the treatment of bronchitis, pneumonia, purulent processes, tuberculosis and many other diseases.
  • The presence of vitamins E and A in the composition of badger fat enhances the anti-inflammatory properties of the agent, helping in wound healing. The product has shown its effectiveness in severe skin lesions and psoriasis.

Harm and contraindications

Until the age of three, it is prohibited to take badger fat inside, and only external use is permissible. Many doctors do not advise giving such fat to older children, arguing that until the age of 8-12, the child's liver cannot digest and break down such a fatty product. It is permissible for babies over 3 years old to give this remedy after consulting a doctor and in certain dosages appropriate for their age.

It is also important to remember that although badger fat is a natural remedy, a child may have an intolerance to such a product. If a child has allergic diseases, it is not recommended to try preparations from badger fat. You can not give such folk medicines and pathologies of the gallbladder, pancreas and liver.

What does it look like?

The color of natural badger fat is white or slightly yellowish. The product is noted to have a not very pleasant specific smell, as well as taste. Such animal fat quickly solidifies upon cooling and softens fairly quickly at room temperature.

Today, badger fat is also available in capsules and liquid form. At the same time, you should know that dietary supplements containing such fat include other additives, including preservatives and flavorings. That is why it is not worth giving them to children.

From what age to use and can it be given to children under one year old?

The use of badger fat is contraindicated for children under 12 months old. Doctors recommend starting the external use of such a product in the treatment of children and for prophylactic purposes not earlier than one year of age, but preferably from three years.

In what doses should be taken orally?

The pure fat of a badger is taken three times a day on an empty stomach, about 30-50 minutes before meals. On average, the use of such a drug is prescribed for 10-14 days. The permissible dosage of badger fat for internal use depends on the age of the child:

Can I give it with milk?

Since the taste of badger fat cannot be called pleasant, and the smell of this product is very specific, so it will not be easy to persuade a child to take a spoonful of such a product inside. Milk helps to disguise the product. Warm it up a little, add the right amount of fat, stir well and invite the child to drink in small sips. If the baby is lactose intolerant, it is recommended to replace milk with rosehip broth.

Other options for giving tasteless badger fat to children are:

  1. Mixing with honey. It is permissible only if there is no allergy to this component. The fat of the badger is softened at room temperature, and then mixed with honey, taking 3 parts of fat and 1 part of a sweet additive.
  2. Mixing with jam or preserves. The principle is the same as when using honey - the fat and the tasty ingredient are mixed in a 3 to 1 ratio.
  3. Mixing with onions. The onion is crushed into gruel and combined with badger fat in the same proportion. This is an effective remedy against viral infections, however, due to its unpleasant taste, many children refuse to even try it. In this case, the onion-fat mixture can be used for rubbing.
  4. Mixing with chocolate. Melt dark chocolate (1 bar) and butter (100 g), add badger fat (8 teaspoons), wait for all ingredients to mix well. Next add cocoa powder (6 teaspoons) and stir. The remedy can be given in a dose of 1/2 teaspoon to children from 8 to 10 years old, and to a child over 10 years of age - a teaspoon each. Such a mixture is effective in acute bronchitis (you need to give up to 14 days), as well as in the chronic form of this disease (given within 1-1.5 months).

Can you rub a child with badger fat?

Rubbing is a good choice when such a remedy is wanted to get rid of a cough. The chest, as well as the back of the child, is lubricated with fat at night, gently rubbing the skin with massage movements. The product can also be applied to the baby's feet.

How to take a cough: instructions for use

Most often, badger fat is recommended for the treatment of colds, diseases of the bronchi and lungs, as this natural remedy helps to cope with coughs. In this case, the use of badger fat when coughing should take into account the following points:

  1. Rubbing the child is advised in the absence of a high temperature, since the use of badger fat in the acute stage of the disease can increase inflammation and raise the temperature even more. The best time for warming treatments such as rubbing with badger fat is during the recovery phase.
  2. Before the procedure, the product should be kept on the table for a short time so that its consistency becomes suitable for rubbing.
  3. The area of ​​the skin that is rubbed with fat should be small, since a significant area of ​​treatment will interfere with skin breathing.
  4. Before rubbing your baby's back or chest, apply the product to a small area of ​​skin and wait a little. After making sure that there is no immediate allergic reaction, the badger fat can be applied further.
  5. It is desirable that, after rubbing, the child goes to bed and falls asleep quickly, so the most appropriate time for the procedures is before nighttime or lunchtime.

Use for prevention

To protect your child from colds, badger fat can be rubbed into the baby's feet. After applying the product with massaging movements, put on two pairs of socks on top - thin and woolen. The procedure is recommended before the season of colds, as well as for a slight cough or runny nose.

For older children, you can prepare a prophylactic agent with badger fat for oral administration. Add walnuts and raisins, as well as natural honey and dried apricots, taken in the same amount to 100 grams of fat.

Komarovsky's opinion

Like many other doctors who recognize only evidence-based medicine, Dr. Komarovsky considers badger fat ineffective for increasing immunity, since this remedy is unable to protect the child from viruses that cause respiratory infections.

The pediatrician urges parents to take care of strengthening the defenses of the child's body in more effective ways (daily walks, the right diet, hardening, the right choice of clothes), and not rely on the fat obtained from the badger.


According to many parents, badger fat is an effective cough remedy. Here are some of them:

  • Yana: “We have been treated with badger fat since a year when we had a severe cough. A friend suggested trying this remedy. We rubbed our daughter's breast, legs and back, put on warm socks and a jacket. After three days of such procedures, the cough disappeared without a trace. Now I use it in the treatment of cough for the whole family. "
  • Elena: “We are 1.5 years old and have already used badger fat several times. It really helps with coughs very quickly. I combine it with expectorant drugs. And only in the absence of temperature. In any case, a sick child should first be seen by a doctor. "
  • Svetlana: “My son is three. We get sick very often. Mom advised me to drink badger fat. I mixed it with honey and gave half a teaspoon for a month. This year colds have passed us by, so I will periodically use this remedy for prevention in the future. "

Despite Komarovsky's opinion, many parents have tested the effectiveness of badger fat in the treatment of colds for children and consider it a very effective remedy. As a rule, a product purchased from hunters has a particularly pronounced effect.


When applying, learn the following nuances:

  • Do not heat natural badger fat before use. For the product to soften, it is enough to leave it for a short time at room temperature.
  • When rubbing your child with this product, avoid the area above the heart.
  • After rubbing the crumbs with badger fat, put on some old clothes on top, since the product is easily absorbed into the laundry and washed with great difficulty.
  • Buy badger fat, which you will give to your child or use for rubbing, from trusted hunters or in the pharmacy chain. If the product has a pronounced yellow color and has a sour smell, you should refuse to purchase.

Watch the video: Child Care u0026 First Aid: How to Treat a Cough (July 2024).