
What vitamins are best for children 10 years old?

The body of a ten-year-old child is growing very actively, so getting enough vitamins at this age is very important. What vitamins are considered the most valuable for children of 10 years old, is it necessary to use vitamin preparations from a pharmacy to obtain them? What complex is best suited for the prevention of hypovitaminosis at this age?

What is it?

Vitamins are very important for maintaining the health of a ten year old child. They help in the development of internal organs and the nervous system, strengthen the spine, are important for the eruption of permanent teeth and protect eyesight from school stress.

Without adequate daily nutritional intake of vitamins, a child can develop various health problems. Vitamin supplements can help out in this case.

The most important vitamins / minerals for 10 year olds are:

In order for parents to understand whether a child has enough vitamins from food or vitamin preparations, you need to focus on the daily needs at the age of 10:


The main reason for prescribing complex vitamins at the age of 10 is an unbalanced diet, as a result of which the child cannot get all the necessary nutrients from food. In addition, taking vitamin preparations is recommended:

  • In order to prevent or eliminate overwork.
  • To increase appetite.
  • With a seasonal decrease in vitamins in food.
  • To support the child's body during the recovery period after acute illnesses.
  • With frequent colds.
  • When visiting sports sections (with high physical activity).


Vitamin preparations are not recommended for:

  • Intolerance to any ingredient of the selected vitamin supplement.
  • Development of hypervitaminosis.

In addition, the choice of a complex of vitamins and minerals for a 10-year-old child should be very careful in the presence of diseases of the digestive and excretory systems, allergies, metabolic disorders and other serious pathologies.

Should I use to strengthen the immune system?

The immune system of 10-year-old children is constantly under high stress, since at this age children actively communicate with both adults and peers. They go to school and spend a lot of energy on homework, and also go to various extracurricular activities. In order to increase the defenses of the student's body, it is important to provide him with a sufficient dose of vitamins C, D, A and E in food. You can also help the immune system by using special vitamin complexes, such as Multi-tabs Immuno Kids, Pikovit Prebiotic or VitaMishki Immuno +.

Release forms

Vitamins used at the age of 10 can be represented by sweet gel, chewable lozenges, capsules, sweet syrup, lozenges and coated tablets. There are also injectable forms of vitamins that are prescribed in the treatment of hypovitaminosis. As for prophylactic use, chewable vitamin complexes are most in demand in 10-year-old children.

What vitamins are better for giving: a review of popular

The most popular for children 10 years old are the following complex vitamin supplements:

Nutritional adjustments as an alternative

Thinking about vitamin supplements for a 10-year-old child, you should first evaluate the student's diet, because most of the vitamins enter the body precisely with food.

If you balance and correct the child's menu, you can avoid hypovitaminosis and the use of pharmaceuticals.

To do this, a 10-year-old child must definitely use:

  • Poultry, meat and offal dishes.
  • Fresh and cooked vegetables.
  • Milk and various products from it.
  • Vegetable oils and nuts.
  • Butter.
  • Porridge and other cereal dishes.
  • Bread made from different flours.
  • Fish and seafood.
  • Legumes.

Komarovsky's opinion

A popular doctor calls vitamins very valuable substances for the child's body and believes that their deficiency can interfere with the development of the student's body. At the same time, Komarovsky advises paying attention to a sufficient amount of vitamins in the food of a 10-year-old child, and not going to the pharmacy for a vitamin complex. A well-known pediatrician does not recommend taking multivitamins for prophylactic purposes, and in case of hypovitaminosis, he recommends consulting a doctor for prescribing vitamin preparations that are shown to the child to eliminate the deficiency that has arisen. For more details, see the program of Dr. Komarovsky.


  • When purchasing a vitamin complex for a 10-year-old child, you should carefully read the annotation to the drug. From it you will find out whether this remedy is really approved for admission at the age of 10 years, and also specify the dosage and contraindications. You cannot give your child vitamin preparations intended for adolescents or adults.
  • To be sure that you bought quality vitamins for your child, it is best to go to the pharmacy for them and choose products from a well-known brand.
  • Remember that almost all vitamin complexes have a tonic effect, so make sure that your child does not take vitamins after dinner.

Watch the video: Best Children Vitamins 2018 (July 2024).