
Pampers diapers: features and types

Pampers is one of those global brands that literally everyone has heard of, and we can safely say that at least once in a lifetime, its products have been used by at least a billion people on our planet. Another thing is that for the layman this name is just a diaper, and when it comes to choosing such products for your own child, you suddenly remember that alternative manufacturers are also possible. In a word, responsible parents will certainly not limit themselves to the information provided in the advertisement, therefore, it is worthwhile to carefully understand what the products of this brand are.

Brand history

It is not for nothing that diapers in our country are often called "diapers" - the fact is that it was the Pampers company that invented and was the first to present such childcare products. Interestingly, this company is American, and during the Soviet Union, its products, naturally, did not reach the current post-Soviet countries, which, however, did not prevent its primacy here too - that is why diapers and "diapers" in Russian have become almost synonymous.

As is often the case, it is better to invent childcare products differently from laboratory specialists than from people who care for their own children at home. In our case, the inventor was still not the father, but the grandfather, but what kind - Victor Mills (1897-1997), being an exemplary family man, combined this humanly good quality with the corresponding work, since he worked as a chemical engineer at Procter & Gamble, which by that time it was already widely known for its children's products. However, in this invention, family ties still played a more important role, since initially the author of the first diaper did not see an industrial component in his development, trying only to simplify the change of diapers for his grandson.

There are, however, earlier attempts to create diapers, in which, in particular, sawdust was used instead of modern fillers, but for obvious reasons they did not become widespread, and therefore Mills is often considered a full-fledged inventor, who was late for several years, but suggested closer to the modern version.

The first attempts to create such a product for home use occurred in the 50s of the last century, but when Victor Mills realized that he had managed to come up with a damn convenient thing, he immediately decided to launch it into production. Already in the next decade, Pampers diapers flooded store shelves, but at the time it was a product so different from everything else that it was difficult for him to choose any department, so these baby care products were sold even in grocery departments. Interestingly, the official history of the brand recognizes the merit in the spread of a newfangled invention thanks to hippies and their sympathetic youth, because such people did not believe that having a child obliges a woman to sit within four walls.

Realizing that it is possible to enrich with diapers, the manufacturer began to spend even more efforts on improving them, and the 70s of the last century became the decade of this diaper breakthrough. First of all, the usual Velcro on "diapers" was not always present - earlier instead of them there were buttons on the buttons, which is not very hygienic for parents. In addition, in the first decade of sales, such products were too monotonous and did not take into account the individual characteristics of children. Accordingly, in the 70s, Velcro was introduced, as well as the gradation of "diapers" by appointment - according to the age and size of the baby, as well as models for premature babies and special diapers for the whole day that can absorb more.

In the 1980s, the process of improving childcare continued. First of all, diapers, which were previously sold individually or in small packs, now began to be produced in large packages - manufacturers realized that young parents do not have much time to constantly visit the store. Up to this point, all the absorbent panties were quite thick and voluminous, but the invention of the gel filler made it possible to somewhat reduce this "airbag".

The developers also realized that the parameters of the child are constantly changing, and it is not worth limiting the "diapers" to standard sizes - the result is Velcro, which allows you to adjust the size of each copy. The panties themselves have become more comfortable, since special elastic inserts have been added to their design next to the legs.

For parents, a very convenient solution was the appearance of a special dryness indicator in the form of a strip showing the filling level of the diaper.

By the 90s of the last century, when Pampers finally reached the market of the now post-Soviet countries, their products were close to ideal. However, developments are constantly underway, because the ideal, as you know, is unattainable. So, much attention was paid to increasing the absorbency of the "diaper", because even with an increase in the cost of each item, this means a reduction in the frequency of its replacement, which is very convenient. Not without improvements in terms of convenience for the child himself - a modern elastic belt wraps around the baby's waist very tightly, but at the same time does not hinder movement at all.

Modern diapers, without allowing moisture to pass through, are able to let air in, thereby significantly reducing the likelihood of skin problems, and some models are even equipped with a layer of lotion for moisturizing.


Despite the hard work of the developers, which has been going on for more than half a century, diapers are still not perfectly perfect. Even Pampers, whose products are traditionally considered cutting-edge thanks to the active introduction of their own new technologies, cannot yet offer a universal solution for all children, so parents have to choose from several options, which will be discussed below.

However, for all varieties of "diapers" are characterized by some general advantages that make you make a choice in their favor.

  • Long lasting effect. Of course, no diaper lasts forever, but in general, each of them is able to keep the baby's skin dry for several hours, and this is still a minimum indicator. For a mother, this is a big plus - now she is not obliged to react to a child's surprise immediately, and in general she has more free time. The kid from this also turns out to be only a plus, because the mother can really be busy at this moment, and the "diaper" will save him from dermatitis and other skin troubles due to getting wet.
  • Deep sleep. It is extremely important for newborns to sleep a lot and soundly - in sleep they gain the strength necessary for rapid growth and rapid development. At the same time, it is uncomfortable to sleep wet, because the baby, every time involuntarily getting wet, would be guaranteed to wake up, which creates a significant stress load on both the child himself and his parents, who would have to lull the baby to sleep every time. Modern technology allows the diaper to absorb moisture so quickly and efficiently that its small wearer usually does not even wake up.
  • Simplicity of joint exits. A small child is a model of helplessness, which means that his mother is often literally attached to him. Moreover, she constantly needs a lot of care products that should always be at hand, and a few decades ago this meant that a woman could not go out, not only to visit, but even to a store or a clinic with the same child. ...

With a diaper, this problem is solved much easier, because, being timely replaced with a fresh one, it is able to withstand a walk for several hours without incident.


Of course, before the appearance of diapers of any kind, mankind did without them, having raised billions of its representatives, among which were even very successful individuals. Moreover, even today, in the third millennium, the rapid development of technology did not lead to the widespread use of "diapers" - they, being very popular, still could not completely replace either diapers or a kind of home alternative in the form of reusable gauze diapers.

The reason for the continued competition is that Victor Mills' invention, albeit very developed since then, still needs a lot of work to eliminate their main flaws.

  • Price. First of all, you need to understand that a good diaper is a whole technology. You can conduct a banal experiment by trying to wrap a child in thick blankets made of different materials - none of them will provide the same effect as "diapers". This means that the manufacturer spends a lot on research and uses special materials, which affects the cost of the final product. As a result, disposable diapers cost a lot of money for the family budget, and it's good if there is only one baby of the corresponding age in the family.
  • Overheating possible. The most modern Pampers models even know how to breathe without letting in excess moisture, however, when buying such products, the disadvantage in the form of a high price is further aggravated. This forces many parents to purchase cheaper diapers, which, naturally, do not have all the advantages of more expensive models - in particular, they do not have the same protection against overheating. As a result, the baby runs the risk of getting any skin problem. In fairness, it should be clarified that in too hot weather, even technological models are unlikely to provide one hundred percent protection against overheating.
  • The subtleties of choice. As is often the case, a wide variety of models, created specifically so that everyone can choose the best option, in some cases can only further confuse the consumer. There are many series in the Pampers model range, each of which has its own advantages and disadvantages, so young parents often have to first select products by trial and error.

In order not to waste precious time tormenting a child in vain, you should carefully study the features of all series of such diapers.


For strangers who did not have their own children, all babies seem to be about the same, but parents know that at each stage of development, the child's needs are completely different. The Pampers developers also know about this, and therefore they have proposed different series of diapers, each of which has its own pros and cons of use. Naturally, it is advisable to navigate in this topic - this is the only way to be sure that the money spent will bring maximum benefit.

"Sleep and Play"

For example, the series "Sleep and Play" is rightly one of the most demanded - in particular, for the reason that with good quality such a diaper is relatively inexpensive. There is also a soft top layer, thanks to which the material does not irritate the skin, and a rather roomy inner layer, which in some cases lasts the whole night. The manufacturer was not too lazy to choose a "breathable" fabric to avoid diaper rash, and even used chamomile extract in the production process for additional skin care.

However, the latter may turn out to be an allergen for some children, and the "diaper" itself should be monitored periodically - with a strong filling, it can leak. By the way, he will tell you about the need for a change not in the most pleasant way - though a slight, but still a characteristic chemical smell will appear in the air, which frightens many parents. The clasp here is also imperfect - it does not stretch very well, which can be a problem for pot-bellied children.

"Active Baby-Dry"

The "Active Baby-Dry" series, as the name suggests, was created specifically to increase dryness indicators, and the basis for such a model was the above-described series. All the advantages of "Sleep and Play" are preserved, but this "diaper" is able to withstand much longer - even 12 hours is not an incredible feat for it. For enhanced skin protection, aloe extract is also used, but the disadvantage with Velcro is corrected - they are much more elastic here.

At the same time, the same aloe can become another reason for the occurrence of allergies, and purely biological notes have been added to the chemical smell that does not disappear anywhere, which such a "breathing" fabric allows a little. A significant capacity affects the shape of the product - with strong filling, it simply sags, and tightly tightened Velcro, by the way, can come off, which will lead to a real home disaster.

However, the increased term of use without replacement is of interest to many parents, and even a slightly increased cost does not deter them.

"Premium Care"

The “Premium Care” series, as the name suggests, was conceived as premium quality products, so it is not surprising that absolutely all the advantages of the first two series are preserved here. Moreover, the absorbent present here is capable of absorbing moisture up to thirty times its own volume. With such a "diaper" leakage is impossible due to double cuffs, and reinforced reusable fasteners are designed to withstand any weight of the diaper, having a special cut in the navel for the convenience of babies of any age.

The moisture indicator complements the picture, thanks to which even inexperienced parents immediately understand whether it is time to change the "diaper". This solution has only two drawbacks - the notorious smell of "chemistry" and the price, which also belongs to the premium category.

"New Baby-Dry"

The New Baby-Dry series is a slightly improved version of the classic Active Baby-Dry. The new diapers, in contrast to the older version, absorb moisture much faster and do not leak thanks to the double cuffs, and the carefully designed shape of the product and highly elastic Velcro means freedom of movement for the baby while being completely safe for the surrounding interior. As is often the case with enhancements, there is only one minus - the price.


The Pants series is a new take on the old Sleep And Play series, designed to meet the needs of older children who are already quite active, creating an additional threat of leakage. Both the advantages and disadvantages are generally very similar to the original series, but the fundamental difference is that such a diaper is already classified into options for boys and girls, being both more comfortable to move and more effective in terms of absorption.

Separately, it should be said that this "diaper" is put on literally in one movement, which is very important in conditions when the little fidget does not want to sit still.

Size range

Choosing the right diaper size is one of the most important points in childcare. A too small specimen may not fit at all, or it will fit, but it will significantly limit movement, and as it fills it will bring real discomfort.Too large "diaper" will also disappoint - there will be a higher likelihood of leakage, but even with a reliable girth of the leg with cuffs, minus such a choice will be in the free space between the skin and the diaper, which will greatly increase the likelihood of diaper rash.

To avoid all these potential problems, special attention should be paid to the selection of the diaper size.


It is quite rare, it is designed for babies weighing 1-3 kilograms, that is, those born prematurely. Fits to competitor SSS size.


Known to many as size 1, it doesn't even have specific weight recommendations. As the name suggests, such a diaper is designed specifically for a newborn baby, and he grows out of it extremely quickly, because the period of its use is literally limited to the first weeks.

Size "2"

Designed for toddlers weighing from 3 to 6 kilograms. Many parents skip the purchase of diapers for newborns altogether if the baby was born quite large, and start with a “two”. On average, the use of such a "diaper" is appropriate until the age of two months, although it all depends on the individual parameters of the child.

Size "3"

Assumes that the baby weighs about 4-7 kilograms. It is easy to see that the weight parameters largely duplicate the previous size - this is done both because of the difference in secondary dimensions, and so that parents can afford to buy a large package in a fast-growing baby. Typically, these diapers are appropriate until about seven months of age.

Size "4"

Assumes a significant increase in weight - up to 18 kilograms. Here you should pay attention to specific numbers, because different diaper manufacturers under the same size may indicate limits of 9-14 kg, and with an upper ceiling of 16 kg, and some set a rather high lower weight bar, and then the product is suitable only for a toddler weighing 12-18 kg. Pampers products have quite elastic fasteners and securely wrapped cuffs, so there is no lower weight limit here.

The fourth size for most babies should be the last - by the time they reach their maximum weight limit, children usually already know how to use the potty.

Size "5"

Also known as "Junior", it allows a child to weigh up to 25 kilograms and can be used until school. Such a product is in demand relatively infrequently, but the manufacturer takes into account the individual characteristics of each child. By the way, there are even larger sizes in this category, but it's already really hard to find them.

Separately, you need to talk about choosing a size. It is not for nothing that many sizes partially overlap - this was done specifically so that a rapidly growing child does not force parents to throw out unused, but already too small diapers. Accordingly, if a child fits into two weight categories at once, it would be reasonable to choose a larger one.


With the constant danger of allergies, many parents are wondering what Pampers diapers are made of. It should be noted that the technologies used by the company are constantly being updated, therefore the materials may differ somewhat even in individual series produced in parallel, but in general it is not difficult to describe the materials needed to create a "diaper".

Any high-quality diaper consists of several layers, each of which performs its own task. Outside we see a bright and shiny layer, the task of which is not only to create an attractive appearance of the panties, but also to prevent leaks. Accordingly, materials for these purposes are taken waterproof - usually a nonwoven material, additionally protected by polyethylene lamination.

Immediately below the moisture-proof layer is a layer, thanks to which the diaper is able to absorb moisture, preventing it from contacting the skin for a long time. Here we need materials that literally attract liquid to themselves - fluffed cellulose acts as a base, which is additionally impregnated with a polymer with superabsorbent properties.

Even closer to the baby, there is a layer called a distribution layer. There is also an absorbent here that can absorb moisture, but it is not so active, since the task of the material is to let the liquid go deep into the diaper and provide space for the circulation of air masses. This material is the so-called thermobond.

Finally, the layer in direct contact with the skin should simply let all the liquid through it, without irritating the skin with its touch, and even helping it to recover from regular contact with moisture. A synthetic polyester fabric that does not cause allergies is often used as a base. For a kind of treatment of the skin from the potential development of dermatitis, plant impregnation is used.

The abundance of synthetics in children's products usually scares parents, since a lot has already been said about the dangers of such materials. In the case of Pampers, there is no need to be afraid - this company is at the forefront of its field on a global scale, because all of its products meet the strictest quality standards, which, as you know, are much higher in the Western world than in our country.

Interestingly, the synthetic essence of diapers presupposes an abundance of complex materials that would have survived in nature for more than a century and require complex technologies for disposal, but such a popular product still does not create much pollution. The likely reason for this imbalance is that in countries with a high standard of living, the government devotes significant funds to waste disposal, including high-tech, and in poorer countries, residents simply opt for less famous brands with cheaper products, which are not providing all the necessary benefits, it still degrades much faster.

Selection recommendations

So that expensive packaging does not cause huge disappointment, you should understand how not to be mistaken with the choice of diapers.

When choosing Pampers, parents pay tribute to the high quality of their products, but this does not negate the fact that there are a few things to keep in mind.

  • Shelf life usually more typical for food products, but it is also very appropriate for vegetable diapers. If you want the purchased baby care products to match the price and provide the maximum effect, pay attention to the shelf life of this package. Keep in mind that it is advisable to use all the diapers from the pack by the indicated date.
  • Depending on the specific series, Pampers produces diaper packaging completely different roominess. So, "diapers" of 5 sizes can be produced in a very small pack of 11 pieces, while packages marked "mega box" can contain, say, 88, 96 or even 120 copies. Many parents are tempted to buy in advance so as not to go to the store again, but here it should be understood that in the first months of life, the child grows rapidly, and its size changes very quickly, which may make old diapers too small. A monthly stock in the form of a pack of 104 pieces is worth buying only if the size is at least the third, when the growth rate of the baby slows down somewhat. As for the smaller sizes, which are also sold in huge packs, here the manufacturer took care rather of the happy parents of twins.
  • Many parents claim that if the baby matches two sizes at once you should buy not a larger, but initially a smaller size - as opposed to what the manufacturer recommends. This observation is partly true, because the tighter the product fits the child's body, the healthier the child will be and the less chances of a leak. However, if you decide to go this way, you should refuse to buy large packs, because the choice in favor of a smaller size is always a short-term phenomenon.
  • It so happens that the complexion of the child does not always correspond to the weight - for example, a generally slender baby may have relatively plump limbs. In such a situation, the standard sizing table can be deceiving, because it is worth choosing products one size larger. If it is obvious that the diaper squeezes the legs and rubs them, then the change should be performed as soon as possible.

  • The child will grow up for a long time after giving up the "diapers", he does it constantly, which means Velcro on the product must be fastened with a certain margin, otherwise, a large pack or the next one bought of the same size will soon be useless. If the product is fastened back to back, it means that the baby is ready to move to the next size.
  • Diaper size concerns not only the amount of fabric used and the diameter of the leg and torso openings, but also the amount of absorbent used. If the child has a good metabolism (which is expressed, in particular, by rapid growth), a diaper that is suitable in size will somewhat unexpectedly fail to cope with the task, filling up too quickly and allowing leaks. There is only one way out - to buy larger "diapers".
  • If the choice fell on panties that have a gradation according to the gender of the child, then it is unacceptable to ignore this moment. Perhaps no one sees the inconsistency of the pattern with the baby's sex, however, the design of such a product itself assumes a special location of the absorbent, which is located exactly where it is needed for the corresponding floor. Therefore, a diaper for the opposite sex, even if of the highest quality, will surely be disappointing - it will fill up too quickly and often leak.
  • Any theory often faces defeat, being tested in practice, because no detailed advice gives a 100% guarantee that thanks to them you will find the best option for your baby. Trial and error is indispensable here, so initially each diaper variant should be tested by buying small packages. Some sellers even offer "diapers" by the piece, but for testing this is exactly what you need - and a mistake will not cost much, and you can compare all the options in the shortest possible time.
  • In some cases, even the best diapers designed specifically to resist the onset of diaper rash fail. Parents can get knocked off their feet looking for the best diapers, but it’s worth wondering if they’re at all the reason - the fact is that too dry and warm indoor air provokes perspiration, which often causes skin problems.


Pampers diapers are so common that almost any parent should have their own opinion about the product. As is often the case, it can be presented by opposing points of view, although negative quite often appears due to the wrong choice of the model.

As for the often mentioned advantages, they all relate to different areas of compliance of such products with consumer expectations. These diapers are almost always comfortable for the baby, it is convenient for him in them, while leaks in a properly worn and timely replaced product are a very rare phenomenon. In terms of absorbency, "diapers" are, if not the best in the world, then at least one of those, which is facilitated by the active use of new technologies and our own research.

The variety of products produced under this brand allows you to choose good diapers for children of any weight, age and gender, while the "diapers" themselves are produced in different price categories to satisfy every customer.

But what everyone or almost everyone complains about is the chemical smell - unfortunately, the synthetics used in the production process have a tangible aroma. In addition, this smell is usually intensified if the diaper was used as intended, although this can be seen as a plus - parents will be notified even without visual contact with the child.

For information on which diapers to choose, see the next video.

Watch the video: HOW TO: Properly Put on a Cloth Diaper All-in-one TUTORIAL (July 2024).