
Letter from Santa Claus to a child: templates and ideas

For the vast majority of children, direct communication with Santa Claus - one of the main fairytale elements of all childhood - will be a real miracle. Indeed, kids really want to believe that a fairy tale exists, but its visual manifestations can be seen only in December.

At the same time, children usually meet with a kind old man only at mass matinees, where, although they fall on the knees of the wizard, everything happens in conveyor mode, which is why the feeling of a miracle is greatly lost. In addition, some kids deep down begin to suspect that in general, Santa Claus exists, but somewhere far away, and this is just his disguised assistant.

In a word, something more unusual is needed that would reinforce the belief in miracles.

More and more parents are trying to bring elements of a fairy tale into children's life with a simple but effective method, namely, they write a letter to the old man, in which the child must indicate what he would like to receive as a gift and why he believes that he deserves such a gift. However, this is just a hope for the existence of magic, but you can, after all, confirm it one hundred percent - for this you need, for Grandpa to send an answer!

In fact, this is not nearly as difficult as it might seem at first glance, and there are several ways to organize such a small miracle at once - let's see how to do it in the best possible way!

We write ourselves

If you need to provide your child with an amazing holiday with communication with Santa Claus, but the family does not have the money to hire a special person, you can make sure that the baby allegedly receives a message from the old man. You can get such a souvenir in different ways, but the most economical (and creative) way is, of course, to make it yourself.

It should be noted here that most parents still do not have a special gift for decoration, so it would be best if a congratulatory letter Will "come" with the gift. This option is especially appropriate if the child is still small enough to believe in Santa Claus sincerely, just before that he wrote him a letter with a request to give something specific, and it was the coveted gift that the parents prepared for the baby.

In this case, it is no longer so important for the child how the response letter will look - after all, he had no doubts about the existence of a fairy tale, but now there is clear evidence in the form of a dream come true.

However, if there is an opportunity to create a beautiful New Year's greetings, it is better to do just that, because you will agree: it is a little strange that the almighty magician from a fairy tale writes his letters with a blue gel pen on a sheet torn from a school notebook.

After all, it is not necessary to reinvent the wheel: parents can look in stores for a decent-looking New Year card and simply sign it as if it came from Santa Claus himself. In addition, you can stick the same small bow on it - and that's it, for the happiness of a small child, much is not required.

If parents or their good friends draw well, have good skills in application or any other decoration, then this should definitely be used. In this case, the task of the designer is to individualize the message as much as possible, to make it so that it is obvious: this letter is for this particular child, and not for any other. Besides the typical New Year's attributes, you can depict the child himself there (only if there is enough plausibility) and the gift he wanted - at least if the dream is about to come true.

What to write?

If the desired gift is attached to the message, then the baby will have much fewer questions about the design of the letter, but he will definitely want to know the content of what he has written - after all, a real personalized letter from a real magician! Consequently, the text is of great importance, but not all parents are able to choose words so as to completely charm the little one. In this situation, it remains only to look on the Internet for an example of how a real Santa Claus could turn to a child.

First of all, kind letters are popular - the wizard is still kind, he will always support the baby and never punish. As you know, for children, praise has always been an excellent incentive for further self-improvement, because this is a clear sign that you are not trying in vain. So the baby, even if his behavior was not absolutely ideal, should be emphasized in the letter "from Santa Claus" his best qualities - those that could really please both the old man and the parents.

Of course, if adults want to explicitly point the little one to certain expected actions on his part, you can write a message with tasks - for example, next year, study even harder, obey mom and dad, and so on. As practice shows, a real wizard who really sends letters and gifts is perceived as a much more serious and strict authority than such ordinary parents.

While a letter from Grandpa can be a great parenting element, it is not worth turning it into a "distribution". Santa Claus usually simply ignores those children who behaved very disgustingly, so even a naughty child should write at least a couple of warm lines.

In the text, you can scold him a little, but not much, and do not forget that the main goal is still to create a holiday for the baby, otherwise why then do we need Santa Claus?

There are usually no radical differences in letters to a boy and a girl, except that a little more compliments are usually weighed out to the girl and you can separately convey greetings from the Snow Maiden, and boys, on average, are slightly more likely to adhere to discipline.

If there are many children in the family, while all of them are quite small, you can write one general letter for several children. These messages are usually funny and often contain useful contests (like a competition to see who will be better next year).

The text of the message also strongly depends on the age of the child who should receive it. It would be foolish to ask a 3-4-year-old kid to study well - he still does not even perceive developmental activities as learning, and it is too early to demand success and diligence from him. For such children, a maximum of fairy tales are usually added to the text, describing the beauty of the winter forest in which the old wizard supposedly lives, and the magic of New Year's Eve.

A letter to a first grader, or, even more so, even older children, should no longer contain too naive fairy tricks - that way, you can provoke rejection, they say, I'm already too old for this. But while the belief in magic is still alive, you can use it to stimulate the achievement of very real success in life.

Actually, a dry theory will not be sufficient material for writing without appropriate examples. We will give only two, but in compliance with all of the above. The first letter - to a very young child, the second - to a primary school student, containing both a description of positive traits and guidance on the right path.

Example 1

Hello dear Masha!

We, Grandfather Frost and Snegurochka, decided to write you this letter because you behaved very well all year and made me and my granddaughter very happy.

New Year is coming soon - Snegurochka and I have already covered everything around with a warm white blanket, decorated the city with large icicles and prepared a gift for you.

In your letter, you wrote that you dream of getting a big doll - that is what we have prepared for you. We hope that next year you will become even more independent, learn how to dress yourself and keep your toys in order.

On the night before the New Year, when a garland lights up on a festive tree, look for our gift under it.

With love, Santa Claus and Snow Maiden.

Example 2

Hello Sasha!

Greetings from Santa Claus, the main wizard of winter and New Year! I am subject to the fulfillment of the wishes of all children who sincerely believe that New Year's Eve is a time for miracles and dreams come true!

You wrote to me that you love to draw very much, and even sent your own drawing, which I really liked, so I will fulfill your wish and give you what you have dreamed of for so long - new skates.

I know that some subjects are difficult for you at school, but I still hope that next year you will try even harder and will be able to finish the school year without Cs.

Remember that everything is good in moderation, obey your parents and do not forget to play sports in order to grow big and strong!

Loving you, Santa Claus.

We create a letter using special sites

Modern technologies are aimed at making a person's life as comfortable as possible in any situation, including congratulating their own children on the New Year. Nowadays, there are quite a number of sites that offer to turn the process of creating a congratulatory letter from Santa Claus into a quick and simple procedure, and most importantly, to achieve a very attractive result.

Everything is done very simply. A typical site for the development of "original Dadmorozov letters" reduces the choice of message design to a couple of mouse clicks - you just need to choose the template you like among several ready-made ones. Professional designers worked on the appearance of each sample, so it looks like stylish big size new year card, decorated with typical winter attributes, but at the same time - with a specially allocated space for entering text.

Everything is decorated very beautifully - so that a real wizard would not be ashamed to appear with such a thing.

What to do with such a blank further is up to the parents themselves. You can simply print out the blank and write by hand into it with beautiful letters congratulations that a real Santa Claus and Snegurochka could come up with. But again, for this you would have to come up with the text yourself, and smart sites are quite capable of performing this task for their parents.

You don't always even have to rewrite it manually from the Internet - many platforms also allow you to select the greeting text online, in the special fields of which you only need to specify the child's name and, possibly, some other information about him. The choice is usually offered at least a dozen texts written by people confidently wielding pen and ink, and at least one of the samples will necessarily correspond to what can be said about this particular child. After the design and text are selected, the system forms a single document from them, which remains just print to any color printer.

Another thing is that if there is a printer in the apartment and is often used, the child may suspect something was wrong. He's probably already familiar with the capabilities of this device and may notice that the message is printed on the most ordinary paper. Often, printers have individual characteristics in the form of a slight smearing of paint in a certain part of the page, which can betray parents and finally open the baby's eyes to the terrible truth about who actually gives him gifts for the New Year.

To avoid such disappointment, it is worth typing congratulations away from home, or, alternatively, resorting to a distraction, as is the case with writing a regular letter by hand.

In particular, it is possible to stage the arrival of such a message by courier - naturally, immediately with a gift from Santa Claus. Ideally, exactly the one that the baby dreamed of. It will cost clearly less than ordering a real children's animator, even if you contact a real delivery service. In addition, cunning parents can organize such a trick for free - for this you just need to connect another adult, unknown to the kid, who will play the role of such a courier.

His task is not at all difficult, he should not dress especially in any way, because he is just an assistant to Santa Claus, an ordinary person who simply has the opportunity to communicate directly with the wizard. It is also not difficult to play a role - you just need to ring the doorbell, give a gift and a message, wish you a Happy New Year and leave. Parents, by the way, can settle accounts with a kind person very easily if the child's dad simply agrees to provide a similar reciprocal service.

Needless to say, a child must personally see such a courierwhoever he really is? For the kid, the fairy tale lies precisely in this, and if he personally does not see the real assistant of Santa Claus, who handed the gift with a letter literally from hand to hand, then there is no point in connecting an additional person.

We get the real answer

In the modern world, where the service sector is very developed, there is a place even for such unusual institutions as the offices of Santa Claus. Yes, even if you do not really believe in the existence of this good New Year's Eve old man, this does not mean that he cannot be completely officially sent a letter by real mail itself. Since there is a special address for this, you should not be surprised that there really are special people sitting there, ready to write a letter in return.

It is difficult to say who finances such projects, but the result is very natural, because such assistants of the Grandfather have special equipment that allows them to produce a very magical-looking letterhead; in addition, a reply letter often comes immediately with a small gift, to which the child's parents really have nothing to do - for example, with a magnet or other souvenir.

Everything is designed very naturally - the envelope can even be sealed with a wax seal, and parents can only quietly receive this letter and put it under the tree along with the gift. This option is great both for the little ones, who, thanks to this, plunge into a real fairy tale, and for schoolchildren who have already begun to doubt - this is proof that everything is really happening.

The main thing here is to be sure that the Internet and comrades did not tell the kid what the real nature of such a letter is.

Of course, a response message can only be received if the child himself wrote to Santa Claus before. Therefore, it is worthwhile to sit down with the baby in advance and try to write a letter to the magician, whose offices are represented in many countries of the world, including Russia. At the same time, it is better not to tell the child yet that we are specifically waiting for an answer, because he will be disappointed if nothing comes, and the chancellery itself, which for some reason ignored this appeal, or the Russian Post, which lost or delayed answer.

It is enough to hint to the child that his dream of a certain gift can come true, and if the answer comes with a real postmark, and arrives on time, it will be a great bonus. In the end, in an emergency, you can try to replace a real letter from Santa Claus's assistants with a handwritten one, as we have already said.

If you still want to get an answer in a timely manner from the place where the letter was sent to Grandfather, you should take care of this in advance. If one of the old man's addresses in Russia is selected, then he needs to send a letter approximately in the second half of November or early December, otherwise there is a risk that the answer will come after the New Year. As for foreign addresses, you need to write there even earlier - and the mail will not work so quickly, and there are on average much more calls there.

People who have experience of writing such letters to Santa Claus from Russia abroad note that in some cases the answer came more than a year later, when all hope of receiving it had long since been lost.

Experienced parents also point out that the response received from abroad is much more impressive on averagerather than the one sent by the classic Russian Santa Claus or his national counterparts, popular among the peoples of Russia. However, it will take a little more effort to communicate with foreign wizards. First, as already mentioned, prepare in advance, and even less than usual, count on a positive and timely result. Secondly, spend a little more, because you need to purchase a special international envelope.

Thirdly, it is probably desirable that the recipient of the letter to Santa Claus understands the language in which the appeal is written, and not so many people know Russian abroad. For international communication, parents usually choose quite logical English, but there is also a small nuance: although a huge number of people around the world understand it, Santa Claus's foreign assistants may simply not have a form where they can write an answer in English. Then the response message may be written in the language spoken in that country.

True, everything is supposedly clear thanks to the colorful pictures, and in its own way such a souvenir is even more interesting, but the whole family may have problems reading the text itself.

Where to write to get a real answer?

The addresses of the assistants of Santa Claus or the foreign Santa Claus are quite a lot, and theoretically you can write to any of them, or even find some others on the Internet. We will give a few proven ones that really work. In addition to Veliky Ustyug, the address in which (162390, Russia, Vologda region, Veliky Ustyug, the house of Santa Claus) for Russian miracle lovers is considered the main one, there is a whole a number of other addresses where you can try your luck:

  • In Russia. In addition to Veliky Ustyug, another address is also popular, to which mainly residents of the capital and neighboring regions write - 109472, Moscow, Kuzminsky forest, Santa Claus. A little unusual, but also directly related to the New Year's theme, is the Lapland reserve, which is not a representative of Santa Claus, but is sometimes able to play along - 184506, Lapland reserve, Murmansk region, Monchegorsk, per. Green, 8.

  • You can write and national variations Santa Claus, who, regardless of the origin of the child, will gladly answer. The most popular is the Tatar Kysh Babai - 422035, Tatarstan, Arsky district, with. Yana Kyrlay, Kysh Babayu and Kar Kyzy. Karelian Morozets Pakkaine reminds everyone of the famous Santa Claus - 186000, Republic of Karelia, Olonets, st. Svirsky Divisions, 1. There is also an Udmurt address - 427070, Udmurt Republic, p. Shharkan, st. Lenin, 14, MAU "KTC" Tol Babai Estate ".
  • In Germany... Users note that Santa Claus's German offices, which number at least three, run smoothly and are distinguished by the generosity and ingenuity of souvenirs. At the same time, the answer will most likely be in German. Nevertheless, it's worth it - An den Weihnachtsmann, Weihnachtspostfiliale, 16798 Himmelpfort, Deutschland, or Weihnachtsfiliale, der Deutschen Post, 31137 Himmelsthur, or An den Nikolaus, Nikolausdorf, 49681 Garrel, Deutschland.
  • In France. The French Per Noel (as the New Year's wizard is called here) is also very kind - so much so that his assistants send not only a standard postcard in French to some foreigners, but also supplement it with a handwritten English translation. You can contact Père Noël by writing here - Père Noël, Rue des nuages, Pole Nord, 33504 Libourne, France.

  • In Canada... Canada is another country with vast northern territories - so why shouldn't Santa Claus settle there? Canadians are sure that this is where he lives, and his address is Santa Claus, North Pole Hoh Oho, Canada.
  • IN USA. And yet, for many modern children, New Year's holidays are associated with that Santa, which can be seen in numerous American Christmas films, among which, in particular, the legendary "Home Alone". To communicate with such, you need to send a letter to the address - Santa Claus, Indiana 47579, USA.
  • In Austria. Christmas and New Year look very organic in this country of snow-capped mountains, the answers from there come very warm and similar to German ones, and the address here is completely laconic - Santa Claus, Osterreich (Austria), 4411 Christkidl.

  • In Norway. It is rather strange why Santa all over the world is not associated with this country, where winters are very cold, with a huge amount of snow. In such a climate, she simply could not do without her Santa representative office - Julenissen, 1440 Drobak, Norway.
  • In Finland. For children from all over the world, the most famous is the Finnish address of Santa Claus. Most people from all over the world, when asked where Santa lives, will answer that either at the North Pole or in Lapland, and the latter is in this country. Hundreds of thousands of letters come here every year, and they all have the same address: Santa Claus Main Post office Santa's Workshop Village Arctic circle 96930, Rovaniemi Finland.
  • In Australia... Oddly enough, even in sultry Australia, Santa Claus turns out to be appropriate. Due to the relatively small population of the country and the great distance from Russia, the chance to get an answer from there is very small, but if it comes, it will be a souvenir for all time! And you can try asking for it at the address - Santa Claus, Christmastown, North Pole, 9999 Australia.

Online correspondence

There is another way to contact Santa Claus, which involves the maximum use of modern technologies. There are chats with a good old man, and he even has an e-mail. It is enough to sit down at the computer and write a message - here the answer will certainly not be long in coming.

It's another matter that it was not in vain that we brought this method to the very end and pay so little attention to it. With this approach, the main goal is absolutely lost - to create a fabulous atmosphere, because all the feedback is just printed letters on the monitor screen. So the child can communicate with anyone, so he himself hardly believes that the back of the display is a real wizard.

Even a souvenir will not be left as a souvenir, so this method of contact with Santa Claus can hardly be called complete.

For information on how to make a funny envelope for your letter, see the next video.

Watch the video: Letter to Santa! Christmas 2018! Christmas Wish list: Cozmo, Minecraft Lego Set, KNex. (July 2024).