
Chairs for feeding Cam: features of choice

The gradual transition to complementary foods occurs at a time when the child is not yet able to perform independent deliberate actions, but is no longer sitting in the mother's arms. The need for good behavior during meals is also not yet understood by the baby. Therefore, all that remains for parents is to entrust him with a special highchair.

The modern market offers a wide selection of such products. On the one hand, this is not bad, because a good assortment contributes to success in finding the perfect model. On the other hand, due to the abundance of options, there is always a risk of error, so such a purchase must be approached responsibly.

The Cam baby highchair may be exactly the kind of baby furniture that parents have been looking for.

About the brand

All over the world, a huge number of buyers, when choosing a particular product, are guided by the popularity of the brand. This allows you to understand how many consumers have managed to appreciate the brand's products. In the world of high chairs, there are no universally recognized names yet. In addition, in our country, such furniture has only recently become fashionable, and not all families have experience in using it. This is why it is important to know the story behind the unfamiliar logo on the box.

Cam is a company founded in Italy in 1969. The company began as a family business focused on the production of a variety of children's products. Until now, the brand maintains its main production facilities in this sunny country. The slogan of the company from the Italian language can be translated approximately as “The world is for children! ". This is the philosophy of the founders who sincerely believe that children deserve all the best.

Judging by the reaction of consumers, employees of the company demonstrated this attitude not only in words, but also in deeds. The official website of the manufacturer is available to visitors in fifteen languages, including Russian, which indicates the distribution of Cam products around the world.

Such popularity is promoted by the high quality of goods and a wide range of the company, including a huge selection of goods for children. The company offers not only high chairs, but strollers, car seats, diapers, toys, and much more.


Cam chairs regularly receive thousands of positive references from all over the world. Among the many advantages, buyers identify several main ones.

  • The brand's chairs are primarily focused on maximum comfort of the child... Each model is designed taking into account the correct position of the baby during a meal. At the same time, the manufacturer understands that the convenience of the parents caring for the child is also extremely important. As such, all models are adjustable designs offering a variety of lockable seating height and backrest tilt positions. If the whole family travels regularly, you can choose a mobile highchair that can be installed on top of the "adult" seat wherever it is needed.
  • All brand products are manufactured taking into account maximum long-term use... By purchasing this highchair, you can use it throughout the transition from breastfeeding to normal food. All models are designed for children from 6 months (at this time the child usually already sits confidently and can fully use the feeding chair) up to 3 years old, when most babies already know how to hold a spoon in their hands and are able to eat on their own.
  • Caring for a child could not be considered complete if the developers did not think about decent security system for brand highchairs. A small child does not understand what a fall from a height is fraught with. In addition, he does not yet have sufficient motor coordination to save himself in an emergency. But kids are struggling to learn about the world around them and spend the accumulated energy. Therefore, in this case, you cannot do without reliable seat belts.

The belts give parents the confidence that the child will not fall. Therefore, they can concentrate on the feeding process. Also, all structures are equipped with widely spaced legs, which increases the stability of the products and does not allow the playful baby to overturn the furniture. The wheels, necessary for more comfortable transportation around the apartment, are complemented by special stoppers that prevent unauthorized movement.

Finally, the shape of all parts excludes the presence of sharp corners in case the baby accidentally hits them.

Cam high chairs are quite expensive. However, the large financial costs are offset by the variety of areas of application of the purchase, as well as its convenience. Firstly, such furniture is easily transported, it can be folded and taken with you. This allows you to save on buying a second chair of the same for a summer residence or grandmother's house. The light weight of the product makes it easy to carry.

Secondly, at the table top the baby can not only eat, but also play. Some models are equipped with special removable tables. Almost the entire range also includes a basket under the seat, designed for convenient storage of toys and other useful children's little things, which should always be at hand.

Although the chair cannot be called a full-fledged cradle, it is nevertheless well suited for a short rest as a comfortable chaise longue


All chairs from this Italian manufacturer can be divided into two categories. The first includes models assuming the most simple transportation and installation over the "adult" seat. The second group includes full-fledged models with legs.

The first line includes the series Smarty and I-Dea... The second includes Mini Plus, Pappananna, Campione, Istante and Gusto. The difference between the models lies mainly in the number of adjustable back or seat positions, as well as in the presence of small additional functional bonuses. If we talk about the series equipped with their own legs, then they also differ in the presence or absence of wheels and a special basket for storing various things.

When it comes to design, here the Italian designers got down to business with all the care that is characteristic of this southern nation. The assortment includes models with restrained design, up to almost monochromatic.

Such options are appropriate in strictly seasoned rooms of a certain style, which are not so focused on children's aesthetic needs as they contribute to the formation of the right taste in the baby.

Other models are quite striking solutions that can please a child. They can also harmoniously fit into any room, because they can become an interesting color accent.

The assortment also includes typical "children's" models, the cover of which is decorated with scenes from popular cartoons. There is practically no risk of not guessing with the choice here, because at the age when a chair is purchased for feeding, the baby hardly already has his own favorite cartoons.

Given the width of the lineup, it can be understood that this manufacturer has chairs for all types of consumers... The most modest options, designed to be installed on top of other chairs, will cost customers 3.5-6 thousand rubles. A model with legs, but without wheels, will cost 6-8 thousand rubles, but the flagship models with rear wheels and many other amenities will cost parents 10-15 thousand rubles.


Judging by the opinion of buyers, Cam products are one of the best on the domestic market. The European location of the manufacturer obliges him to use quality materials and comply with leading international standards, which is confirmed by Russian consumers.

The main advantages of these high chairs: safety, convenience, functionality, as well as decent varietyallowing every family to choose a model according to their own pocket and needs, both actual and aesthetic.

However, even such high-quality products have minor drawbacks, which is important before buying. Some parents dislike that highchairs cannot be used from birth. However, this applies to most options for such furniture. But the impossibility of removing the inguinal septum already causes a certain alertness, because its presence does not allow the child to exercise in independent climbing into the seat.

A serious reason for criticism is the fact that even the most expensive models of the brand have only two wheels. Despite the lightness of the structures, this fact is an obvious disadvantage. Finally, sometimes buyers criticize the cost, which is really high for the most functional models, although they also agree that in general the quality justifies the financial investment.

Doctor Komarovsky will tell you how to choose a highchair for feeding your baby in the next video.

Watch the video: Webtalk Q. and A. on Online Communication Tuesday!!! (July 2024).