
Laxatives for children

Constipation in children is quite common. This is due to the fact that the baby's digestive system and intestines, like many other organs and systems, are not yet fully formed. The intestinal microflora of a newborn is far from ideal. She has to improve over the next few years, and no one will give you any guarantees that this formation will be easy.

Let's try together to figure out how to help a child overcome physiological problems with the intestines. How to relieve constipation? What pharmaceutical laxatives can come to the aid of parents and do they have folk analogues?

Norm and pathology

With constipation, the baby often complains of abdominal pain, cannot empty the intestines on its own, becomes moody, cries more often, he shows signs of intoxication of the body - weakness, lethargy, headaches.

Everyone goes to the toilet in different ways - some children more often, others less often, and in order to judge constipation as an ailment, you need to know the average stool frequency at different ages. And they are as follows:

  • Newborn... Babies from 0 to 4 months can go to the toilet "in a big way" up to 8 times a day. Moreover, it will be considered the norm if the child poops once, and if he does it 8 times. Feces are not formed, rather liquid
  • Children under 2 years old. At this age, it is considered normal if the child empties the intestines 1 to 3 times a day. The feces are formed, already have a denser consistency, a specific smell appears.
  • Children aged 2 to 4 years. These babies should ideally poop 1-2 times a day. The feces are fully formed, the process of establishing intestinal function is almost complete.
  • Children from 4 to 6 years old. At this age, boys and girls can go to the toilet "in a big way" as 1-2 times a day, and once every two days. Both will be considered variants of the norm.

Thus, we can talk about constipation if the frequency of stool in the child differs from the norm by at least a day or two.

Dr. E.O. Komarovsky tells about the causes of constipation in children and methods of their elimination in the video:


Constipation in children can occur for various reasons. The most harmless of them is the feeding habits of the baby. Unfortunately, difficulty with defecation sometimes indicates more serious problems - on anomalies in the structure of the intestine, dysbiosis, metabolic disorders, acute inflammatory processes, problems requiring surgical intervention by experienced surgeons.

For this reason, with repeated constipation, it is imperative to show the child to the doctor.

Remember that "alarm bells" are frequent constipation, pain during bowel movements, a strong unpleasant smell of feces, the presence of impurities in them - pus, blood, pieces of unprocessed food, the appearance of nausea and vomiting.

Operating principle

Laxatives for children can be of two types - these are synthetic medicines or herbal remedies, designed to eliminate disturbances in the work of the intestines. They are not harmless at all, although they are sold in any pharmacy without a prescription. Laxative drugs have their own indications for use and contraindications.

Laxatives, according to the principle of action, can be divided into several groups:

  • Medicines that irritate the intestinal mucosa. Such drugs begin to work a maximum of 2 hours after taking the pill. They stimulate the removal of feces accumulated in the intestines.
  • Drugs that act as fillers. Once in the intestines, they increase in volume, saturate the digestive tract with fluid, as a result, the feces leave the body faster.
  • Medicines that retain water in the intestines. Through the intestinal wall, these drugs draw water out of the body and accumulate it in the intestine. The liquid softens the stool and promotes bowel movements.
  • Drugs acting in the small intestine. They usually contain oil (petroleum jelly, fennel, liquid paraffin, etc.). These substances provide an increase in the sliding of intestinal contents to the exit. They act 3-5 hours after ingestion.


The ideal baby laxative should be non-toxic, most gentle, preferably of plant origin.

A remedy for constipation for children should not be addictive and contribute to the development of lazy bowel syndrome, when, with frequent use, the child generally stops emptying on his own, without medication. This syndrome can significantly complicate the situation, since degenerative changes in the intestinal receptors can begin.

Under the description of laxatives recommended for children, preparations that soften stool and products based on natural oils are the best fit. Lactulose-based preparations are recommended for infants and toddlers who are barely 1 year old. In addition to solving the main problem, they contribute to the formation of their own normal intestinal microflora, which will allow the child in the future to forget about such a delicate problem as constipation.

Children's forms of laxative drugs are almost no different from adults - these are drops, syrups, rectal suppositories, tablets and powders. The solid form of the medication implies an older child. It is advisable for babies under 4-5 years old to give a laxative in the form of syrup, drops, suppositories. Tablet form of the drug - for children 7-9 years old. From 10 to 12 years old, the child can be given capsules.

Keep in mind that suppositories work faster than tablets, so if you need to achieve a quick effect, it is better to give preference to topical preparations. If the choice is between a syrup or a tablet, the syrup will have a faster action.

Laxatives should not be given to a child if constipation is caused by acute intestinal diseases, sometimes requiring surgical intervention (appendicitis, for example). Another important detail: all laxatives remove only the effect, but do not cure the cause of the constipation. That is why it is essential to examine the baby and, if necessary, to begin complex treatment.

You can learn about the causes of constipation in children by watching the recording of the webinar held by Valery Feliksovich Privorotsky, D.M., Head of the Department of Abdominal Pathology, St. Petersburg State Budgetary Healthcare Institution "Consultative and Diagnostic Center for Children":

List of drugs and instructions for use


It is a transparent and highly viscous syrup made from fillers based on real dietary fibers. Lactulose acts in the large intestine, improving its peristalsis, retaining water and increasing the volume of feces, while simultaneously softening them. Helps to restore the intestinal microflora, resist dysbiosis. It is prescribed even for newborns and infants. The drug is practically not absorbed into the body, quickly reaches the intestines and is excreted. Contraindications - intestinal obstruction, and in some cases diabetes mellitus. The syrup should be given to the child once a day, preferably in the morning with a meal.

Sodium sulfate

Like all saline laxatives, sodium sulfate must be approved by your doctor or it can end up badly. Salt acts quite aggressively on receptors inside the intestines, drawing water out of the body and accumulating it in the intestine. Due to this, a softening of feces is achieved. Young children may become dehydrated if taken uncontrollably. Unlike herbal preparations, the sodium salt of sulfuric acid cleanses the intestines along its entire length. For children, the dosage is calculated according to the formula "1 gram of salt per 1 year of life." Then it is diluted with warm water and allowed to drink. The effect is expected in about 5 hours. Contraindications - inflammatory processes in the intestines (appendicitis), inflammation of the peritoneum.

Magnesium sulfate

The situation with the magnesium salt of sulfuric acid is the same as with the sodium salt described above. It is a laxative that should only be used as directed by a doctor. Magnesia is a fairly fast-acting remedy. Its effect occurs 2-3 hours after ingestion. Take a powder diluted with warm water on an empty stomach in the morning, once a day. Long-term use of saline laxatives is not provided, they are "quick response" drugs intended for single use. For chronic constipation, this powder can be used in enemas. Magnesia is not recommended for children under 6 years of age. From 6 to 12 years old - a single single dose - 5-10 grams. Powder. From 12 to 15 years old, it can be increased to 15 grams.


A mild laxative based on lactulose with an additional probiotic function - "Normase" stimulates the growth of beneficial lactobacilli and bifidobacteria in the intestines. Thanks to them, the stool becomes softer and the constipation stops. Contraindication - intestinal obstruction and inflammatory processes in it. The drug conflicts with antibiotics, which can reduce its effect, so you should not take "Normase" simultaneously with antimicrobial agents.

Syrup "Normase" is a safe children's remedy, reviews of which are extremely positive. Ideal for newborns. The dose for children under 1 year old is 5 ml. syrup a day. For babies from 1 to 6 years old, the dose is increased to 5-10 ml. From 6 years old and older, the medicine can be given in a dosage of 10-15 ml. It is permissible to mix "Normase" with compote or juice, its effectiveness will not change from such "masking".


It is a laxative that acts as a filler. In the intestine, the drug swells, increases in volume. The intestine reacts to this with increased peristalsis, this allows you to quickly solve the problem of constipation. The medicine is sold as powders with delicious fruit aromas. At home, a drinking solution is easily prepared from such powders. Among the contraindications are intestinal obstruction, inflammation of the tract, suspicions of pathology that need to be eliminated surgically. The drug should not be taken by children under 8 years of age. Children over 8 years old are prescribed 10 grams once a day. Powder, if such a dose is ineffective, it is allowed to increase it to 20 grams.

Helping laxative

It is a syrup specially formulated to easily solve delicate children's problems. It contains lactulose, fennel fruits, strawberry leaves, anise, caraway and cherry fruits. Additionally, the composition contains the main vitamins C, group B, PP necessary for the child's body. The drug is intended for children over 3 years old. For babies from 3 to 7 years old, a dose of 15 ml is recommended, from 7 to 14 years old - 20 ml. The drug can be taken in a course of up to two weeks. The syrup is delicious, mixes well with drinks - juice, water, tea. Therefore, it is easy and simple for them to give drink to even a very capricious kid who categorically refuses to take medicine. There are not many contraindications for syrup, since it is a natural remedy.


This laxative comes in small capsules with a solution for rectal use. The liquid with sorbitol inside the capsules effectively liquefies stool, promotes quick and gentle bowel movements. Since there are practically no contraindications for Mikrolax, microclysters can be done to children from birth. They act within 10-15 minutes after the microcapsule is carefully inserted into the rectum and squeezed out its contents. In order not to be mistaken with the dosage, there is a special mark on the tip of the microcapsule, up to which the capsule must be injected. For three-year-olds and older, it is administered entirely, for children younger - up to the designated mark.


A mild laxative that is available in the form of a liquid for oral administration for adults, for children "Prelax-baby" and in the form of a powder for the preparation of a solution "Prelax-Light". The baby form of the medicine can be given to children from birth. The initial dose for babies up to 1 year old is 10 ml. Children from 1 to 6 years old are given 15 ml. solution, children from 6 years old - 25-30 ml. In the first days of taking the drug, increased gas formation is possible, the discomfort goes away on its own and does not require additional treatment. The drug should not be given to a child if constipation is accompanied by nausea and vomiting. Antibiotics reduce the effect of "Prelax", therefore it is not recommended to take them simultaneously with this laxative.


A drug that irritates the intestinal wall. Due to this, tract contractions occur, and constipation can be overcome. After taking the medicine, the desired effect can be achieved after 10-12 hours. In pharmacies, it is sold in the form of drops and cubes for chewing. The initial dose for children from 4 years old is 4-8 drops. Cubes are intended for children over 12 years old and adults. Regulax is not assigned to babies under 4 years old.


A preparation with glycerin in the form of rectal suppositories. Glycerin has a mild effect on the intestinal wall, liquefies feces. The maximum dose is 1 rectal suppository per day. You can use the drug from birth. For the smallest patients, the dosage should be determined by the doctor.... For constant use candles "Glycerola" are not suitable, they are recommended to be used to alleviate the condition of acute constipation.


It is a medicine that acts at the level of the small intestine. Available in tablets, dragees and rectal suppositories. Recommended for children from the age of two, once a day. The dose for children from 2 to 7 years old is one tablet a day or half a rectal suppository. From 2 to 14 years old, children are given either 2 tablets, or a whole suppository is administered rectally. The drug is not intended for long-term and systematic use.


These are inexpensive laxative tablets that are made from the herbal substances of the leaves of holly senna. Such tablets can be used for a rather long time, they belong to drugs that are not addictive... They work approximately 7 hours after ingestion. Recommended for children over 6 years old. Quite rarely, but still sometimes they are prescribed to children from 3 to 6 years old. This decision is made exclusively by the doctor. The dose for children from 6 to 12 years old is half a tablet per day. If the desired effect is not there, the dose can be increased by another half tablet. For children over 12 years old, the starting dose will be 1 tablet, if necessary, the dose can be increased to 2 tablets. They must be taken once a day.


The drug irritates the intestines, accumulating fluid in its lumen to facilitate bowel movements. In pharmacies in pharmacies, the drug exists in the form of drops with sorbitol for oral administration and in tablets. Guttalax is not intended for children under 4 years of age. Children under 10 years of age can be given up to 10 drops of the drug to drink by mixing them with water or other drink. For children over 10 years old, the maximum dose is 20 drops. This medicine has one interesting nuance - in order for the child to go to the toilet in the morning, drops must be given in the evening, before bedtime.


This way to help a child with constipation has been known for a long time, and is practiced to this day. In case of problems with defecation, enemas are given to children with the addition of oils - vaseline, castor, almond, and also with the addition of glycerin.

Enema is good only as an "ambulance", making this procedure daily is a real crime against the baby's health, since such a forced way of defecating is very detrimental to the baby's ability to go to the toilet on its own.

That is why doctors recommend resorting to an enema only as a last resort, if the child, for some reason, was not helped by folk herbal remedies and traditional medicines.

Folk remedies

Before resorting to laxative medications, you can try to help your child cope with constipation with folk remedies. They work quite effectively, and in most cases, after taking herbal remedies, there is no need for tablets and syrups.

The most famous "fighter with constipation" is a common and affordable dill. You can make a decoction from it and give it to the child in the form of herbal tea. The effect should come in about 5-6 hours. If the child has already learned to eat solid food on his own, offer him to eat 3-4 prunes. This is a mild natural laxative, after which the baby will have to wait 4-6 hours for relief.

To achieve a faster effect, you can give your baby a spoonful of castor oil to drink. Of course, this is disgusting, but it works flawlessly - proven by generations!


If a child is prone to constipation, parents should definitely review their diet. If we are talking about a breastfed baby, you need to make sure that the mother eats properly, does not eat dishes that help to consolidate the feces. These "insidious" products include confectionery, white bread, potatoes, cabbage. A young mother should stop her attention on cereals, vegetable stew, baked apples (in small quantities), it is important to drink at least one and a half liters of liquid per day.

If the baby is artificially fed, the dosage and proportions of the adapted milk formula must be carefully observed. If constipation occurs frequently, despite the fact that the food is being prepared correctly, you can add a little less than the prescribed amount of dry mixture to the bottle, and additionally give your baby drinking water more often.

The diet of children from 3 years old should not contain foods that contribute to constipation - a lot of chocolate, pastries, carbonated drinks, rice, meat, chicken eggs. Constipation is promoted by pasta, pears, pomegranates, smoked meats. And if constipation occurs often, you need to give your child fruits and vegetables with a laxative effect - cabbage, pumpkin, beets and beetroot juice, zucchini, bran, plum, peach.

Food for constipation should not be plentiful, fatty. It is better to feed the child in smaller portions, but in two approaches, than to immediately feed him a whole plate of porridge or stew. The diet of a child with a tendency to constipation must necessarily contain fermented milk products, dried fruit compotes, rose hips, and herbal tea.

An excellent prevention of constipation in a child will be not only proper and balanced nutrition, but also an active lifestyle. Children who walk a lot and play sports have significantly less intestinal problems.

Watch the video, which provides recommendations for organizing the nutrition of the crumbs for problems with stool:

Watch the video: What to do when your child is constipated. (July 2024).