
The child does not get to his feet at 8 months, but squeezes them

anonymously, about a boy, 1 year old

The child turns 8 months in a week. When you try to put them on the legs, it squeezes them and does not become. Previously supported and a little springy. Neurologist and orthopedist noted no pathologies. How serious is this and what to do, thank you

Hello! I advise you to contact another neurologist.

But! If your child has symptoms such as high fever, bluish nasolabial triangle, lethargy, loss of appetite, unquenchable thirst, call an ambulance immediately. Because pinching the legs when lifting the baby by the armpits can be a symptom of meningitis.

The information is provided for reference purposes. Do not self-medicate. At the first symptoms of the disease, see your doctor.

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