
What to give a child for his 11th birthday?

Eleven years is the age when the child is no longer small, but not yet a teenager. He already has his own tastes and preferences, but he still hasn't found himself. He is interested in a lot of things at the moment, but it is possible that in a couple of years he will not be interested in any of the current hobbies. All this complicates the choice of a gift for such a child somewhat, although it seems that there are a lot of options. It is worth paying more attention and time to choosing a presentation and carefully studying possible ideas. After reading this article, you will find out what you can give your child for the 11th birthday.

Age features

When deciding what to give for 11 years, it is worth carefully figuring out what this age means for modern children. To start, perhaps, is that it would be foolish to perceive such a child as a toddler.

Yes, he is still very far from adult (or even adolescent) status. Yes, he is still interested in some toys. His behavior may still be typically childish, but it is still impossible to start from this. The fact is that even if here and now the child looks and behaves like a small child, this will change in the next couple of years, and the gift is given for a long memory.

Therefore, it is worth giving something that might interest a teenager too.

On the other hand, you should not perceive the birthday person as a teenager either. Even if he is serious and intelligent beyond his years, he is still not a teenager, he is alien to "adult" ideas and ideals - even in the naive teenage sense. There is no need to give anything for growth - even if the gift is durable and will withstand the wait, the hero of the occasion will appreciate it only by the age of thirteen. Most likely, the present will not be appreciated in principle. The child's birthday is today, and the gift should come to the place immediately.

It turns out that you need to choose a present either without reference to any specific age at all, or you need something that is relevant both in middle school age and in older. The only exceptions are those gifts that can be used for a short time - then choose them with an eye to a child rather than a teenager. If the gift is chosen by parents whom the baby will never forget (it is also worth noting that they give something annually), you can also refuse long-playing options in favor of a gift that is relevant at that moment.


Naturally, choosing a gift is best based on the birthday person's preferences. Ideally - if you won't guess, but hear a wish from a child, albeit not in the form of "I want for my birthday ...", but at least as "I want to ..." or "I really like ...". However, there are situations when the choice of a specific presentation is far from obvious. In this case, you have to turn to the general, most common ideas, but not everyone knows what an eleven-year-old child can generally like. So, the following types of gifts are relevant:


At the age of eleven, children already want something that would bring real benefits, and among such gifts, various devices most often appear. The phone is the leader among such presents (regardless of age) - it allows you to keep in touch with friends, and parents are less worried, plus there is a camera, Internet access and the ability to play multimedia files.

A computer is an even more interesting solution, it will help to study, and it is much more interesting to play on it, and it is convenient to watch a movie. If you think that a watch today is too simple and primitive gift for a child, it means that you have not been interested in new models of children's watches for a long time.


The urge to move at the age of eleven is still very pronounced, which makes you pay attention to sporting goods. The most popular gifts (like a soccer ball or a bicycle) at this age either already exist or are not at all of interest to the potential owner. Therefore, pay attention to teenage and youth vehicles - for example, skates or a skateboard.

For creativity

With creativity, the situation is the same as with a ball or a bicycle - either everything is already there, or it is not interesting at all. As an exception, it would be possible to give a digital camera, but for this, perhaps, it is a little early - unless the child really dreams of it. Girls can be presented with embroidery kits, but also - only if they are interested in learning to embroider. In general, creative gifts at this age are not the best choice.


The period of the most rapid development in a child's life has already passed, but now is the time to gradually bring him up to the level of an adult. Books will be very helpful in this - colorful encyclopedias that can attract and interest with bright pictures and give a variety of different text information.

However, knowledge presented in a game form will be much more interested, so board games are another extremely reasonable option. Of course, I mean only those of them that really teach practical skills - like “Monopoly», Which develops memory and the ability to quickly count in the head, stimulates imagination, mental activity and gives minimal business skills. You can also donate 3D puzzles.


To be honest, the relevance of toys at the age of eleven already raises some doubts. Perhaps they are still acceptable if they are still interesting to the child, but the choice of options is far from so great. For boys, it is limited to radio-controlled technology and a designer Lego, for girls - large soft toys.

Gift examples

Gifts by category are great because they provide a general direction for the fantasy. However, they usually do not give a specific answer to the question of what to give a child to make him feel happy. It is not a fact that the above is necessarily suitable for a particular child, but these days many children dream about it.


The stereotype "a boy - a car" still works, but a car is now needed not just a simple one, but a self-propelled one, big and beautiful. This is, for example, a machine on the r / y "Jeep". A designer is also appropriate, but only one that is assembled once, and then they simply admire the result - give, for example, a supersonic fighter Lego.

Boys are distinguished by an increased curiosity, as well as a thirst for knowledge, so it would be a good idea to present “Tyrannosaurus rex skeleton"- a set for the future archaeologist, but only on condition that the child really dreams of science. Both science lovers and dreamers (and indeed anyone) will be conquered by such an amazing present as a telescope.

For those young men who like to think strategically and compete with a worthy opponent, feel free to give chess - just not any, but a beautiful gift set.


Oddly enough, among the popular options for gifts for a girl of the same age, there are much more “children's” presents. They still love fairy tales, albeit with an "adult" touch, and beautiful pictures, so a subscription to the magazine "Winx Wizards"Will delight many young ladies.

For approximately the same purposes, an album for creativity “stickers and stencils Monster high”, Only there you will have to compose beautiful visual images yourself, and you will have to invent stories yourself. Of course, the girl not only loves beautiful characters, but also wants to be like them (or at least just like adult beauties). A baby bag will help her feel one step closer to her goal.

Finally, for creative girls it is worth buying a sculpting kit "Angel clay”, In which clay is much softer and easier to mold than plasticine. It was originally designed to create one or another character beloved by girls.

Gift requirements

Any person to whom you are willing to voluntarily buy a gift for your own money deserves only the best, and children - even more so. Any gifts should correspond to the tastes and wishes of the hero of the occasion himself, to compete with other similar goods. Presentations for eleven-year-old children must also meet three general requirements for all products:

  • Safety. No harmful materials and dyes, as well as no objects and mechanisms that can harm the health of a child!

  • Quality. It is unacceptable to disappoint a child, especially with a gift. He will be equally upset if the beautiful picture and the characteristics described on the box do not correspond to reality, if in general an excellent present becomes unusable too quickly.
  • Certificates. Various documentation will help to confirm the best qualities of the selected product. In some cases, certificates confirm the complete safety of the purchased item, in others, they indicate that this branded product is really original, and not a cheap, low quality fake.

11-year-old Nastya says what she got for her birthday:

Watch the video: Txunamy - Guess Their Age (September 2024).