
What to give a child for his 12th birthday?

Choosing a birthday present is always a difficult task, since it is necessary to take into account the personal preferences of the birthday person during this period of life, while it is necessary to give something that will be useful and will be remembered for a long time. You should try not to choose anything from what the person being gifted already has. If the hero of the occasion is also a child, then the task becomes more complicated - due to rapidly changing preferences and an unstable character. After reading this article, you will find out what to give your child for the 12th birthday.

Age features

If an adult has established hobbies and certain interests, then in a child they change repeatedly, because he goes through numerous transformations on the way from a baby to an adult.

For every birthday of a minor, a gift is chosen through the prism of not only his hobbies, but also his age.

If we talk about children 12 years old, then it must be noted that this age is already, as it were, transitional. However, such a child cannot yet be called a full-fledged teenager, his childish character traits still prevail, but you need to give something that will serve for more than one year.

This is the difficulty - right now, a slight bias towards toys seems to be preferable, but in six months or a year they will be abandoned. Hence the first rule: now, perhaps, it is not worth giving gifts that are too vividly attached to childhood or adolescence. Giving a gift that a teenager would definitely be delighted with, you can be a little ahead of time and cause bewilderment to the child.

If we talk about typical preferences, then it should be borne in mind that right now the child wants to show himself as an individual, an independent person. Since youthful maximalism has not yet developed, this will not always be expressed in the desire to oppose oneself to parents or the rules of social behavior.

Now you just need something that could be described with the word "cool", because such a gift will definitely help to gain authority among peers. Hence the second rule: give something that you can brag about.

The third rule is so simple and obvious that there is no need to specifically describe it: give what is really interesting to this particular child. It is best if he himself recently said that he would like something like that for himself, especially if his hobbies are in something atypical. Otherwise, you will have to give what is considered a generally recognized good presentation option at 12 years old.


At the age of 12, a child has long learned to speak confidently, and almost always he clearly expresses his wishes out loud, even if he is not asked about it. However, there are also exceptions - when parents and other relatives do not know what to give.

Perhaps the birthday person just already has everything. In this situation, you need to choose a gift from those that are generally relevant for this age.

It is worth studying a small list of such things to simplify the choice.


Now there are practically no adults left (except for some old people) who would not have at least a mobile phone. If at an earlier age there could be concerns about the safety of the gadget in a too young child, now the birthday person is already old enough to be responsible for it.

The simplest, purely entertaining and relatively inexpensive option is the player. The phone is an excellent means of communication with a grown-up child who now spends a lot of time without parents, and a smartphone will also allow him to play games, not to mention access to the Internet. The tablet will become an even more interesting gift, allowing you not only to have fun, but also to study more fruitfully.


At the age of 12, children are still characterized by active games and movement, but running is already a little lazy, and they want speed. Since it is too early for a moped, donate rollers or a bicycle - the correct choice of the last option can serve the hero of the occasion until graduation, and even longer.

For creativity

For 12 years, gifts of a creative nature are given quite rarely - by this age, the child has already decided whether he needs creativity. If yes, then he already has everything you need, if not, then you don't need to give such a gift. Perhaps there are only two options that have a chance at such a late age.

For boys, this is a guitar - even young people who were initially far from making music begin to understand that this is a great way to become the soul of the company and attract the attention of girls. The girls themselves may be interested in things that previously seemed boring to them, so embroidery kits that allow you to create useful beauty sometimes come to the place.


The most popular educational gift for a 12-year-old is board games of a fairly high level of difficulty, which can really give a child something new.

At this age, detective stories are popular, Monopoly or Mafia are also quite appropriate, but classic versions (like chess) should be given only if the child really likes it, and even then - in an original gift version. 3D puzzles remain a common alternative, but their developmental effect at this age already raises great doubts, as well as the degree of delight of the birthday person when receiving such a presentation.


Children often want to take care of someone - at a very young age they want a brother or sister, and a little later - a pet. The plus of such a gift right now is that it will not be an extra burden on the parents, because at the age of 12, the child is really able to take care of the animal on his own, if he really wanted it. And a possible allergy, if any, has long been identified. By giving your child a dog, you may be providing him with his most faithful friend for many years to come.


To be honest, 12 years is not the age to play with toys, the vast majority of children of this age would agree with this. The kid is also growing up, that is, every day this statement is more and more true. However, given some special character traits, giving toys is still permissible.

If we are talking about a girl, then forget about dolls, but a huge soft toy may be appropriate, just do not be modest in size. Young men are unlikely to like ordinary toys, so choose only radio-controlled ones, and even then - perhaps not a car, but a real helicopter. It is interesting not just as a toy, but as a miracle of technology.

Examples of specific gifts

The above examples seem to be quite illustrative, but all the same, many people choosing a gift come to the store and get lost. Not everyone knows what kind of radio-controlled car a 12-year-old would definitely like. To avoid these situations, consider a few specific examples of what you can buy for your younger teenager.


Not any radio-controlled car is really suitable for a boy.

If it is a BMW or MINI Countryman, then he simply cannot remain indifferent. The point here is not only and not so much in the presence of a motor and radio control, but in the maximum likeness to a real "adult" original. In fact, we have before us not a toy, but a functional reduced model, all the same miracle of technology that would have liked even more adult men. If we talk about table entertainment, then the game "Lords of Time" deserves attention, implemented as an unusual card strategy for fans of complex tricks and calculating moves.


The girl can also give a lot of all sorts of unusual gifts. That there is only a set for coloring a clutch "Fantasy Factory". Each girl probably has her own small handbag, which should be unique (ideally). You don't need to look for it, because you can take an ordinary clutch and paint it at your own discretion - then it will definitely not look like any other.

A completely different type of gift for creativity is the Magic Flower Aroma soap - a set of soap making that allows you to try yourself in a new unusual role, and even create a unique gift for a friend. Young ladies also love diaries, albums or postcards made with their own hands, but doing this by hand on ordinary paper is not very practical, so the Provence scrapbooking kit will be a very suitable gift.

Gift requirements

There can be quite a few requirements for an ideal gift. Naturally, the most obvious is the maximum correspondence to what the hero of the occasion would like himself, although the option that you guess with what he did not even dream about is also very relevant.

If we talk about the specifics of the age of 12, it is very important that the gift is prestigious in its own way.

It is completely unacceptable to save money here, unless an inexpensive thing has special practical value due to some of its features. Sometimes it's not even durability or reliability that plays a more important role, but the brand - the presence of a branded tag of a popular company that will make the average teen an idol among their peers.

However, do not forget about those requirements that are relevant always and everywhere, regardless of the age of the birthday person and the type of gift. These are the requirements:

  • Safety. At the age of 12, you must first of all make sure that the material itself from which the gift was made is not toxic. Do not forget about how you can use the gift for other purposes - it should not pose the slightest threat either to the person being gifted or to others.
  • Quality. It is completely unacceptable to give poor quality goods to a 12-year-old child. A gift that cannot withstand long-term use will certainly leave an unpleasant mark on the child's soul - it is no longer so small that it is easy to forget it. Now imagine how you associate in the vulnerable mind of a teenager with a low-quality gift.
  • Certificates. If you are giving a branded item, do not be too lazy to make sure that it is really the original, and not a fake. Otherwise, an accessory designed to make the owner an idol of others can literally throw him out of heaven if the real origin of the thing is revealed. However, certificates should always be checked - just to ensure the quality and safety of the materials used.

A homemade postcard will be an excellent addition to the gift. How to do it, see the next video.

Watch the video: 12th Birthday Wishlist 2019! 20 Gift Ideas to Ask ForGive. Annika Cho (July 2024).