
Everflo strollers: a review of walking models from a popular brand

In the first months of life, only a carrycot is suitable for a child as a stroller, which provides a stable horizontal position thanks to a solid bottom. Over time, the baby will grow up and be able to sit, and then the stroller will definitely have to be changed, because it should not only be comfortable for a sitting position, but also, if possible, have a lightweight body, because the passenger himself already weighs a lot by this moment.

The significant weight of the child puts additional stress on the parts, so you want the stroller to be strong, and also maneuverable, easily controllable and, most importantly, inexpensive. In practice, it often turns out that the stroller is either good, but expensive, or affordable, but not impressive in its characteristics. For this reason, it is worth paying attention to strollers from the Everflo brand - they are one of the few that, at least theoretically, can satisfy all the described requests.


Most parents want to buy a stroller from a world famous brand, tried and tested by millions of other families around the world. If you want the stroller to be also cheap, you should give up such hopes, because often companies that have achieved tangible success and recognition immediately begin to unreasonably increase prices "for the brand". In this vein, it is best to choose companies that, on the one hand, have already managed to make themselves known quite loudly, and on the other, have not yet managed to break into the category of unambiguous market leaders. This is exactly what Everflo belongs to.

On the one hand, this company was not founded yesterday - its history began back in 1994, on the other hand, this is not so much on the scale of the children's goods industry. Moreover, the brand was initially very small, combining two even smaller businesses from Canada. However, the starting position only seems weak - in fact, the developers from both parent companies already had some experience in this area, and the very fact of working in developed Canada required compliance with high quality standards.

Perhaps the products of this brand would have remained little-known and sold exclusively in their home country, but not only designers, but also marketers showed wisdom. They were among the first to catch the then emerging trend, according to which today many Western eminent firms are moving their factories to China, where labor is much cheaper. Thanks to this, the company's products, which remain Canadian in quality, are much more similar to Chinese in their prices, which cannot but attract the consumer.

At the same time, Everflo pays great attention to the Russian market - in particular, in 2017, the company's own production lines were even opened here. True, at first only baby cots and mattresses for them are produced there, but it is possible that soon strollers will be added to the range of "Russian" Everflo, which, as a result of such a step, will become even cheaper.

By the way, you can get acquainted with the quality of the goods not only on the example of strollers or cots, but also thanks to toys or children's furniture, also produced by this company.

The management office in Canada carefully monitors that the Chinese and Russian employees do not reduce the requirements for the products, which is why there are more and more prams with the Everflo sign on our streets.

The lineup

What makes Everflo so unusual is that cradles or transformers are not represented in their assortment at all - there was room only for "walking sticks" and strollers of the "book" type.

Of course, choosing a stroller brand is only half the battle, and all parents dream of choosing a vehicle for their child that will suit him perfectly, therefore it is worth taking a closer look at the study of the most famous and popular models.

  • Easy Guard E 338 - a vivid example of a good walking "book" from Everflo. It should be noted that this model did not appear on the market yesterday, however, the manufacturer periodically updates the stroller without changing its name - for example, the newer version has a raincoat that was not provided for earlier. The developers themselves say that this transport is perfect for those families who live in large cities, because the folded structure is very compact in size, and it can be folded in just two movements. It is this stroller that can rightly be considered a kind of "flagship" of the brand, because the praise addressed to it on the manufacturer's website is countless.

Separately, it should be noted, indeed, a wide selection of cover colors for this model. Its design variation is a model called Graphite.

  • E 230 series is represented by several well-known models at once (Capitan, Strong, Safari Luxe), but the differences between them are relatively small, so they should be described as one whole. Common features of all models usually relate to such parameters as the size of the seat, the overall dimensions of the stroller and the number of positions. As for the differences, they can relate, for example, to the number of wheels (all have four pivot points, but the "Captain" has double front wheels). If the previous model was considered an excellent solution for the city, then this one is called the best option for all occasions and for any conditions.
  • Letter E 501 is one of the newest strollers from Everflo since it first hit the market only in 2018. Such a "book" for a child weighing less than 20 kg has all the features that today are considered mandatory for such a child's transport. It weighs only 6.3 kg, but it has a robust steel frame that can withstand long-term use. The wheels are made of a material that ensures quiet ride on any surface, while all of them are doubled for better structural stability and are equipped with brakes.

All the components of the stroller, which can be adjusted at least in theory, provide parents with this opportunity, and the soft pads on the five-point pads will make sure that the baby does not rub the shoulders.

  • Cricket E 219 - another novelty of 2018, which very much resembles the above model, but differs in an even lighter weight, not exceeding a ridiculous 5.5 kg. Such a relief is achieved thanks to the use of an aluminum frame as a material instead of steel, in all other respects the difference with the E-501 is almost imperceptible. Almost the only way to visually distinguish between these two strollers is the difference in the number of wheels, which are not paired at the back of the E-219, but single.

  • Range E 200 refers to relatively old models, which may soon disappear from stores, giving way to newer models. In general, this is another good and very compact (6.4 kg) "book", the characteristic difference of which is the ability to unfold up to a full horizontal position, which is very convenient for children from six months.

  • Friend E 460 considered one of the most functional strollers from this manufacturer in general, and even more than just a stroller. The developers point out that when unfolded, this model turns into a cradle, which in terms of spaciousness is significantly ahead of some full-fledged cradles, so that the use of this model is possible not from the typical six months for the company, but from birth. Naturally, with such a significant range of the passenger's age, all-round adjustment of any parts of the stroller, including the back and footrest, is provided.

The creators also made sure that the child was comfortable in such a stroller in any weather - especially for these needs, the hood can be lowered down to the bumper.

  • Honeybee E 930 now it can be found infrequently, however, many parents still speak warmly about this model, therefore it is impossible not to mention it. This stroller is characterized by increased cross-country ability and maneuverability due to the fact that it does not have four points of support, as in most Everflo models, although the front wheel is doubled for greater stability. This model is designed for light children weighing up to 15 kg, however, it itself weighs only 5.5 kg.

  • Tizo zany - the only cane stroller on the entire list, which many parents perceive exclusively as a summer walking option. It should be noted that this particular model usually takes on most of the negative reviews about the entire brand, since it has enough shortcomings. This is the perfect inability of the swivel wheels to any surface, except asphalt, and the all-round ill-conceived design, and the minimum complete set of accessories.


When looking at the materials used to make the Everflo strollers, the manufacturer deserves credit for its heavy use of classic materials like steel and aluminum, as opposed to relatively little use of plastic. Of course, these days plastic can also be of high quality and completely safe for a child, but buying plastic goods for children always carries the risk of the manufacturer's dishonesty, especially when it comes to inexpensive goods.

That is why the choice in favor of aluminum and steel should be called the right one, although the model range of the company in question includes strollers with plastic components and completely plastic ones.

The metal body, be it steel or aluminum, necessarily guarantees high reliability of the structure. In the case of strollers, this is very important, because a child riding on such a vehicle usually weighs more than 10 kg, and the product's life is normally at least two years.

Apparently, it is for this reason that the company mainly does not experiment with plastic, and the models on a plastic frame produced by it are in relatively low demand.

Separately, it must be said about the material from which the fabric covers are made. The manufacturer claims that it makes the woven parts of the stroller from Oxford fabric, which is more durable and less susceptible to the destructive effects of an active little passenger. It is relatively easy to wash such fabric, it is, in principle, not too susceptible to dirt. However, even the manufacturer himself, among the pluses, usually does not indicate the ease of caring for the covers, so parents should still be careful and try not to get the hood dirty.

What to consider when choosing?

There are wheelchair brands, the choice in favor of which is considered a priori correct, although this is also not entirely true. As for Everflo, such baby products are certainly good, but in many respects in the context of their value, since no one is trying to compare them with the most eminent Italian and German manufacturers of baby vehicles.

For this reason, before making the final choice, you should carefully re-read the reviews of other parents about the model you like.because it may contain important clarifications that can deter a potential buyer from a fatal mistake.

For example, for the Everflo brand, the weak point often turns out to be what should have become an advantage, namely: modest dimensions. On the one hand, for a stroller, compact dimensions should be a characteristic at the level of an axiom, on the other hand, in pursuit of maximum tinyness and economy of space and materials, manufacturers sometimes forget that a little man should also be comfortable. Most likely, a child prone to overweight, in principle, will not fit into most of the brand's strollers, especially when it comes to winter time when he is warmly dressed.

If in the first year of life there may not be problems with dimensions, then in the future parents will experience disappointment because the potential life of up to three years of age turned out to be unfairly overestimated. There can be only one way out here - to “try on” a stroller for a child directly in the store, or at least estimate at home with a ruler what size the seat will be, and try to understand how long the baby can fit in it.

Moreover, even the fact that a child fits normally in his place does not mean that he will be comfortable there. Today, any stroller is equipped with a dozen small accessories like a shopping basket and various pockets for bottles, without which no model will be in demand, and here again Everflo is criticized for the fact that all these bonuses, it turns out, interfere with the child or do not allow full use of the stroller ... For example, for some models, it is enough to fold the stroller to completely block access to the basket, which means that it will be impossible to get the necessary things at the entrance, elevator, supermarket or bus at all, or it will take a long time.

In some cases, the cause of parental displeasure is also pockets, which should not be stuffed with anything heavy, because during the ride they can put pressure on the child or interfere with him. Again, it is difficult to determine all such problems in advance without "fitting".

There are other minor flaws that can turn out to be intractable problems. For example, hanging an "outside" bag on a stroller is very problematic, because it will necessarily interfere with the mother when she walks, protruding beyond the perimeter of the structure - this cannot be avoided in a very compact stroller. In addition, for many models, the vaunted silent wheels are suitable only for asphalt, while they only have to be dragged along slippery tiles, and on a gravel road they will not allow to move in any direction at all.

It turns out that you need to check the stroller comprehensively before buying it, coming to choose it with your favorite bag and testing the wheels on a variety of surfaces that can only be found in the retail space.

With all this, many users leave positive comments, indicating that even the shortcomings can be leveled out if they notice them in time and buy a stroller only on condition that the solution to the problem is already known to the potential buyer. Nevertheless, in the selection process, it is important not to lose vigilance, otherwise it turns out that the money is wasted.

Operating tips

It should be noted that the Everflo brand does not produce winter strollers at all. All of the presented walking models are summer strollers that can be insulated only slightly, using a light foot blanket from the standard kit. This does not mean that parents cannot additionally insulate such a stroller themselves, but here it is important not to forget about the extremely modest dimensions of such products.

It is better to choose all additional accessories right there, on the spot, immediately trying them on on a stroller that can become a purchase. A child should also "try on" a stroller taking into account that he could be dressed and warmer than at the moment.

Many strollers from Everflo, in the best traditions of budget models, are deprived of almost any accessories, so even if you are sure that no one will ride this stroller in winter, you should pay attention to at least buying a raincoat.

Some commentators write that the models that do not imply its presence in the kit, in fact, do not even provide for the possibility of attaching such an accessory from a third-party manufacturer.This may not be a problem if you know how to work with a needle and are able to design such fasteners yourself, but this is an additional cost of money and time.

In a word, the Everflo stroller may really please, but if you are a demanding consumer, be prepared for a number of nuances.

An overview of the Everflo Easy stroller is waiting for you in the video below.

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