
Strollers: varieties of shapes and subtleties of choice

When the child grows up a little, the original cradle becomes uncomfortable for him and his parents. He himself is curious about the world around him, he wants to see it and feel new emotions from getting to know him, so he would prefer a sitting position. For parents, in turn, this would also be more convenient, since the stroller is guaranteed to be more compact - it is easier to store it at home, and it is more likely to enter the elevator, and such a structure almost always weighs less than a cradle, which is very important in the context of a baby who has gained weight. That is why, after about six months of age, the carrycot should be replaced with a more practical stroller.


A stroller visually differs radically from a carrycot, as it most often looks like an ordinary seat mounted on top of the chassis. This does not mean that a child can only sit in such a stroller. In most cases, the developers understand that at this age the baby is still not ready to sit for hours, therefore, they provide a reclining adjustable back, which in many models allows you to take a reclining position, and in some strollers even completely recumbent. Walking strollers are recommended for children at least six months of age. The upper threshold for their use depends on the specific manufacturer and on how strong the materials he used in the production process.

Strollers are divided into several varieties. However, regardless of type, they are almost always lighter and more compact than cradles. This is due to the fact that the child occupies a position closer to the vertical, and with this parameter, for obvious reasons, problems never arise. This arrangement allows you to shorten the length of the stroller, which means it is easier to enter the elevator with it.

It is assumed that such a stroller is also noticeably lighter, which is due to the same reduced dimensions. Even the name "walking" comes precisely because it is used mainly for walking, and therefore simply must be light.

It should be noted that due to the reduced weight and more modest dimensions, the stroller often loses many of the bonuses offered by the cradles, or they are presented in a truncated form. In particular, this applies to the "winter" equipment of transport. The same foot blankets or raincoats in a stroller set are much less common. Moreover, the traditional under-seat basket for small items and purchases suffers from a lack of capacity. It is better not to go to the store without a bag with such a stroller.

At the same time, the stroller not only looks compact when unfolded, it can also be adjusted to a very small size. Even 2-3 decades ago, this component was ignored by many manufacturers. However, today, in the age of the proliferation of personal cars, this criterion is extremely important. Many parents consider it normal to travel with their child on a visit or in the countryside, so the stroller should fit in the trunk.

Many models are also equipped with a "one-hand" folding system, which is very important in a situation where parents need to quickly assemble and disassemble the structure when traveling by elevator and on public transport.

It should be noted that the massive popularity of transforming models in all industries could not but affect the strollers. Some models are capable of transforming so much that they cannot even be unequivocally attributed to walking ones. If desired, you can install both a walking block and a carrycot, and in some cases even a car seat, on the same chassis. In recent years, parents are increasingly choosing just such models, since their acquisition can significantly save finances. The stroller is still one and does not have to be changed as the child grows.

Most parents deal with single strollers, however, manufacturers have not forgotten about those families where there are more babies. There are special models designed for two or even three children at the same time. They are distinguished by a huge variety, if only due to the fact that manufacturers seek in various ways to "reduce" an excessively bulky and unwieldy design.

Although most often two- and three-seater strollers are considered designed for twins or triplets, they are quite appropriate in the case of weather conditions, when the age difference between children does not exceed one and a half years. In this case, those transformer models that allow you to install a walking block or a cradle of your choice will be an excellent solution. However, it is necessary to make sure before making a purchase that the design of the stroller allows the simultaneous installation of blocks of different types.


The classification of baby strollers is possible according to numerous criteria, so it is worth at least highlighting the main classification criteria, because the correct choice in favor of one model or another depends on this.

Folding method

To begin with, it should be noted that by the type of folding, strollers are divided into two main types and the third additional.


They are characterized by increased massiveness and high cost, however, the stroller is, let's say, more solid. The fact is that its seat and back have a rigid base, and it is also very useful for the developing musculoskeletal system of the child. Because of this, when folded, the "book" does not greatly decrease in size, but it is a separate, quite stable baggage.


They are much lighter and cheaper, and the difference, accordingly, lies in the fact that the baby will have to sit mainly on a fabric seat, and rest on the back of the same material. One or two rods can be used as an additional support, however, there is no talk of a full-fledged solid plane, so some children's doctors sound the alarm, claiming that for a child such an engineering solution is fraught with numerous problems in the future.

Nevertheless, many parents choose this particular variety both for its cheapness and for its compactness, which makes it possible to take such a stroller on a trip. It should be borne in mind that most of these strollers when folded cannot stand upright without additional support, so they need to be leaned against something, otherwise it will not be possible to save space.

"Cane" is considered light, often used exclusively as a summer stroller, but due to the design features, it can fold in half, becoming much smaller.


The model cannot be unequivocally attributed to strollers, however, if the designs imply the possibility of installing a walking block, it means that they can be considered as walking options. In this case, there is no stroller as an integral structure at all, so the chassis folds separately, and this opportunity is almost always available. Detachable blocks, on the contrary, usually cannot be folded, but the most caring manufacturers sew special handles on them, thanks to which such a product begins to resemble a convenient bag for transporting a child.

By the location of the child

Few people think about this criterion until the moment when they have children, and yet it is very important, because the choice of a particular stroller can completely depend on it.

  • Face to mom it is better to plant children who are not too interested in the surrounding landscapes, but require constant supervision from their mother. This is very important both for sickly children, for whom timely care is needed, and for overly active children who are capable of creating problems for themselves with their own pampering.
  • Facing in the direction of travel it is worth planting relatively calm children who will perfectly occupy themselves with the fact that they will enjoy the surrounding landscapes. A curious child may not be interested in looking at his mother's belly all the time - on a walk, he would get to know the world around him with great interest.

In this case, it is important for the cradles to have a special viewing window, however, in the hood of the stroller it is rather difficult to come up with its logical placement, so you have to trust the baby that he will behave well.

  • Rotary Handle Models allow parents to choose again each time how the child will be deployed - face or back to the carrying person. To many, this seems convenient, because you can give the child the right to admire the park, but in the event of an unforeseen cold, the mother can always unfold the handle and keep the child's condition under control.
  • Some models of transformers do not put forward specific requirements for the direction of the installed blocks. In such cases, the handle may not rotate, however, you can simply unfold the seat itself.

If the stroller is designed for two or even three kids, then there will be even more accommodation options. Children can sit either side by side or one behind the other, and in both cases the direction can be the same or opposite to the direction of movement. You can turn the seats in such a way that the children are located facing each other, or, conversely, with their backs to each other.

Among other things, in double and triple strollers, the seats are not always located at the same level. They can even partially overlap each other in projection, since one place overhangs a little over another.

Depreciation rate

If a car and a good bike are necessarily equipped with a shock absorption system, then it is a little incomprehensible why not all parents realize that this is also very important in the case of a baby stroller. Domestic roads are known as one of our two main troubles, and for a child who, during a walk, might want to sleep, such bumps will seem a global problem, which will ruin the mood not only of the baby, but also of the parents.

Considering that adults may want to take a walk on the sea beach or in the forest, a stroller without shock absorption can be hell for a child. Damping springs are very important to improve the situation. However, attention should be paid not only to them, but also to the wheels, which play a decisive role in this context.

The larger the wheels, the better, because they will not feel small stones and holes, so parents can not choose the road so carefully. If the wheels are still too small, you will have to pay more attention to the various bypass routes. The front wheels, which can turn around their axis, will help to increase maneuverability for the sake of sharp turns. It is also very important what the wheels are made of. In cheap models, they are often completely made of plastic, which, as you know, does not spring, so any shaking is felt very significantly.

Inflatable rubber wheels may be a good solution, but it is important to understand that if the rubber perforates, the problem will be critical. Perhaps the best solution is to opt for wheels with rubber tires and a soft filler like silicone.

Regulation possibilities

Traditionally, those strollers are considered to be of higher quality, which allow you to adjust to each child as accurately as possible. Such options are very important even for single strollers - what then can we say about those models that are designed for two or even three children. The more preset positions each stroller has, the better.

If the design allows for two or more passengers to ride at the same time, each of them must have an individual adjustment system, since even twins may have completely different needs at a particular moment.

At the same time, absolutely everything can be regulated. Do not think that only the backrest is regulated normally, and the adjustment of the footrest will be the limit of possibilities. Usually you can also tweak the visor, and sometimes even the restrictive bumper.

For an adult who rolls babies, the ability to adjust the height of the handle will also be an important factor in convenience. Such an opportunity allows you to choose a stroller without regard to how high the model you like is, because the handle can be adjusted for yourself and then the walk will become comfortable for both the adult and the baby. In the same family, adults can vary significantly in height.

If a mother wants to be actively assisted in walking the child, care should be taken to make it comfortable for all potential helpers.


Accessories for strollers are those parts that may be supplied with some models, while others require a separate purchase or are not provided at all. If they are already included in the kit, this is a plus for the model in question, although sometimes it is better to replace such a part with a separately purchased analogue. If the required accessory is not included in the kit, you need to ask how realistic it is to buy and install such an accessory before buying a stroller. Globally, the accessories include even the footrest, visor and front bumper. However, most models have them, so they should not be considered in detail.

The foot cover is rightly considered one of the most common accessories. It is included with most strollers. Since this type of children's transport usually does not differ significantly in insulation, in its pure form it assumes either exclusively summer use, or the baby himself should be very warmly dressed, which may be uncomfortable for him. The cape will come in handy to slightly insulate your baby's feet or to protect him from a sudden light rain.

A raincoat is a slightly improved version of rain protection and is also often found in delivery kits. It is usually made of special elastic plastic, so it is unlikely to save from the cold, but it does not let water through at all. This solution is perfect for those parents who do not consider rain a sufficient reason to refuse to walk.

A mosquito net is almost never included in the delivery of baby strollers, but recently it has become an increasingly popular accessory. Moms are probably aware that the smallest mosquito bite, which could have gone completely unnoticed in the case of an adult, in a situation with a child can suddenly result in huge problems in the form of itching and rashes on the skin.

Children, in principle, are much more prone to allergic reactions to environmental stimuli, so the pollen of some plants and the same insect bites can almost lead to hospitalization. In large cities, the polluted atmosphere of the metropolis is also a huge problem, and some places are also replete with ordinary dust and dirt, which, once it gets into the lungs, does not contribute to improving health.

A mosquito net is not a panacea, however, it can help to at least partially reduce all the threats described. Some mothers also use the net for purely superstitious reasons.They are afraid that a casual passer-by, having envied the baby or his family, may jinx the child.

A complete baby blanket in a stroller kit is quite rare, although it can come in handy. Manufacturers do not put it on, guided by the fact that children who are already able to walk and run usually ride on a stroller. Babies of this age already need to be dressed, and not covered, so as not to limit their freedom of movement. On the one hand, this is logical, on the other hand, at six months, the child will definitely not get up and run. Using a stroller without a blanket in the winter would be called a gamble by any normal parent.

Finally, a special mattress and pillow are rarely sold with a stroller, and this can be a serious problem. If the backrest leans back enough for the child to lie down, the question arises as to how soft it is. As a rule, this is still not a feather bed. However, softening such a rest is problematic, since you still need to find a mattress that would be well suited in size for a particular stroller.

If the manufacturer decided to add such a bonus to his model, it almost always indicates a high level of attention to the problems of potential consumers.


Strollers, regardless of the model, must be stylish - this is a requirement of the modern consumer. Even inexpensive Chinese products from dubious manufacturers claim to be considered beautiful, otherwise they simply won't buy it. Globally, there are two main fashion trends.

Minimalism in the context of lightweight strollers for walks looks very appropriate, since it does not imply excessive luxury. Such a stroller usually looks rather restrained, in its design, in fact, only two colors are used - one for the fabric covers and one for the frame.

At the same time, the transport does not necessarily look boring, because you can choose a rich color for a boy or an emphatically delicate one for a girl, but there are no special decorations on the cover. Strollers with a minimalist design are also good because they are usually relatively inexpensive.

They don't have a lot of accessories, but if they are, they are designed mainly in one color, which makes the stroller look like a single whole. On the one hand, this allows you to achieve complete harmony of the image, on the other, it is not easy to choose the missing accessory so that it ideally matches the selected color of the model.

"Children's" design is much less common, but in theory, kids should like it much more, since the covers of such a stroller are often decorated with intricate designs. Products with this design can be roughly divided into two categories - expensive and high-quality Western models and Chinese products. The last one in this design is definitely not worth taking, since the low cost affects the quality of the fabric, which, being colorful, threatens to quickly shed and lose the clarity of the pattern, and it’s good if the leaked paint does not harm the baby. With expensive samples from the world's leading manufacturers, this probability is, of course, very reduced.

The desire to add color to the design is a clear departure from minimalism, so it is not surprising that in terms of equipment manufacturers are trying to move at least a little from the 100% lightness of strollers.

The included raincoats and blankets for the legs, and sometimes even mosquito nets, are not only a concern for the elementary convenience of the future little owner, but also the desire to make sure that parents do not have to worry about looking for a matching accessory. This helps the manufacturer to earn more, forcing the consumer to buy all the accompanying components from one company, and the buyer sees the benefit in buying everything at once in one package.

It should be noted that the colorful components of the kit are not always decorated in the same color, but they always harmonize with each other, due to which they also create a holistic image, but they look much more original.

How to choose?

A wide range of modern strollers, on the one hand, allows you to choose the best option for each baby, on the other hand, it makes it very difficult for parents to choose, because they have to consider dozens or even hundreds of available models. Most often, the choice of a particular product is influenced by several criteria, the number of which rarely exceeds five. However, in the case of strollers, we are talking about a sufficient level of comfort for both the baby and the parents, so the number of criteria has exceeded a dozen. Some of them can be compromised in favor of alternative benefits.

However, not a single point should be ignored, so you should carefully consider what deserves attention in the selection process.

You should start with the type of stroller. Most often, "walking sticks" are produced as transport for walking, since they meet many criteria for convenience for active movement. For example, they are light and compact, you can take them with you on trips and so on. "Sticks" are also good because, on average, they cost much less than competing "books", however, it is not for nothing that the competitor has not been ousted from the market.

The fact is that heavy and larger "books" are much more beneficial for the health of the baby, since a firm seat and backrest provide sufficient support for the child's musculoskeletal system, preventing the development of problems in the future. The "cane" has a soft fabric seat and the same back, which bend, usually holding onto only one metal bar, and these are such dubious "charms" as intervertebral hernia, scoliosis and other troubles.

A comfortable handle is considered by many parents to be one of the last criteria for choosing, because adults try to pay maximum attention to the comfort of the baby, however, it is unacceptable to ignore this moment. If the baby likes to walk in the fresh air (which is useful in any case), then the mother should be comfortable driving the stroller, so the handle should be comfortable.

If there is a big difference in height between mom and dad or other family members who could theoretically help to walk the child, the handle must be adjustable in height.

The overhead handle, which allows you to decide again each time whether to carry the child facing you or in the direction of movement, is more a whim than a really practical moment, however, many like this opportunity.

Seat belts in a stroller are a must. Although this type of transport does not move at high speed, and it rarely gets into accidents, its passengers are very prone to sitting restlessly, and in some cases they even try to leave the seat without permission. A fall is enough for a kid, even from a very low height, to be seriously injured, so the belts must be reliable.

Many inexpensive strollers are equipped with three-point belts, however, experts consider them a weak guarantee of safety - it is much more logical to choose five-point belts. Separately, you should choose belts that can be adjusted in length, since for the parents of a large child, his sudden weight loss may come as a surprise, as well as vice versa.

A basket for extra items is another criterion that is often sacrificed quite thoughtlessly. It should be understood that the mother most often walks with the child, who has maternity leave just for such purposes. However, even in it, she has other responsibilities, in addition to directly tracking the baby. One of these responsibilities is buying groceries in the store, and the child himself on the street requires little things like napkins, diapers, pacifiers and toys.

All this could be placed in a separate bag, however, this way the mother will get tired much faster, and most importantly, it will be ineffective to drive the stroller, which can lead to the most unexpected consequences. The rather bulky basket of a stroller can prevent this problem.

When choosing strollers, the general rule is that large wheels are always an advantage. However, for some reason, manufacturers still do not always bring their products in line with the best expectations. If walks are planned only in urban settings and local sidewalks are not ashamed to be shown to people, then this factor is not so critical - even a medium-sized wheel may suffice.

For country walks and active skiing along unpaved park alleys, the wheels should be strictly large - this will help not to go around all the bumps, but to overcome them in the all-terrain vehicle mode without much shaking. At the same time, plastic is considered the worst option in terms of depreciation, and inflatable rubber wheels are good only if the probability of their penetration is relatively low, therefore rubber wheels with soft silicone filler are called ideal.

For good maneuvering, front wheels are needed that can rotate around their axis. Ideally, however, they should be equipped with a bollard to prevent such rotation, otherwise even small bumps will become insurmountable.

Many parents choose a hood, focusing on its attractiveness, however, you need to really assess how good the level of protection from sunlight and precipitation it provides for the baby. The hood's tasks also include protecting the child from the wind, however, it must be borne in mind that ventilation at an adequate level is not an obstacle, but a bonus, because in the summer months under such a canopy there is a noticeable greenhouse effect.

It is very important for the mother that the fabric cover of the hood can be removed for washing, because it will probably get dirty from time to time. The presence of a window in the hood is necessary only if the mother often carries the child with her back to her, but wants to constantly keep the situation under control.

Many regard a stroller as a seated one, as opposed to a recumbent cradle, however, a child in the first year of life sleeps quite a lot, giving up fresh air for sleep is an absenteeism. During a walk, the kid should be able to both contemplate the surrounding landscapes from a sitting position and sleep lying down or in a position close to lying down, so a stroller with an adjustable back is almost an axiom.

At the same time, an important point is the maximum soundlessness and smoothness of transition from one position to another, because the baby could fall asleep while sitting, and good parents are unlikely to want to wake him up.

What parents almost never ignore is sitting, because it is rightly considered one of the fundamental criteria for a child's comfort. It is guaranteed to be comfortable and soft, so if possible, you should even try to put the baby in the chosen model before making a purchase.

However, sitting may seem comfortable at first, but in the end it will turn out to be uncomfortable during long walks, so parents often have to literally guess with this. But what parents often and undeservedly forget about is the dimensions of the seat. Some consumers complain that even a child of average build is cramped in too compact strollers, and for a large toddler, it is even more necessary to choose seats that are more spacious than average.

Strollers are almost always fitted with footrests to prevent poor posture. In this case, it is better to choose those models of strollers in which the footrest is adjustable - this will allow you not only to customize the transport you like for your child, but also to make it always correspond to the current growth of the baby, which grows almost every week. If the footrest rises easily, the sleeping child will be able to be transferred to a more believable lying position.

A baby stroller that accidentally rolls around and is left unattended is a popular subject for comedy films. However, parents who have actually been in such a situation will hardly find it funny, so the presence of brakes on a stroller is mandatory.

Many parks in various cities offer a highly rugged landscape as a kind of highlight, so a mother who stops to sit on a bench and talk on the phone, in the absence of brakes on the wheelchair, has no right to lose her vigilance for a minute. For greater stability and reliability, all wheels should be equipped with brakes, not just rear or front.

The weight of the stroller should be kept as low as possible, unless it clearly prejudices other important criteria. Considering that babies usually “ride” no longer than the first three years of life, it is desirable that the maximum weight of the stroller together with the child does not exceed 25–30 kg, which means that the weight of the stroller should be about 5 kg. Transport of this size is convenient to roll with a passenger or carry it folded in the entrance.

By the way, it is better not to choose transport that does not know how to fold up to a very compact state, otherwise it will be difficult not only to take it out into the street, but even simply store it in an apartment.

The presence of accessories in the kit is always convenient, but some parents consider such an addition only an optional extra in the price. Practice shows that all offered accessories for strollers find useful use, and when buying a set they cost parents less, therefore it is usually recommended to choose the most complete model.

Even the age of the baby who is buying a stroller matters when choosing. For example, if the baby is very small and has recently learned to sit, then he sits rather insecurely - on any bump he will easily lose his balance. To prevent a small passenger from hitting in this situation, it is worth choosing strollers with very soft and elastic walls. Maximum attention is paid to depreciation in this situation, because it is the criterion that cannot be ignored. As for slightly older children, they are often advised to choose low strollers, then the child will be able to sit in the seat himself and the parents will not have to lift the weighty child to the height of their height for landing.

Overview of manufacturers and models

The sheer variety of manufacturers today provides parents with a great selection of strollers, but does not allow them to get a glimpse of all the available offers. Considering this, it is worth considering various manufacturers of both cheap strollers and premium models, focusing on those that are sold in Russia as of mid-2018 and collect the maximum positive feedback. One or two for each firm will be provided as examples of models.

At the same time, it is worth remembering that the ideal stroller still does not exist, and even the most vaunted model may not be suitable for a particular child or his parents.


Contrary to the Italian name, it is a South Korean company, which in the modern world is also regarded rather as a plus. Such strollers cannot be attributed to budgetary ones, and yet you cannot call them expensive either: current flagships, for example, S803 WF and S901 WF, are estimated at 13-15 thousand rubles. The walking block is equipped with a spacious berth and a soft mattress that can be removed for cleaning at any time.

Protection against negative weather factors is provided by a huge hood equipped with a built-in mosquito net. The criticism of the brand's products is relatively small.Someone does not like even such a cost, someone is disappointed with an unclosed basket for things, someone for some unknown reason wiped off rubber tires too quickly.

Parents will love the adjustable handle height, as well as the spacious shopping basket and wheels that meet all criteria for flotation and comfort. The described models are folded literally with one hand, which makes it easier to board the elevator.


This is a good example of the fact that even Chinese goods nowadays should not always be initially written as bad. The company, with three decades of history, sells its products in about 70 countries around the world. The 05SD593E stroller, which costs 11-12 thousand rubles, is the most current walking model, which is in demand in our area. This is one of the most popular models of strollers for twins, for some reason the company does not have one-seater walking vehicles so popular.

The list of benefits is traditional. The stroller meets all the basic requirements, but the criticism is typical of our people - many do not like the fact that the products are manufactured in China.


These are strollers for those who value traditional German qualities: practicality, convenience and reliability. The company has been present on the world market for more than half a century, and during this time it has been noted for a considerable number of innovations, for example, it was the first to use tires with bearings in the production of wheelchairs or to produce children's vehicles on a chrome chassis.

Of course, production in Europe and stable high quality could not but affect the cost. The most popular models BeYou V4 ​​Elite and Cosmo V4 Titanium will cost the Russian consumer in the summer of 2018 about 35-40 thousand rubles.


This is a relatively new name in the post-Soviet market for strollers, but in their homeland, in Spain, these strollers are well known. Many people choose them because they, being made according to European standards, are relatively inexpensive - at the level of purely Chinese Geoby. So, the Yiyi model will cost the consumer about 13 thousand rubles, and Ibiza in some stores is sold for 11 thousand at all. Such strollers have not yet collected a large number of reviews, but you should pay attention to them now, before they have risen in price.

Happy baby

This is a good option for those parents who are forced to rely on inexpensive strollers. The cost of individual models starts from only 5 thousand rubles, which attracts a huge number of consumers. The price is fully revealed by the country of origin - this is, of course, China. At the same time, most commentators speak of this company in a positive way - many people like strollers, and even for that kind of money.

Nevertheless, there are also enough critics - many believe that the hood could have been larger, some do not like that the stroller is quite wide and does not go through any door.

If we talk about the most common criticism of the strollers of this brand, then usually mothers' dissatisfaction is caused by the impressive weight of the structure, which, even in spite of its walking nature, can tighten by 13 kilograms.

Peg perego

It can be safely considered the most famous Italian brand of children's products, widely known throughout the world. This manufacturer approached the formation of its lineup with imagination. The company's strollers can be found for 11 thousand rubles, for example, Pliko Mini, and for 30 thousand, like Book Cross. This variety, of course, fosters interest from buyers, since there is an opportunity to choose between fundamentally different models. The company is famous all over the world for its products.

It is almost impossible to find objective criticism of her strollers, but many parents simply cannot get enough of the high cross-country ability.


These are Japanese strollers, which, in terms of width and variety of their assortment, are practically not inferior to Peg Perego, but located in a more affordable price segment. The average cost of a stroller as of 2018 is 13-25 thousand rubles. At the same time, the reduced price does not mean poor quality. The Japanese manufacturer cannot yet boast of a long history or a huge number of consumers who have trusted him.

Many models of this manufacturer differ significantly from European counterparts in their unusual design, which is easier to see than describe. For obvious reasons, the products of this brand are in higher demand in the Far East, where they are often somewhat cheaper than in other regions.


This is a compromise solution for those who want to buy a European-made stroller without spending a lot. This brand can be safely called one of the most budgetary among all that are registered in the European Union. His Racing E-450 model can be found at a discount even for 5.5-6 thousand rubles, although its "normal" price can reach 7 thousand.

The reason for the relatively low cost lies not in poor quality, but in the fact that the products are manufactured in Poland, a country where workers' salaries are not so high compared to other European countries.

Parents often point out that a common post-communist past has a positive effect on the use of the wheelchair. It is well suited for travel even in cramped post-Soviet elevators. The eco-leather inserts, scattered in the potentially most polluted places, are also praised. They greatly facilitate cleaning and cleaning. There is no particular criticism of this stroller - even if flaws are found, many parents do not consider it necessary to criticize an inexpensive product.

At the same time, the reputation of such Polish strollers remains relatively low simply because the brand is relatively young, it has not become very popular so far, even in its homeland, therefore it is simply unknown to many.

Tips & Tricks

Both the choice of a stroller and the walks themselves will become easier and more comfortable if you study the experience of other parents and use the knowledge gained correctly. Comments on various forums regarding strollers are usually of the same type, but sometimes you can find interesting and useful information in them, which will definitely come in handy.

Some parents sincerely believe that since the hood is designed to protect against precipitation, it is necessarily waterproof, but of course it is not. Moreover, the degree of waterproofing may vary. One fabric will withstand heavy rain well, while the other will protect only from a short and not very heavy rain. In a store, sellers are unlikely to allow strollers to be tested before buying, so the presence of a raincoat is useful even for those strollers whose manufacturer diligently praises its waterproofness.

Here you should understand the difference, because the hood is, in any case, a fabric that should provide not only protection, but also ventilation, while a raincoat is an oilcloth that does not allow water or air to pass through.

It happens that, in general, the inexpensive stroller you like is significantly inferior in price to a more expensive analogue, and in fact differs from it only in the absence of some simple accessories. Many mothers, in a fit of emotion, are ready to overpay, just to be sure that all the necessary accessories are there and they are suitable, however, this is not always worth doing. For example, a mosquito net, which only in recent years has become an important requirement for strollers, can be sewn on its own.

Many mothers who are not alien to needlework use a raincoat as a template, cutting out a mosquito net according to its shape from a suitable material. The raincoat itself, by the way, can also be cut, although there will be an additional problem - there will be no ready-made pattern.

"Walking sticks" are often criticized as not the most beneficial for children's health, however, in the case of a long trip, they are literally the only way out. "Books" are suitable only for walks not far from home, since, despite their compactness, they often go beyond the scope of luggage permitted for transportation on airplanes - both in weight and in size. On the train, the restrictions may not be as strict, but again, the cane will create a lot less problems.

In fact, parents have to choose between the risk of developing problems in the child and the need to stay at home until the baby learns to walk confidently.

In the case of using a cane on vacation, it is still advisable to limit the child's stay in such a stroller, which means that the rest should be planned so that it does not involve a large number of walking routes.

If the stroller is chosen for two or even three children, it is completely unacceptable to make the same setting for everyone. Even if we are not talking about the weather, but about twins, all the same, each baby will have different needs. For example, at a particular moment, one child wants to sleep, while the other is very interested in the surrounding landscape. This means that the ability to adjust the seat, visor, backrest and footrests should be child-specific, not universal.

Numerous discussions are caused by the possibility of folding the stroller according to the "one-hand" scheme. Many consumers consider such a characteristic to be just an advertising ploy by cunning manufacturers, while others say that the system does not work as well as expected. It should be noted here that in the original, the creators of the system are not exaggerating - the stroller can indeed fold and unfold with a wave of the hand in a matter of seconds, however, this mostly concerns expensive strollers from world famous brands.

Chinese manufacturers are trying to copy this technology, and some even succeed, but it does not always work flawlessly - hence the skepticism in many parent forums.

For this reason, even before making a purchase, you need to ask a consultant in the store so that he, using the example of a particular stroller, shows how it folds and unfolds, and be sure to give the potential owner a try.

For information on how to choose the right stroller, see the next video.

Watch the video: Best Strollers of 2020. UPPAbaby Vista Cruz. Nuna Mixx. BOB. Bugaboo Fox2 Donkey3. Thule Spring (July 2024).