
Taking propolis during pregnancy

Every expectant mother should be attentive to her own health and the use of any remedies, because she is also responsible for the condition of the baby she is waiting for. During pregnancy, many women do not take the risk of using drugs and prefer natural products that nature gives us. One of them is propolis. Its use during pregnancy is allowed by many gynecologists even in the early stages, but it has certain limitations.

Features and benefits

Propolis is formed by bees from resins and nectar and serves as a kind of protection for hives due to its sticky dense structure, for which it is often called bee glue. Bees need it not only to cover up holes and cracks, but also to disinfect honeycombs. One of the distinguishing features of propolis is its resistance to elevated temperatures.

The beneficial properties of such a beekeeping product are due to its composition, because propolis contains various minerals, a complex of vitamins, essential oils and bioflavonoids. Thanks to these components, it is able to:

  • inhibit the development of pathogenic bacteria;
  • accelerate the regeneration processes;
  • have an analgesic effect;
  • help to cope with inflammation of the skin and internal organs;
  • prevent the multiplication of viruses that provoke influenza, chickenpox, herpes and other diseases;
  • strengthen the immune system;
  • increase vitality and mood;
  • improve the condition in case of indigestion or poisoning;
  • normalize blood pressure;
  • strengthen teeth and gums;
  • promote faster elimination of toxic substances;
  • cleanse blood vessels;
  • stimulate intestinal motility;
  • reduce blood cholesterol;
  • restore intestinal microflora.


The reason for using propolis while waiting for a child can be:

  • SARS or flu;
  • poisoning;
  • inflammation of the oral mucosa;
  • hypovitaminosis;
  • damage to the skin;
  • digestive tract disease;
  • fungal infection;
  • sinusitis and other diseases of the ENT organs;
  • gynecological diseases;
  • hemorrhoids.

Propolis-based products are also recommended as a prophylaxis against colds, vitamin deficiencies and various infections. They are used to improve skin condition, strengthen bones, eliminate constipation, reduce anxiety and irritability.

It is only important to remember that before using propolis, a doctor's consultation is required so that such a useful product does not negatively affect either the fetus or the health of the woman herself.

Types and methods of application


If the expectant mother has the opportunity to get fresh propolis, it can be used in this form. Small pieces of this gummy substance are slowly absorbed or chewed in the mouth every 4-6 hours. If a woman does not like to chew pure propolis, then it can be dissolved in milk or tea.

When chewing fresh propolis, a woman will not only strengthen non-specific immunity and saturate the body with vitamins, but also affect the condition of the gums (if they are inflamed, the remedy will help eliminate such a problem). A warm drink with propolis drunk at night has a calming effect, helps to eliminate nervousness and normalize sleep.


The most common type of propolis-based products are tinctures and infusions. They are sold at the pharmacy or prepared by yourself.

A water infusion can be made at home by pouring 10 grams of finely chopped bee product with about 100 ml of water heated to +50 degrees. After 12-14 hours, a solution is obtained, which is taken orally or used to rinse the throat from a cough. In addition, the water infusion is also in demand for diseases of the nose for washing and instillation.

If the infusion is administered orally, it is usually drunk a teaspoon twice a day. It can be diluted with milk or water to make it taste better.

For rinsing, a teaspoon of tincture is added to a glass of warm water, and the procedure itself is carried out 3-4 times a day.

To make nasal drops, take 25 drops of tincture and 100 ml of water. The prepared agent is used to treat the nasal passages twice or thrice a day (2 drops are injected into each nostril).

Propolis alcohol tinctures, which are sold ready-made in the pharmacy, are also in demand. They are used to treat the skin or mucous membranes, as well as for compresses and inhalation. This propolis lubricates skin microtrauma with a tampon or is applied to the tonsils if they are inflamed.

If a woman has periodontitis, stomatitis, tonsillitis or other diseases of the oral cavity or pharynx, the doctor may recommend rinsing the mouth and throat with an alcohol solution of propolis, after diluting it with saline or water. Pregnant women are prohibited from taking this propolis option.

Many manufacturers offer propolis solution in packaging, thanks to which it is convenient to use it for irrigation and spraying. Such sprays are used to treat aphthae with stomatitis, irrigate the throat for sore throats or colds, lubricate hands after visiting public places during the period of increased incidence of ARVI.


Candles are another popular propolis-based remedy. They are often prescribed rectally to relieve hemorrhoid symptoms and to treat rectal fissures. Such suppositories can also be used vaginally if a woman has vaginitis, the cervical canal is inflamed, there is erosion, fibroids, or profuse leucorrhoea.

Often, other active substances are also included in such suppositories, for example, extracts of chamomile or calendula, so the expectant mother should definitely study the packaging before using and consult a doctor.


In this form, propolis successfully treats various minor skin lesions, therefore, it is in demand for cuts, cracks, frostbite or burns. Ointment containing propolis can also be used for dermatitis to quickly get rid of the inflammatory process, eliminate dryness, redness and flaking.

You can make such a remedy with your own hands, heating 20 grams of propolis and 100 ml of vegetable oil in a water bath. After 30 minutes, the container is removed from the heat, the contents are filtered, and when the mass cools down, it is used to lubricate the damaged skin.

If the expectant mother has problems with her hair, she can use this oil for making masks, mixing it with yolk and honey.

Potential harm

Despite a lot of useful properties and a natural basis, propolis can be harmful if you do not take into account contraindications when using it and do not follow the treatment regimen prescribed by your doctor.

Any preparations with propolis are prohibited for pregnant women who have been found to be intolerant to this beekeeping product. Such a negative reaction, like an allergy to honey, is quite common, therefore, after the first application of propolis, you need to carefully monitor the reaction of the body and immediately stop using it if allergic symptoms appear.

If the expectant mother is prone to allergies, then it is recommended to do a tolerance test before using propolis products.

To do this, a small amount of infusion, ointment or other drug is applied to the skin of the forearm and after a while its changes are assessed. In the absence of rash, redness or itching, propolis can be applied without fear as prescribed by the doctor.

A limitation for the use of propolis is also bronchial asthma. If a pregnant woman has this pathology, then treatment with bee glue should be abandoned. Since propolis contains a certain amount of sugars, its use is undesirable even with an increased glucose level. If the expectant mother has such a problem or has developed gestational diabetes, it is not worth using fresh propolis.

Other contraindications are bleeding (propolis can thin the blood), acute pancreatitis, severe kidney or liver disease. But, even if the expectant mother does not have any of the indicated pathologies, before using any remedy with propolis while waiting for the child, a specialist consultation is needed.

It is also not recommended to exceed the dosage of propolis. The abuse of such a valuable bee product, judging by the reviews, leads to drowsiness and lethargy, loss of strength, pain in the bones, poor appetite and other ailments. Those women who observed moderation and followed the instructions of the doctor note only a positive effect.