
Menu for the birthday of a child 7-9 years old

Drawing up a festive menu for a child of 7-9 years old is an important stage in the preparation of a children's holiday. Kids are waiting for their birthday all year long, so it is very important to think through every moment of this momentous day.

Not all of the meals we prepare for adult meals are suitable for children. For kids aged 8 years, a special children's menu is required, which can be easily prepared at home or in nature.

How to plan?

In order for the festive table to cause a whole storm of positive emotions in the kid, pay attention to a few tips for organizing:

  • Plan your menu ahead of time. It is better to do this in advance, at least a month before the birthday. Discuss with your child what topic he wants to see his holiday in. Clarify his wishes about what dishes are needed on the festive table. Be sure to take into account all the wishes of the baby when drawing up the menu.

  • Talk to your child about a birthday cake idea. It is possible that your kid really wants a cake with the image of a particular cartoon character or fairy tale. This decoration will look great on multi-tiered mastic cakes. Decide which cake you will bake or order. For kids 7-9 years old, you can choose different options: from biscuit to "Napoleon". Try to choose not very greasy impregnations. It is better to give preference to sour cream or yoghurt cream with fruits or berries.

  • Make a list of foods for the holiday table. Try to buy the freshest food possible. If possible, do not use anything from freeze. Check expiration dates for dairy products that you will use for salad dressings or desserts.
  • Include in the menu several types of appetizers, a couple of salads, main course and dessert. A vegetable plate and fruit bowl will be an excellent addition to the festive table. Use curly cutting methods. This will make the dishes look more interesting and appetizing.
  • A variety of canapes are great as a snack. For them, take different types of bread, boiled chicken, turkey or fish cooked in batter. Cut into portioned squares and string on special multi-colored skewers, alternating with each other. Multicolored pieces of bell pepper or carrots look very interesting. This appetizer looks great and is very healthy!

You can see several recipes for making canapes in the following videos.

  • Poultry or lean veal is an excellent choice for hot meals. You can make rolls with different fillings or bake food in the oven with vegetables. For garnish, multi-colored pasta with vegetable sauce is perfect.

  • All kids love pizza. If you are at a loss with what to cook for the hot, remember this. Homemade pizza garnished with olives and cherry tomatoes is a great main course for any children's party. To please the little ones exactly, prepare several options with different fillings. Kids love pizza with sausage or boiled sausages. This dish will become an absolute hit of your holiday!

It is better to prepare drinks for a children's party at home. It is better to choose not sweet carbonated drinks, but a regular fruit drink made from berries, or freshly squeezed juice. For a special holiday ambiance, buy a bottle of children's non-alcoholic champagne. This drink will cause a storm of positive emotions among the guys.

Holiday recipes for the children's table

Mini turkey rolls with cheese filling

Take 1 kg of turkey, cut into 1 cm thick pieces. Beat back well. Season with salt and a little pepper on both sides.

Separately grate the hard cheese on a coarse grater, mix with 1 clove of garlic and a little sour cream.

Place some cheese mass on each piece of turkey, roll it into a tube. Prepare a baking sheet, brush with butter or vegetable oil. Place the straws on a baking sheet. Bake at 220 degrees (for 30-35 minutes).

For the sauce, mix the sour cream with the grated cucumber. Season with a little salt. Place the turkey on a plate and top with the sauce. Boiled crumbly rice or mashed potatoes are perfect for garnish.

Melon Fruit Basket

Take a large round melon. It is better to choose the Kolkhoznitsa variety. Wash the melon thoroughly and pat dry with a towel. Cut it in half, remove all seeds.

Coarsely chop bananas, strawberries, kiwi. Fold into the depression in the melon. Sprinkle with powdered sugar on top. Stick multi-colored skewers into the fruit. Garnish with whipped cream. This dessert will surely delight kids!

To make the holiday really great, you should pay attention to the menu. Interestingly designed and tasty dishes will delight the little ones and will remain in their memory for a long time.

What a festive table without sweet desserts? The treat will appeal to both children and adults. You will see a simple master class for the holiday in the next video.

Watch the video: Menu Planning for Your Kids Birthday Party - Ideas and Tips (July 2024).