
Tobradex for children: instructions for use

"Tobradex" is a remedy against inflammation of the organs of vision. It is used to treat childhood eye diseases and colds, conjunctivitis, and during postoperative rehabilitation.

This remedy is very popular among medicines that are used to treat infectious eye diseases. The most commonly used form of medication is drops, which are effective therapy for a wide variety of conditions. In addition, "Tobradex" is used for preventive purposes, to improve visual acuity, eliminate eye fatigue, as well as during diagnostic procedures.

At the same time, both a plus and a minus of this drug is its combined composition. It is excellent only for treating microbial infections that do not entail purulent discharge.

In addition, the drug has a lot of side effects and contraindications. Because of this, Tobradex is considered a rather dangerous agent, therefore, in some cases, the best solution would be to choose less dangerous agents of a similar composition.

Instructions for use

To achieve the maximum effect, it is better to apply one or two drops to the conjunctivitis area at intervals of four to six hours, but if there are additional reasons, then on the first day or two, the frequency can be increased to once every two hours.

This drug also has another form - an ointment, but this form is considered not the most convenient. Firstly, there is discomfort, which is caused by a very unpleasant sensation of something foreign and interfering in the eye. Secondly, it is more difficult to apply.

Before you start using the medicine, you need to wash your hands with soap and water to avoid the consumption of antibiotics for cleaning the surrounding microflora... Next, you need to tilt your head or lie down, and then gently pull back the lower eyelid and apply a little ointment. After that, you need to blink slowly several times so that the medicine is neatly distributed where it is most needed.

The duration of this procedure can only be determined by a doctor. The period between applications should not be less than six hours. If one of the procedures was missed, the gap should be filled as soon as possible. It is strictly forbidden to change the dosage yourself.

Side effect

As mentioned above, this drug has a number of side effects. Local include:

  • those that occur infrequently: high intraocular pressure, punctate keratitis, bouts of pain or itching in the eye, erythema of the eyelid, edema, discomfort and irritation of the eyeball;

  • those that appear rather rarely: dryness, sensation of foreign bodies in the eyeball, hyperemia, eye hypersensitivity, blurred vision;

  • those, the frequency of which is not determined: decreased visual acuity, edema of the eyelids, mydriasis, fear of light, increased lacrimation, blurry vision, hyperemia.

Systemic side effects include:

  • those that appear infrequently: laryngospasm and rhinorrhea;

  • those that rarely appear: the appearance of an unpleasant or bitter taste;

  • those whose frequency is not determined: attacks of headache, dizziness, nausea, vomiting, discomfort in the abdominal region, skin rashes, facial swelling, itching, erythema.

The drug should not be taken if the sensitivity to the components of the drug is high, as well as with treelike keratitis, chickenpox or vaccinia, other diseases of the cornea of ​​a viral nature, and so on, as well as for children under 5 years of age.

Interaction with other medicinal products

If the treatment is carried out in a complex of ophthalmic drugs of local action (and "Tobradex" - among them), you need to make the intervals between taking drugs from five to fifteen minutes. The size of such gaps will depend on the doctor's prescription in each individual case.

So that nothing interferes with the penetration of active ingredients, you will need to remove the lenses before application. You need to put on the lenses again fifteen minutes after applying the medicine to the epicenter of conjunctivitis.

"Tobradex" in the form of drops is usually prescribed in addition to systemic treatment with aminoglycoside, but you should not forget to monitor the general characteristics of the blood, because this tool contains such a component as tobramycin, which belongs to a set of aminoglycoside antibiotics.

If conservative treatment with "Tobradex" is carried out, it is important during this period of time not to take substances that have an ototoxic, nephrotoxic or neurotoxic nature, since due to the combination, an increase in the negative consequences of the course is monitored.

To avoid unnecessary consequences, it is better to consult with a specialist before starting to combine "Tobradex" with third-party drugs.

Who is assigned?

"Tobradex" is used to treat diseases such as barley, blepharitis, keraphitis, as well as conjunctivitis and dacryocystitis. It helps treat eye injuries and restore vision after ophthalmic surgeries. It is possible to take it in the treatment of infectious diseases, which include corneal inflammation and chronic uveitis. Also suitable for use after radiation, chemical injuries of the eye apparatus, thermal damage to children's eyes.

If foreign bodies get into the eyes, it is better to use drops. In addition, it is possible to use drops to prevent inflammation after cataract surgery. With certain doctor's prescriptions, drops can be dripped into the nasal cavity to eliminate a cold and with adenoids.

"Tobradex" should be used carefully and under direct supervision of an appropriate specialist in glaucoma and in the case of corneal thinning. During pregnancy and during breastfeeding, it is permissible to use the medication if the risk of negatively affecting the growth and development of the fetus is minimal.

Several important points

Before you start using "Tobradex", it is worth remembering important instructions. Do not forget to shake the jar of medicine before applying so that the excipients do not settle on the bottom of the container. At the end of use, the container must be tightly closed to protect it from weathering.

Never touch the end of the dispenser to the surface of the eye, as this may cause discomfort. When reflexively closing the eye, this can also reduce the effectiveness of the active components of the drug, creating barriers to the passage of the drug, and also increase the duration of manipulations.

Do not forget that after using the product, blurred vision may occur, therefore you should not drive, and also take control of potentially dangerous mechanisms until the ability to clearly see is fully restored. It is better to find out the maximum exact time of restoration of visual abilities from the attending physician or other qualified specialist in this field.

What do people say?

During the existence of the Internet, countless reviews and opinions about this drug have accumulated on various sites and pages. There are many negative opinions among them. In many cases, the drug showed minimal results, or even had no effect at all. This may depend on the individual physiology of a person and the causes of the disease, because the drug may not help in some special cases.

However, there are also positive reviews. In a variety of cases, "Tobradex" successfully coped not only with the disease, but also with its root cause.

In one of his programs, the popular TV doctor Komarovsky shared his opinion about this medicine. He believes that "Tobradex" is an excellent drug for eliminating eye infections in schoolchildren. In addition, the medicine is good for treating the common cold, as well as adenoids and other similar diseases.

Tobradex is a working agent against bacteria and inflammation... It reduces the risk of eye infections and destroys the main causes of pathological processes in the eye apparatus, which are caused by harmful microorganisms that have entered the eyes. In the form of an ointment or suspension, the remedy perfectly helps schoolchildren and adults with simple and complex infectious and viral eye diseases. Has several popular counterparts of weaker action. Dispensed in the pharmacy only with a prescription certified by a doctor.

For information on how to treat conjunctivitis in children, see the next video.

Watch the video: HOW TO CURE AN EYE INFECTION IN 24 HOURS! (September 2024).