
Synechiae in boys

Genital pathologies in boys are quite common. Future men have certain physiological characteristics that are not diseases. This article will help parents figure out whether synechiae is considered a variant of the norm or is a pathology.

What it is?

The fusion between the glans penis and the inner layer of the foreskin doctors call the term "Synechiae". This condition occurs in every male newborn baby.

This feature in boys is due to nature. All babies under the age of three have physiological signs of synechiae, that is, this condition is not a pathological deviation, but belongs to a variant of the norm. Over time, the child's synechiae completely disappear, only in some cases treatment is required to eliminate them.

Expressed adhesions on the foreskin lead to difficulties in exposing the glans penis. The predominant localization of such "adhesions" is from the coronal groove of the penis to the urethral canal. It is no coincidence that nature came up with these merges. In young children, local immunity is still not functioning effectively enough. This can lead to the fact that the child "picks up" any infectious diseases. Adhesions prevent the entry of pathogens into the internal structures of the external genital organs.

Synechia is a completely physiological formation in little boys. It should in no way terrify parents.

Compliance with the rules of personal hygiene, strengthening local immunity and prevention will ensure good control over the development of this condition.

If inflammation occurs, parents should still consult a pediatric urologist. It is also worth doing this if the child is three years old, and he still has pronounced adhesions in the foreskin and glans.


According to statistics, adhesions on the external genital organs completely pass by the age of 3 years. However, there are exceptions.

In the scientific literature there is information that signs of adhesions in the foreskin are quite common in school and adolescence. Retrospective analysis shows that such children have never been seen by a urologist.

In the development of the disease, several groups of synechia should be distinguished. Some of them are considered physiological and are found in every newborn boy. Others - traumatic. They often occur after injury to the intimate genital area. In this case, a mandatory consultation of a urologist and agreement on further treatment tactics are required. Some severe traumatic injuries that led to the appearance of synechiae require surgical treatment.

The severity and number of synechiae may differ significantly. It is believed that an increase in adhesions can lead to various infectious diseases that arise in a child during intrauterine development in the womb. Microbes entering the baby's systemic circulation through the nutrient vessels of the placenta rapidly reach the pelvic organs, contributing to the occurrence of an inflammatory process there. Ultimately, this disrupts organogenesis, which can be manifested by the appearance of multiple adhesions.

European scientists suggest that hereditary factors contribute to the development of multiple synechia in a child. There is no scientific confirmation of this fact yet: this assumption is still a theory, but there is a place to be.

Pediatric urologists or andrologists are involved in the treatment of pathological adhesions of the foreskin and glans of the penis.

The mechanism for the natural separation of adhesions is simple. During growth, the child begins to produce a sufficient amount of smegma - a special secret of the sebaceous glands in combination with desquamated epithelial cells. The development of this biologically active substance contributes to the fact that the adhesions between the foreskin and the glans penis are eliminated on their own. They are simply separated from each other mechanically.

The danger of developing various pathological conditions lies in the amount of smegma secreted. If for some reason it begins to be produced in a significant amount, then this can lead to its pronounced stagnation. Such a biological secret is considered an excellent breeding ground for the development and life of various pathogens.

Violations of the rules of personal hygiene, systemic infectious diseases against the background of low local immunity contribute to the ingress of microbes under the foreskin, which leads to the development of numerous dangerous urological pathologies.

This situation leads to the development of complications in the child. The most common of them are balanoposthitis and balanitis. These conditions are usually quite uncomfortable and disrupt the child's well-being.

Pediatric urologists and andrologists are involved in the treatment of these urological diseases. High doses of antibacterial and anti-inflammatory drugs are usually used to eliminate the adverse symptoms of diseases.


Synechiae can be seen in a child and independently. They usually become noticeable during daily hygiene procedures. Connective tissue adhesions between the glans penis and the foreskin, which look like tight bands, are considered synechiae. The number of such adhesions may be different for each child.

In some cases, the baby develops the following characteristic symptoms:

  • Swelling of the glans penis. It somewhat increases in size, with severe edema, it can pulsate slightly.
  • Redness of the glans penis. Usually, this symptom occurs due to itching that worries the baby. Itching can be of different intensity: from almost imperceptible to severe. Some babies begin to comb the intimate area, which leads to the appearance of characteristic marks on the skin of this area.
  • Slight soreness while urinating. This symptom does not occur in all babies. Some children experience a slight burning sensation. Going to the toilet to urinate can be uncomfortable for a child. Toddlers of an early age, and especially those who still cannot speak, express this simply - crying.
  • Soreness or difficulty exposing the glans penis. The more adhesions a child has, the more pronounced this unfavorable symptom. In some babies, when trying to bare their heads, a real pain syndrome appears. If a similar situation arises, you should immediately contact a pediatric urologist.

How to treat at home?

Therapy of uncomplicated synechiae can be carried out independently. Such treatment can be more classified as preventive. It boils down to the implementation and observance of all the rules of personal hygiene. The baby should be taught to take care of himself from an early age. The child should know the basic rules of hygiene that he will need in later life.

It is important to remember that little boys need to be sure to wash daily. With pronounced smegma formation - this can be done 2 times a day or more often (if necessary). In the future, boys should wash once a day.

To prevent inflammatory diseases of the genitourinary organs during washing, you can use decoctions made from various medicinal plants. Pharmacy chamomile and calendula are perfect. Many urologists recommend treating inflamed areas miramistin. It should be remembered that this drug has contraindications and must be prescribed by the attending physician.

After washing, the skin should be gently blotted with a clean ironed towel or sterile gauze, and then dried. Do not rub the skin strongly. This can contribute to causing mechanical damage, which will only aggravate the general condition.

Long-term wearing of diapers for boys does not have a beneficial effect. During hygiene procedures, the child's skin "breathes", dries naturally and does not overheat.

Whenever possible, try to potty train your baby as early as possible. This will help reduce the risk of developing adverse pathological conditions in the child in the future.


Today, pediatric urologists and andrologists believe that there is no need for intensive treatment for boys under three years old. Usually, only regular observation is carried out for the child, which allows you to control the course and development of this condition.

When visiting the medical commission in the clinic, the baby must be examined by a urologist. If during such an examination the doctor discovers any complications or a pronounced deterioration in the course of the disease, then he can prescribe treatment for the child. However, such cases are quite rare.

With traumatic synechiae, doctors recommend turning to baths with chamomile or calendula. They help relieve inflammation and make your child feel better. Usually 10-15 days are enough to achieve a positive effect. Baths can be carried out 2 times a day.

Sometimes doctors inject with a special needle into the area between the head of the penis and the foreskin hydrocortisone ointment. It effectively treats inflammation and helps to quickly reduce adhesions.

In some situations, doctors may resort to prescribing special ointments that have a resorbing effect, for example, "Kontraktubeks". Such funds are applied to the affected areas and help to reduce adhesions. The choice of the duration of such treatment and the frequency of application of the drug remains with the attending urologist, since a preliminary assessment of the general condition of the baby and the detection of concomitant diseases is required.

In babies over three years old with pronounced adhesions on the foreskin, which cause adverse symptoms in the baby, it can be carried out surgery. The indications for surgery are established by a pediatric urologist. In this case, all adhesions are surgically intersected, which leads to the release of the glans penis and a significant improvement in well-being. Usually, such operations are carried out already in children in adolescence.

After the surgical treatment, the child is prescribed anti-inflammatory ointments that are applied topically. They help eliminate residual symptoms of inflammation and promote healing of damaged tissues. Usually, such ointments are prescribed for 2-3 weeks with subsequent cancellation.

After the treatment, the child does not have any residual signs of synechiae and adverse symptoms. In the future, the child should regularly visit the urologist at least once a year.

For information on what synechiae and the rules of intimate hygiene in boys are, see the next video.

Watch the video: How to manage Posterior Synechiae seclusio pupillae during phacoemulsification surgery? (July 2024).