
"Biotredin" for children: instructions for use

If you need to support the brain, improve memory or help the child become more attentive and diligent, doctors recommend vitamin preparations and remedies that have a positive effect on the functions of the central nervous system. One of them is Biotredin. Neuropathologists often prescribe this medication for school-age children and adolescents.

Release form and composition

"Biotredin" is produced in the form of sublingual tablets, so they have a sweetish taste. They are flat, small in size, round in shape. The color of the preparation is white or cream. One pack contains 30 tablets packed in one blister.

The composition of "Biotredin" includes two active components. The first is threonine at a dosage of 100 mg, and the second is pyridoxine hydrochloride, also called vitamin B6. Its amount in each tablet is 5 mg. In addition to these substances, the preparation contains citric acid and povidone, as well as magnesium stearate and lactose monohydrate.

Operating principle

The amino acid threonine, after entering the body and due to its combination with pyridoxine, is converted into two compounds: glycine and acetaldehyde. They note the ability to influence various metabolic processes in tissues (respiration, ATP synthesis, etc.). In addition, such substances enhance the inhibition processes in the nervous system.

Due to this mechanism of action "Biotredin" is able to:

  • have a positive effect on memory, both long-term and short-term;
  • maintain mental performance;
  • eliminate irritability and internal discomfort;
  • reduce emotional stress and cheer up;

The drug reduces distraction and promotes better concentration.

The drug works quite quickly: its effect is observed already 10–20 minutes after the pill begins to dissolve under the tongue. The active substances of the drug completely disintegrate and do not accumulate in the body.


In childhood, "Biotredin" is prescribed in situations where it is necessary to support the mental performance of the child, improve his concentration, memory and attention. Pills are often prescribed to adolescents who study a large amount of information, take exams and are preparing to enter a university.

The remedy is indicated for increased mental stress and stress. In addition, neurologists can include it in the treatment of certain nervous diseases.

At what age is it prescribed?

The manufacturer does not indicate any age range for the use of Biotredin, however, it is not recommended to give medicine to small children without consulting a specialist.


It is prohibited to take Biotredin if the child is hypersensitive to vitamin B6 or other components of the medicine. Due to the presence of milk sugar among the auxiliary ingredients, such a drug is also not used in patients with glucose malabsorption syndrome, lactase deficiency or galactosemia.

Side effects

Sometimes during the use of "Biotredin" the child complains of dizziness or increased sweating. Also, occasionally there are allergic reactions to the components of the tablets, in which the drug is immediately canceled.

Instructions for use

"Biotredin" is taken twice or three times a day, one tablet. Schoolchildren and adolescents are given the medicine to dissolve under the tongue, and young children are first crushed into a powder. The course of admission lasts from three to ten days and, if required, is repeated several times.

Drug interactions

For greater effectiveness "Biotredin" is often prescribed together with "Glycine". In this combination, the drugs enhance each other's action. In this case, the patient must first dissolve "Glycine", and after 10-15 minutes after that take "Biotredin".

As for drugs incompatible with such tablets, they include any drugs that inhibit the central nervous system (antidepressants, barbiturates, anxiolytics, etc.). If you prescribe them simultaneously with Biotredin, the effect of these medicines will weaken.

Terms of sale and storage

You do not need to take a prescription from a doctor to buy pills in pharmacies. The price of one pack of Biotredin is approximately 110–130 rubles.

The shelf life of the medicine is 3 years.

Until it expires, keep the medication at home at room temperature, putting the package out of the reach of children, in a dry place.

Reviews and analogues

On the reception of "Biotredin" in childhood, they respond mostly positively. Parents confirm that such a remedy improves brain function, soothes without harmful effects. The advantages of tablets include their safety, affordable cost, a short course of administration, and a sweet taste. In rare negative reviews, they mention an allergic reaction or lack of effect after a course of treatment.

If it is impossible to give the child "Biotredin" for some reason, other drugs can be used to replace it, which act on the body in a similar way.

  • "Pantogam"... Such a syrup based on hopantenic acid can be given even to babies, and in tablets, the medicine is prescribed for three-year-old children and older.
  • "Magne B6"... As part of this solution, magnesium is added to vitamin B6. The drug is approved for children over a year old.
  • "Cogitum"... This sweet solution works thanks to acetylamino-succinic acid. Children are prescribed it from the age of seven.
  • Semax... Such 0.1% nasal drops containing a peptide that affects the central nervous system have been used since 7 years.
  • "Anvifen"... These capsules, which act as a source of aminophenylbutyric acid, are approved from the age of three.

More about the drug "Biotredin" - the next video.