
Candles "Analdim" for children: instructions for use

The combination of "Analgin" + "Diphenhydramine" is often used as an emergency aid for severe fever. Typically, these drugs are injected by an ambulance team. You can also give these medicines in pills, but the safer option is the medicine "Analdim". It is not only able to replace two drugs at once, but is also more convenient for use in young children.

Release form and composition

"Analdim" is a product of the Ukrainian company "Monfarm" and is presented in only one form, which is rectal suppositories. They are sold packaged in strips of 5, and one box holds two strips. These suppositories are white in color, but can be creamy or yellowish.

The drug contains a combination of two active compounds. One of them is metamizole sodium, which is also called analgin. Its amount in one candle is 100 mg or 250 mg. The second ingredient in the drug is diphenhydramine hydrochloride, also called diphenhydramine. Its dosage in one suppository is 10 mg with an analgin content of 100 mg or 20 mg if the suppository contains 250 mg of analgin.

Auxiliary components of "Analdim" are emulsifier and solid fat. Thanks to them, the medicine keeps its shape, and after entering the intestine it softens quite easily, allowing the active substances to be rapidly absorbed into the bloodstream.

Operating principle

The analgin present in the candles is a group of analgesics-antipyretics, that is, it is able to quickly eliminate pain and lower body temperature when it rises. These effects are associated with the ability of this compound to inhibit the formation of prostaglandins and bradykinin. Thanks to the addition of diphenhydramine the antipyretic and analgesic effect of the drug is enhanced. In addition, this ingredient has sedative, antihistamine and anti-inflammatory effects.

Both active substances are quickly absorbed in the intestine and their peak blood concentrations are detected within one to two hours after the administration of the suppository. With the bloodstream, both compounds are carried throughout the body and penetrate into the tissues of the nervous system. The excretion of analgin occurs in the urine, and diphenhydramine first undergoes metabolic changes in the liver. Clinical effects of "Analdim" appear about 5-6 hours after use.


One of the main reasons for using suppositories in children is an increased body temperature. No less often, "Analdim" is used for pain syndrome, for example, after surgery, for burns, myositis, neuralgia or headache.

At what age is it prescribed?

The use of "Analdim" in children is possible from 1 year. At the same time, one-year-old babies are prescribed suppositories with a lower dosage, containing 100 mg of analgin.

A medication in which a higher content of active substances (250 mg of analgin is supplemented with 20 mg of diphenhydramine) is contraindicated before the age of 5 years. Such candles can only be used on children over five years old.


The drug is not used:

  • in case of impaired renal or liver function, as this will affect the rate of elimination of the drug and may cause side effects;
  • with blood diseases, for example, with agranulocytosis or anemia;

  • with a lack of glucose-6-phosphate dehydrogenase;
  • with bronchospasm, runny nose or other allergic reaction to nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs;
  • with increased sensitivity to diphenhydramine or analgin;
  • with severe pain in the abdomen, when there are suspicions of surgical diseases;
  • with epilepsy;
  • with pheochromocytoma;
  • with glaucoma;
  • with peptic ulcer of the digestive tract;
  • with bradycardia and other disturbances in the rhythm of the heartbeat.

Side effects

"Analdim" can cause skin rashes, Quincke's edema, itching, redness and other allergic reactions. Due to the presence of diphenhydramine in the composition, the drug is able to affect the nervous system, causing drowsiness, restless behavior, tremors, hyperexcitability and other symptoms. Occasionally, the drug provokes tachycardia, problems with urination, hematopoiesis disorders, nasal congestion and other negative effects.

When they appear, you need to contact your doctor and replace the suppositories with another drug.

Instructions for use

The medicine is injected into the rectum one to three times a day. It is best to use "Analdim" after natural emptying or to make an enema. After holding the candle removed from the package in your hand for a few seconds (this will soften it a little and facilitate the introduction), you need to lay the child on its side and carefully insert the drug into the anus, then briefly squeeze the buttocks to avoid reflex expulsion.

The duration of use of "Analdim" is determined by the doctor, but usually it does not exceed three to four days. For pain, the medication is usually used once. If relief does not come, a doctor's examination is recommended.

As for single doses, then, as already noted, in children 1-5 years old, suppositories are used, which contain 100 mg of analgin, supplemented with 10 mg of diphenhydramine. The drug, which contains active ingredients in higher doses (250 mg and 20 mg, respectively), is indicated for patients who are already 5 years old. In adolescence, two suppositories with a dosage of "250 mg + 20 mg" can be used simultaneously.

Overdose and drug interactions

Excessive doses of "Analdim" can provoke a sharp drop in temperature and blood pressure, tachycardia, shortness of breath, nausea, weakness and many other negative symptoms.

If an overdose is detected, it is recommended to immediately consult a doctor who will prescribe the necessary treatment.

As for compatibility with other drugs, there are quite a few drugs that are not recommended for use together with "Analdim". Among them are psychostimulants, sleeping pills, ibuprofen, anticoagulants and other drugs. A complete list of such medicines can be found in the paper annotation that is sold with the candles.

Terms of sale and storage

To buy "Analdim" in a pharmacy, you need a prescription from a doctor. The shelf life of suppositories is 2 years. To store them, a cool place is required, in which the temperature will not rise above +15 degrees. In addition, the drug should not be available to babies.


On the use of "Analdim" in children, you can see mostly positive reviews. In them, suppositories are called effective, and side effects are rarely noted. The drug is considered by parents to be safer than an injection, and the introduction of suppositories, according to mothers, is very simple. Another plus of the drug is called its low price.


Other antipyretic drugs, for example, paracetamol-based drugs, are capable of replacing "Analdim". They are considered the safest in childhood, therefore, they are most often recommended as an analogue of analgin with diphenhydramine. Among these drugs, Panadol, Tsefekon D, Paracetamol and Efferalgan are most in demand. They are represented not only by candles, but also by syrup, tablets, suspension and injection solution.

Another safe option for babies to replace "Analdim" are medications that contain ibuprofen. They have a longer antipyretic effect, but children are allowed to give such suspensions and suppositories only from 3 months of age. The most popular drug in this group is Nurofen.

If the baby has a very high temperature and one antipyretic drug does not cope, or the spasm of the skin vessels prevents the baby from giving off heat, which threatens the child's health, you can additionally give the little patient Suprastin (such an analogue of Diphenhydramine is allowed from 1 month) and No-shpu ยป(This medicine with an antispasmodic effect is used for children over 1 year old).

For more information about the drug "Analdim" for children and its analogues, see the next video.