
Suprax's analogs for children

Suprax is one of the most popular antibiotics, it has a fairly wide range of effects on bacteria of different types. There are several dosage forms. This drug is often prescribed for children, but sometimes it is not possible to use it. What can replace Suprax in such a situation?

Features of the drug

Suprax is a product of Astellas Pharma Europe from the Netherlands, which is also known for such drugs as Wilprafen, Lokoid, Flemoxin Solutab, Unidox Solutab, Pimafukort and others. Suprax is available in several forms:

  • Spherical granules placed in a glass bottle... After adding 40 ml of water to them, a sweet suspension with strawberry flavor is formed, containing 100 mg of cefixime in 5 ml. Its auxiliary components are flavored, sodium benzoate, sucrose and xanthan gum.
  • White-purple capsules, inside which is placed a yellow-white powder. They are sold in 6 pieces in one pack. Each capsule contains 400 mg of cefixime, as well as magnesium stearate, gelatin, and several other substances.
  • Dispersible tablets orange, upon dissolution of which a suspension with the same strawberry flavor is obtained. This drug is called Suprax Solutab and is sold from 1 to 10 tablets per pack. Its action is also provided by cefixime at a dose of 400 mg in one tablet (200 mg in half). Additionally, the medication contains calcium saccharinate, dye, MCC, povidone, flavoring and other compounds.

All these drugs can be purchased at a pharmacy by prescription, paying an average of 600 rubles for granules in one bottle, and 700 rubles for a pack of capsules. The shelf life of all forms of Suprax is 3 years, but after diluting the granules with water, this medicine should be stored no longer than 14 days.

How does it work?

Suprax has a bactericidal effect on pneumococcus, shigella, E. coli, streptococcus, salmonella and many other microbes. The drug damages their membranes, which leads to the death of the pathogen. This medicine is referred to as the third generation cephalosporin antibiotics. It is prescribed for sinusitis, bronchitis, sore throat, otitis media and many other infections.

In childhood, Suprax is most in demand in granules. It is permissible to give it to children over six months old. This form is praised for its ease of use and sweet taste. Solutab tablets are no less popular, because they can be diluted and given in liquid form. This medication is prescribed for children who weigh more than 25 kg.

But Suprax in capsules contains a sufficiently large dose, therefore such a remedy is allowed only from the age of 12 or to patients younger if their body weight is more than 50 kg.

The main contraindication to taking Suprax is intolerance to such a drug. If the child has pseudomembranous colitis or severe kidney disease, the use of an antibiotic requires medical supervision. Among the side effects of the drug are allergic reactions, negative symptoms from the gastrointestinal tract, headaches, hematopoiesis disorders, candidiasis or dysbiosis.

What can be replaced?

Other cefixime preparations

The most optimal substitute for Suprax in the absence of such a drug in a pharmacy can be called an antibiotic that contains the same active substance. Such a remedy is a drug called Panzef, produced in Macedonia.

One of its forms is represented by granules, from which an orange suspension is obtained. She, like liquid Suprax, contains 100 mg of cefixime in the form of trihydrate in every 5 ml. The difference between the compositions of such drugs is only a flavor, the other components are the same.

According to the instructions, Pancef is used from 6 months of age for the same diseases and is not prescribed for the same contraindications as in Suprax. The possible side effects of these drugs, as well as the doses and storage times given to children, also coincide. But the price of such a Panzef is somewhat lower, since you need to pay 300-450 rubles for one bottle.

In addition to granules, Pancef is also produced in solid form - in tablets, each of which is a source of 400 mg of cefixime. Since such a medicine has a shell, and it is impossible to divide the pill, this form of medication is prescribed from the age of 12. It is better to choose such Pancef to replace Suprax in capsules.

Another cefixime-based drug is Ixim Lupine... This medication is produced in India in powder form, from which you need to make a suspension. She has a strawberry flavor and the same dosage of cefixime as in the finished Suprax suspension (20 mg in 1 ml).

The composition of the drug is very similar to Suprax and differs only in the presence of another auxiliary component - silicon dioxide. The ready-made Ixim Lupine suspension can also be stored for no longer than 14 days, and the shelf life of the sealed medicine is only 2 years. The cost of one bottle of such a remedy is about 480 rubles, that is, it is cheaper than a similar form of Suprax.

Other cephalosporins

Other drugs from the same group of antibiotics can also replace Suprax in the treatment of sinusitis, otitis media, bronchitis and many other diseases. They are effective against a large number of bacteria species and have a bactericidal effect, since they can cause lysis of microbial cells. The list of these drugs includes the following drugs:

  • Zinnat. This medication belongs to the second generation and contains cefuroxime. It is available in granules (a suspension prepared from them can be given to children over 3 months old) and in coated tablets (they are used from the age of three). It can be replaced by other cefuroxime drugs, such as Zinacef, Cefurus, or Supero.
  • Ceftriaxone. This drug represents the third generation of cephalosporin antibiotics and works thanks to ceftriaxone sodium. The drug is produced only in injectable form - in vials of powder, into which sterile water is added, and then an intravenous injection is given. It can also be administered intramuscularly, and lidocaine acts as a solvent for less pain. The use of such an antibiotic is possible at any age. Its analogues are Azaran, Lendocin, Rocefin, Cefaxon, Cefogram and other drugs.

  • Cefotaxime. This drug also belongs to the third generation and contains the active substance of the same name. It is presented as a powder placed in vials - the medication is injected intramuscularly or into a vein. This medicine can even be given to newborns. Among the analogues of Cefotaxime, one can name Claforan, Cefosin, Cefantral, Liforan, Cetax and other agents.
  • Zedex. Such a bactericidal drug is another representative of the third generation of cephalosporins. Its action is provided by ceftibuten. Like Suprax, this antibiotic is available in suspension powder (it has a cherry flavor) and in capsules. The liquid form is prescribed for patients over 6 months old.
  • Fortum... This medicine, which contains ceftazidime, is prescribed for infections in children of any age. The drug belongs to the 3rd generation and is used only parenterally (injected into a vein or administered in the form of intramuscular injections). The same active substance is contained in the drugs Vicef, Ceftazidim-AKOS, Tizim, Orzid and others.

Children's antibiotics of other groups

In some cases, the use of Suprax or other cephalosporins is impossible (for example, with individual intolerance or resistance of the pathogen), then the child can be prescribed antibacterial agents with a different composition and mechanism of action. For example, instead of Suprax, the doctor may prescribe:

  • Sumamed... This popular macrolide antibiotic contains azithromycin and comes in many forms. When treating children, a suspension is most often used, which is allowed from 6 months of age, and solid forms are given from 3 years, taking into account the dosage of the drug. The analogs of this agent are AzitRus, Hemomycin, Azitrox, Ecomed and other drugs.
  • Augmentin. This medicine contains amoxicillin in combination with clavulanic acid. It is available in suspension (it is permissible to use it even in infants), tablets (they are given to children over 12 years old) and injectable form. You can replace such an antibiotic with Panklav, Amoxiclav, Ranklav, Medoklav and others.

  • Klacid... This is another representative of macrolides, but its action is provided by clarithromycin. A fruit suspension with this name is given to children who are 6 months old. Klacid tablets are used from 3 years of age, and injections in childhood are contraindicated. The analogues of this antibiotic are Klabaks, Fromilid, Klarbakt and other drugs.
  • Macropen. This macrolide antimicrobial drug contains midecamycin and is available in two forms. One of them is a banana-scented suspension, given to babies from birth.

The second form - coated tablets - is used in the treatment of infections in 3-year-olds and older.

Doctor Komarovsky will tell you which antibiotic is best for bronchitis in the next video.

Watch the video: Emilys story - Caring for children with life-limiting illnesses (July 2024).