
Lavomax for children: instructions for use

Antibacterial drugs are used in the treatment of bacterial infections, but if the disease is caused by viruses, they will not help. In such a situation, doctors prescribe drugs that can act on viruses, destroy them or prevent them from multiplying.

Also in demand are drugs that act on the immune system, as a result of which, antibodies and interferons are more actively produced in the patient's body. One of the medicines that affect both viruses and immunity is Lavomax. Can it be given to children and what, if necessary, can replace it when treating a child?

Release form and composition

Lavomax is available in only one form - in the form of round tablets packed in blisters of 3, 4, 6 or 10 pieces. One box contains 3 to 20 tablets. They are covered with a yellow-orange shell, which protects the ingredients of the tablet core from dissolution in the stomach. There is no syrup, capsule, suspension or injectable form of such a drug.

The therapeutic effect of Lavomax is provided by tilorone in the form of dihydrochloride. This compound is present in each tablet at a dose of 125 mg. Additionally, the preparation includes sucrose, povidone, silicon dioxide, beeswax and other ingredients. It is important to clarify their presence if the patient is allergic to any auxiliary components of the tablets.

Operating principle

After entering the bloodstream, tilorone binds to proteins and is transported throughout the body, stimulating the cells of the intestine, liver and blood (granulocytes, lymphocytes). The result of this action is the active synthesis of interferons. In addition, the drug acts on bone marrow stem cells, restores the normal ratio of T cells and activates the formation of antibodies.

The effect of the drug on viruses is associated with its blocking of the reproduction of pathogens and the formation of proteins in the affected cells.

In Tilorone, activity is noted against hepatoviruses, influenza viruses, cytomegaloviruses and many other pathogens. In addition, the drug has anti-inflammatory, radioprotective and antitumor effects.


The drug is used:

  • In the treatment of viral hepatitis B, C and A. The drug is in demand both in the acute form and in the treatment of chronic hepatitis C and B.
  • When infected with herpes, for example, with herpes sore throat, herpes on the lips, genital lesions, or with shingles.
  • With cytomegalovirus infection.
  • In the treatment and prevention of influenza.
  • With viral encephalomyelitis.

Due to its immunomodulatory effect, the medication is also included in the treatment of certain bacterial infections, for example, it is prescribed for chlamydia or tuberculosis.

Are children prescribed?

In the annotation to the drug, it is noted that Lavomax is not prescribed until the age of 18. This is due to the high dosage of tilorone in one tablet - children over 7 years old can be given such an active compound only at a dose of 60 mg per day, and it is not recommended to divide the tablet.

In exceptional cases, the drug is prescribed to adolescents from the age of 14. In this case, doctors use an adult treatment regimen.

You will learn more about this drug in the following video.


Lavomax is not used if the patient has an intolerance to tilorone. Since the composition of the drug includes sucrose, the drug is not prescribed for people with sucrose deficiency or other disorders of carbohydrate metabolism.

Side effects

In some patients, Lavomax causes an allergic reaction. Also, when treated with these pills, symptoms of dyspepsia, such as bloating or nausea, may appear. Occasionally, taking the medication causes a chill, which soon passes.

Instructions for use

The tablet is recommended to be taken after meals by swallowing it and drinking a small amount of water. It is impossible to bite through or grind the medication in any other way.

The treatment regimen depends on the diagnosis. For example, if a patient has a severe flu, he is prescribed 1 tablet of Lavomax per day. The drug is taken on the first and second day of the disease, and then they start drinking every other day. The total course of therapy for influenza includes 6 tablets.

With viral hepatitis A, the scheme is the same, but the patient must take 10 tablets in total. When infected with herpes or cytomegalovirus, the medication is also taken in a pill for the first two days, and then every other day, taking only 20 Lavomax tablets. If the medicine is prescribed to prevent getting the flu, it is taken once a week for 4 weeks (4 tablets in total).

Terms of sale and storage

To buy Lavomax in a pharmacy, you do not need to take a prescription from a doctor, however, giving children such a remedy without consulting a pediatrician, infectious disease specialist or other specialist is unacceptable. The average price of 6 tablets is 470 rubles, and a pack of 10 pieces costs from 770 to 910 rubles.

To store Lavomax, you need a dry place where the sun's rays do not fall. It is important that children cannot get the drug in such a place. In addition, the storage temperature should not be higher than 25 degrees Celsius. The shelf life of the tablets is 2 years.


If it is required to prescribe a drug based on tilorone for the treatment of a child under 14 years old, Amiksin is prescribed instead of Lavomax. Such tablets are available in a dosage of 60 mg, so they are allowed for children from 7 years of age. They are sold by prescription and prescribed to children with ARVI, herpes, viral hepatitis, influenza, or other viral infection.

Reviews on the use of Amiksin in childhood are different. Among them there are many positive ones, in which parents note a rather rapid effect of the drug in severe flu and ARVI. However, there are also negative reviews: there are complaints about the lack of therapeutic action and side effects.

Dissatisfaction is also expressed because of the rather high price of pills, which is why the medication is replaced with the domestic drug Tiloron. It is also available in 60 mg tablets and can be used for viral diseases instead of Amiksin. Other drugs of tilorone (Tiloram, Tilaxin) are presented in tablets of 125 mg of the active ingredient, therefore, like Lavomax, they are not prescribed until the age of 18.

We also note that instead of Lavomax and Amiksin, another antiviral drug can be used, for example, Kagocel tablets (allowed from 3 years old), Orvirem syrup (used in children over a year old) or Arbidol suspension (prescribed from 3 years of age).

However, such an analogue should be selected only with a specialist, after all, each of these and other antiviral drugs has its own limitations and application features. It is not recommended to give them to a child without the consent of a pediatrician.

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