
Evamenol for children: instructions for use

A runny nose can be called one of the most common problems in childhood. Due to this unpleasant symptom that occurs with ARVI or other diseases, breathing through the nose is disturbed in children, which affects their general condition and sleep.

To combat the common cold, many local remedies are used, among which there are preparations with a natural composition. These include "Evamenol". Is such a remedy used in childhood, how is it correctly used in children and what side symptoms can it provoke in young patients?

Release form and composition

"Evamenol" is a Russian drug that is produced in only one form - nasal ointment. In terms of physical properties, such a medicine is represented by a yellowish thick mass that smells of eucalyptus and menthol. This aroma of the ointment is due to its main components, which are levomenthol and eucalyptus oil.

Both active ingredients are contained in 100 grams of the medicine, 1 gram each. The only additional component of the drug is petroleum jelly. The medication is sold in aluminum tubes, placed in a cardboard box. One tube holds 15 grams of ointment.

Operating principle

The main effect of the components of "Evamenol" is a distraction, since they are able to stimulate sensitive receptors in the nasal mucosa. Due to this stimulation, after applying the ointment, the blood vessels in the nose are narrowed, and menthol additionally has a mild local anesthetic effect. In addition, eucalyptus oil has anti-inflammatory effects. In addition, both active ingredients of the ointment show some antiseptic effect.


Considering the mechanism of action and properties of "Evamenol", this medication is used for rhinitis and nasopharyngitis. This symptomatic remedy is prescribed both for patients with an acute form of the common cold and for the treatment of chronic rhinitis or pharyngitis.

At what age is it prescribed?

The drug is not used in children under two years of age. If the baby is not yet 2 years old, then his runny nose is treated with other medications that are safer for young children.


The ointment is not used in children with:

  • allergic rhinitis;
  • bronchial asthma;
  • a cough with a lot of phlegm;
  • false croup;
  • long-term cough caused by emphysema or other chronic lung disease;
  • whooping cough;
  • a tendency to bronchospasm or laryngospasm;
  • intolerance to menthol or another component of the drug.

Side effects

The drug can provoke redness of the nasal mucosa, as well as swelling, burning or itching in the nose. In addition, lacrimation may appear after treatment with the ointment. If any of these side effects appear after the application of Evamenol, you need to stop treatment and show the child to the doctor.

To avoid an allergic reaction to the components of the ointment, it is recommended to conduct a test before starting treatment by smearing a small amount of the drug on the skin on the wrist. If there is no irritation, redness or itching a few hours after such a test, then the medicine can be applied to the nose.

If the drug accidentally gets into a child's eyes, it can cause burning and other uncomfortable symptoms. To prevent such a problem when processing "Evamenol", you need to ensure that the agent does not get on the conjunctiva.

If you cannot avoid this, immediately rinse your eyes with plenty of clean water.

Instructions for use

Before using the ointment, it is necessary to clean the nasal cavity from excess secretions. "Evamenol" should be applied to the mucous membrane, first placing the drug in the anterior part of the nose, and then, pressing on the wings with your fingers, rub the medicine inside the nasal cavity. For one procedure, a strip of ointment of about 5 mm is used - in such an amount, the agent is taken for each of the nasal passages.

You can put the medication with your finger, but when treating children, it is more convenient to use a cotton swab or cotton swab. The frequency of nasal treatment is 2 or 3 times a day, and the duration of application of "Evamenol" can be from 5 to 10 days. Longer use requires medical advice.

If the drug is used for five days or longer, but no improvement is observed, the child should also be seen by a specialist.

Terms of sale and storage

To buy Evamenol at a pharmacy, you do not need a doctor's prescription. The average price of one tube of ointment is 40-50 rubles. During the entire shelf life (3 years from the date of manufacture), the drug should be kept at room temperature in a place hidden from children. After opening the tube, the shelf life is not reduced.


Most of the reviews left by parents after using Evamenol are positive. In them, the drug is called an effective remedy and is praised for its natural basis, mild action and affordable cost. According to mothers, treatment with ointment quickly eliminates congestion and helps with a cold. Among the minuses of the drug, an insufficient healing effect or the appearance of discomfort in the nose after treatment is sometimes mentioned. Also, some children don't like the smell of the ointment.


There are no drugs that fully correspond to "Evamenol" in composition and form of release. If you need to replace such a remedy, your doctor may recommend other medications that help get rid of the common cold, for example:

  • "Pinosol"... This medicine works thanks to thymol, eucalyptus oil, vitamin E and pine oil, as well as some other natural ingredients. In children over two years old, it can be used as an ointment, drops, or cream. Spray "Pinosol" is allowed for children over 3 years old.

  • "Cameton"... This product also contains eucalyptus oil and menthol, but these substances are supplemented with camphor and chlorobutanol. The medication is represented by an aerosol, which is used both for a cold and for sore throats in children over 5 years old. There is also a spray "Cameton", approved from the age of 7.

  • "Eucasept"... These drops are based on thymol, peppermint oil, tocopherol, eucalyptus oil and other ingredients with antimicrobial and anti-inflammatory effects. Children are prescribed such a medication from the age of two.

For information on how to treat a runny nose in children, see the next video.

Watch the video: How to use an EpiPen on a child - Ask A Doc. Cook Childrens (July 2024).