
Fenistil Gel: instructions for use for children

Allergy in childhood is most often manifested by a reaction on the skin, therefore, preparations with local action in the form of gels or ointments are used to eliminate its symptoms. One of the most popular drugs is Fenistil Gel, which is a very popular antihistamine. Can it be used in childhood and how to do it correctly?

Release form and composition

The drug is produced in aluminum tubes packed in a cardboard box. On sale in pharmacies are tubes containing 30 or 50 grams of gel. Inside the tube of such a medicine, there is a transparent gel-like substance, colorless and almost odorless.

The main component of this drug is dimethindene maleate, which contains 100 mg of gel in 100 grams of gel, that is, its concentration is 0.1%. Additional compounds are water, sodium hydroxide, propylene glycol, carbomer, benzalkonium chloride, and disodium edetate.


Fenistil Gel has an anti-allergic local effect.

It helps relieve itching and soothes irritation caused by an allergic reaction. In addition, the gel has a local anesthetic effect and a slight cooling effect.

The gel is quite well absorbed by the skin and begins to act after application within a few minutes, and the maximum effect of the gel is observed after 1-4 hours. In this case, the active substance is absorbed into the blood in an amount of up to 10%, due to which side effects from its use occur much less frequently than in Fenistil drops.


This drug is prescribed in childhood with:

  • Dermatosis, the symptom of which is itching.
  • Itching after an insect bite, such as from mosquito bites.
  • Hives.
  • Eczema caused by allergies.
  • Light household or sunburn.
  • Infections with an itchy rash, such as measles or chickenpox.

For prophylactic purposes, Fenistil gel can be used after vaccination, and before vaccination, the child is given such a drug in drops for 3-5 days. Although many doctors believe that such preparation for vaccination is not needed if the crumbs are prone to allergic reactions, some parents prefer to play it safe and use Fenistil.


The use of Fenistil Gel is contraindicated in such situations:

  • If the child is less than 1 month old.
  • When detecting a closed-angle form of an eye disease such as glaucoma in a baby.
  • If the child has an intolerance to any component of the gel.
  • If itching in a child is caused by cholestasis.
  • If the skin lesions are very extensive.

Application features

  • The affected skin is treated with Fenistil Gel two to four times a day.
  • The gel is applied in a thin layer only to the affected areas.
  • When treating the face, it is important not to allow the drug to get into the eyes, as well as into the child's mouth.
  • The gel should not be applied to a large area of ​​the skin, especially in case of bleeding and inflammation.
  • After applying the gel to the skin, avoid direct sunlight.
  • With severe itching or with extensive skin lesions, antihistamines are simultaneously prescribed by mouth.
  • Treatment continues until the symptoms of skin lesions disappear.
  • The medicine should be kept out of the reach of a child. In this case, the storage temperature should not exceed + 25 ° C.
  • If allergy symptoms persist within 3-4 days after using Fenistil Gel, you should consult a doctor. You also need a doctor's consultation in a situation if the use of the gel has increased the severity of symptoms.
  • When using Fenistil gel, you need to remember that this is only a symptomatic treatment of allergies, so at the same time you should identify allergens and try to exclude their contact with the child's body.

Can it be used for newborns?

Fenistil, produced in the form of a gel, like the drug in the form of drops, is not used in infants during the neonatal period, especially in those who were born prematurely. The use of such drugs is permissible only in children older than 1 month, however, even in infants who are already a month old, the use of antihistamines such as Fenistil should be very careful.

A doctor should prescribe Fenistil to babies under one year old, since such a medicine has its own contraindications and often causes side reactions.


In 90% of cases of using Fenistil in the form of a gel, parents respond positively about it. They emphasize that the remedy quickly removes red spots, swelling, itching, rashes and other manifestations of allergies. It is also praised for its fast action in treating mosquito bites.

However, in some cases, parents note that Fenistil gel does not help. This situation often occurs with non-allergic rashes, for example, with abrasions and other mechanical irritations of the skin. Also, many complain that the effect of the drug is not long-term, forgetting that such a gel does not eliminate the cause of the allergy, but only removes its skin manifestations.

Among the side effects of Fenistil Gel, parents often note dry skin and the appearance of a burning sensation. Itching and rash at the site of application of the drug are very rare, but such cases also occur.

Cheaper analogues

Prices for Fenistil gel in different pharmacies vary between 330-550 rubles per tube of 30 grams and 450-700 rubles per pack of 50 grams. And therefore, many mothers are interested in whether it is possible to replace such a drug with a more affordable analogue.

To replace Fenistil Gel in case of allergic reactions with severe itching and rash, the following drugs are suitable:

  • Zyrtec - antiallergic medicine prescribed for children from 6 months of age in drops and from 6 years of age in tablets.
  • Zincet - an antihistamine in syrup, which is given to children over 2 years old.
  • Cetrin - a highly effective drug for allergies, produced in syrup (prescribed from 2 years of age) and in tablet form (prescribed for children over 6 years of age).
  • Zodak - antiallergic agent used in children from 12 months (in drops) and from 6 years of age (in coated tablets).
  • Claritin - an antiallergic drug prescribed from 2 years of age in syrup, which is also produced in tablets intended for children over 3 years of age.
  • Parlazin - medicine for allergies in drops (prescribed for children over a year old) and in tablet form (prescribed for children from 6 years of age).
  • Erius - an antiallergic drug in syrup, prescribed for babies over 12 months old, as well as in tablets recommended for use by children over 12 years old.

Watch the video: Fenistil (July 2024).