
Derinat spray for children

Every child has colds and viral infections, therefore, as the cold season approaches, mothers are thinking about strengthening the immune system of their daughter or son, and are also interested in effective antiviral agents that can help fight ARVI faster. Derinat is one of the most popular drugs. This spray medication is often used by adults to prevent and treat influenza, but can it be used in children and how does it affect the child's body?

Release form

Derinat spray is available in bottles with special spray nozzles. One such bottle contains a clear, colorless solution in the amount of 10 ml. This liquid has no taste or smell.


The basis of the drug is sodium deoxyribonucleinate, presented in solution at a concentration of 2.5% (2.5 mg per 1 ml). This active compound is only supplemented with water for injection and sodium chloride. There are no other components in the preparation.

Operating principle

Deoxyribonucleinate has an immunomodulatory effect. This substance affects cellular immunity, thereby strengthening the immune response to the ingestion of viruses, fungi or bacteria. In addition, it also activates humoral immunity, contributing to faster elimination of pathogens.

The spray also has a regenerating effect, since it is able to stimulate regenerative processes in the mucous membranes and skin during local treatment. This effect makes Derinat popular in the practice of surgeons and ophthalmologists. The medication accelerates the healing of even such serious injuries as deep burns and trophic ulcers.


The use of Derinat spray is justified for acute viral infections that caused rhinitis, laryngitis, otitis media and other inflammatory diseases of the respiratory tract. The medicine is also used prophylactically to prevent getting the flu. In this case, the doctor can prescribe a medication both independently and in combination with other medications, for example, antibiotics. Topically, the spray is used for inflammatory pathologies of the eyes and oral cavity, as well as for various skin lesions (frostbite, infected wounds, burns, and others).

At what age is it allowed?

Derinat has no age restrictions, so this medicine can be used at any age, even in newborns. However, for small children, the form of drops is preferable. The spray is recommended for use at the age of 3 years and older.


The drug is not used in case of intolerance to any of its components. The drug has no other contraindications.

Side effects

Derinat is not addictive and does not constrict blood vessels, therefore it is considered safer than vasoconstrictor drops and sprays. Such a drug does not have a negative effect on the nervous system and the gastrointestinal tract of the child. In very rare cases, it can provoke allergies. When treating wounds and burns, the drug has a positive side effect, which is an analgesic effect.

Instructions for use

Derinat in the form of a spray can be injected into the nose and sprayed onto the wound surface of the skin. Also, this tool can be used to treat the throat and oral mucosa.

  • For the purpose of prevention the medicine is prescribed in courses of 1-2 weeks, 1 spray in each nasal passage two to four times a day. If necessary, Derinat can be used prophylactically throughout the epidemic season.
  • If a child has ARVI, the medication is sprayed into each nostril, one or two injections every 1.5-2 hours until the condition relieves (in the first 2 days of the disease). Next, they switch to three or four times use during the day, one spray at a time until complete recovery.
  • For sinusitis or rhinitis Derinat can be injected into each nostril 1-2 times up to six times a day. Such treatment is prescribed for a period of 1 week to 15 days.
  • If the baby has a damaged or inflamed oral mucosa, spray can be applied directly to the affected area. The agent is sprayed on it with 2-3 presses 4 to 6 times a day for 5-10 days.
  • For treating the skin with ulcers, burns, wounds and other problems, use 4-5 times spraying per day until complete healing. This treatment can last up to 3 months.


The negative effect of exceeded doses of Derinat was not found.

Interaction with other drugs

The spray combines well with antiviral, antipyretic or antibacterial drugs, therefore it is often prescribed together with them for a complex effect on the cause of the disease and its symptoms. When used topically, one should take into account the incompatibility of Derinat and fatty ointments, as well as hydrogen peroxide.

Terms of sale

Derinat spray is an over-the-counter product, therefore it is freely purchased in pharmacies. On average, the price of one bottle of such a drug is 250-300 rubles.

Storage features

Keep the medicine at home in a place hidden from small children, where the temperature will be in the range from +4 to +20 degrees. The refrigerator is considered the best storage option. If the shelf life of 5 years has not yet expired, and the bottle itself has not been opened, you can keep the medicine until the date indicated on the package. After the first application of the spray, its storage is reduced to 14 days. Throw away the bottle 2 weeks after opening, even if there is still a solution inside.


Many parents speak well of Derinat, confirming that the medicine helped their children not to get the flu during the cold season or to transfer the infection easier. The advantages of the drug are called its convenient packaging, no age restrictions and no unpleasant taste.

The medication is often used to treat throat and various skin lesions. Its disadvantages include the need for storage in the refrigerator and a very short shelf life after opening the spray. Also, in some children, the drug did not have the expected therapeutic effect.


If necessary, you can replace Derinat in the form of a spray with other drugs used for a cold, sore throat and other manifestations of ARVI. For example, instead of such a medicine, the doctor may advise the IRS-19 spray, the immunostimulating effect of which is due to bacterial lysates in its composition. Such a medicine can be used to treat or prevent viral diseases from the age of three months.

Also, Grippferon spray can replace Derinat with a cold. This medication contains interferon and therefore stimulates the immune system of the child, protecting him from colds and flu. If the baby has a severe runny nose, the doctor may recommend Aqua-Maris, Marimer, Nazol Baby, Vibrocil and other drugs, but they have a completely different composition and have their own contraindications, so you should not use them on your own.

In the next short video, Dr. Komarovsky tells what needs to be done to increase the child's immunity.

Watch the video: DDT Insecticide Spraying Against Infantile Paralysis 221790-01. Footage Farm (June 2024).