
Psychosomatics of Disease by Liz Burbo

Psychosomatics is a branch of medicine that is on the border of psychology and traditional medicine. She studies the close connection between bodily ailments and those psychological problems that a person has. This connection was already obvious to the doctors of Ancient Greece, it was studied at different times by Sigmund Freud and Professor Bekhterev, Walter Breutigam and Paul Christian.

Recently, mainly professional doctors and qualified psychologists have been working in psychosomatic medicine. But Liz Burbo was originally neither a doctor nor a healer of human souls.

The native of Canada began her career back in 1966 as a sales specialist and achieved great success in this, from the very bottom reaching the position of regional manager at one of the largest Canadian enterprises. And it's not that Liz was very fond of money. She loved people, and therefore rather quickly began to train employees in methods of psychological work with clients. For 16 years, she conducted training seminars for almost 40 thousand people, which allowed her to understand that the main problem is not in the circumstances, but in the person himself, in the fact that people chronically do not know how to feel happy.

Gradually, Liz Burbo created her own technique. The Listen to Your Body Technique in 1982 received wide recognition. Liz had to quit her job and start working on how to help as many people as possible become a little happier and, accordingly, a little healthier.

The technique is based on the statement that the human body is his friend, he himself will "signal" about certain violations in his work, and also indicate what exactly the person is doing or thinking wrong. Liz teaches people to listen carefully to their bodies, pay attention to dietary habits, and also listen especially carefully to their diseases: they are always not even a hint, but direct speech of the body, an indication of a mistake, a cry for help, a demand to change something.

In 1984, the first Burbo training center was opened, which in Canada a few years later at the government level was recognized as an official educational institution. To date, Liz has written more than 23 books, they have been translated into more than 20 languages.

Liz Burbo is often invited to seminars, television. She additionally received a philosophy and teaching education. Now Dr. Liz, despite her considerable age, conducts lectures all over the world, her school is considered one of the most ambitious - teaching her methodology is carried out in 27 countries of the world.

Liz Burbo's method is based on the belief that any psychological or life problem affects a person not only on a metaphysical, but also on a quite tangible bodily level. The strongest emotions are always negative. It is they who disrupt the hormonal background, cause clamps and spasms at the muscle level, disrupt metabolism at the level of cells of all organs and systems.

Knowing this, it becomes clear why doctors in the hospital are not always able to find the true cause of the disease: there is pain, and the examination does not reveal any abnormalities. This can also explain long-term, chronic diseases, which, despite the received treatment, are in no hurry to retreat.

Resentment, fear, anger and anger, unwillingness to forgive, coupled with a huge dislike for oneself - in the literal sense of the word, a deadly cocktail, which, in case of refusal to solve the initial problems, will accumulate and one day turn into an unpleasant medical diagnosis.

After analyzing the psychological characteristics of tens of thousands of her patients, Liz Burbo created a table of diseases indicating the most likely causes of their development. It is clear that eliminating the cause will be the beginning of treatment. Neither Liz nor other followers of the ideas of psychosomatic medicine call for abandoning traditional treatment.... If an operation is needed, it must be performed, if medication is needed, the patient should regularly take the drugs prescribed by the doctor.

A person will be able to treat some problems himself, and certainly the knowledge gained will be useful to him for the prevention of diseases.

Liz Burbo suggested breaking all the fortunes into four blocks.

  • Physical blocking - physical manifestation of the existing problem, complaints, with which the patient, in the end, goes to see a doctor. To understand what this blockage is, one should answer the question: "How would I characterize my physical sensations at the moment, with what epithets could I compare these sensations?" Example: a tooth hurts and sways - loss of balance and support, uncertainty, expectation of a catastrophe (when it breaks).
  • Emotional blockage - what emotions the current state evokes. To understand this, you need to answer the questions: "What does this disease prevent me from doing (doing all the time)?", "What does the disease force me to do?" Start the answer with the “not” particle, with the denial, and this will allow you to understand what emotions are being blocked. Example: a tooth hurts and sways - does not allow smiling, kissing and gnawing apples, desires for joy and pleasure are blocked.

Such an analysis before looking for an answer to your question is an obligatory part. Work on the problem begins with him. Feel free to admit to yourself honestly what is happening, what you feel, even if those feelings are unsightly, vile and scary.... The method of such analysis is very simple and allows you not only to understand health problems, but also to find answers to the most confusing and difficult situations in your daily life - lack of money, bad relationships, setbacks, job loss, etc.

We have presented a very shortened version of the table, you can learn more about Liz Burbo's technique in her books: "Your body says - love yourself!", "Listen to your body, your best friend on earth", "Five injuries that prevent us from being ourselves" , "Cancer: A Book of Hope."

The responses about Burbo are different: some write that her method helped them solve problems, recover, others are sure that Dr. Liz is promoting his seminars and trainings with books, since there are references to them everywhere, and without them it can be difficult to understand the methodology and apply it.

Watch the video: Addressing the Emotional Stress of Living with a Chronic Disease - Leora Lowenthal, LICSW (July 2024).