
Solution "Rengalin" for children: instructions for use

Homeopathic remedies are in demand by many parents, because they are considered less harmful than synthetic drugs, and an allergic reaction to them is less common than to herbal medicines. Although doctors often talk about the ineffectiveness of such drugs, many mothers note a good effect from the use of homeopathy, for example, from the use of Rengalin.

This is one of the drugs that are used for different types of cough, both in adult patients and in childhood. For the treatment of children, a remedy in the form of a sweet solution is most often chosen, because giving it to young patients is much more convenient than tablet preparations. But, before giving Rengalin to a coughing child, you should consult a doctor and find out more about its action, suitable dosage regimen and possible harm.

Release form

Rengalin is one of the products of Materia Medica, which is also known for other popular drugs, including Anaferon, Tenoten, Ergoferon and Agri. In liquid form, Rengalin is sold in glass bottles containing 100 ml of an almost colorless solution. There is a plastic dropper on the neck of the bottle. For its sweet taste, such a clear solution is often called syrup.

In addition to the liquid form, Rengalin is also available in tablets. They have a sweet taste, so this product is pleasant to dissolve. These tablets contain the same active ingredients and are used for the same indications. They can replace the solution if it is not in the pharmacy or the child does not like it.


The action of "Rengalin" is provided by special antibodies, which were subjected to affinity purification during the production process.

As part of the product, they are presented in three types, depending on the substance on which they act. In particular, the drug contains antibodies to morphine and histamine, as well as to bradykinin. The amount of each type of antibody per 100 milliliters of solution is 0.12 grams. To make the drug liquid, pleasant to the taste and not spoil, citric acid, glycerol and purified water, as well as potassium sorbate and maltitol are added to the antibodies.

Operating principle

The active components present in Rengalin act on certain receptors. So, antibodies to histamine are able to bind to receptors for such a biological substance.

Antibodies to morphine have an effect on opiate receptors, and antibodies to bradykinin, as the name suggests, affect bradykinin receptors. Together, all these mechanisms have an antitussive effect, and also relieve bronchospasm. In addition, the agent has an analgesic effect, the ability to reduce inflammation and swelling.

Studies have shown that Rengalin affects the cough center, thereby reducing the excitability of this part of the brain.

In addition, the drug affects the conduction of impulses to the brain, which additionally blocks the cough reflex and reduces pain sensitivity. At the same time, respiratory depression or hypnotic effect in the solution is absent, which distinguishes it from some other drugs with an antitussive effect.

Due to its effect on histamine and bradykinin, Rengalin also helps with an allergic reaction, and the drug's ability to reduce bronchospasm is used in acute pathologies of the respiratory system, in which the muscles of the bronchi are spasmodic. These clinical effects make it useful for a wide variety of airway problems.


The reason for prescribing Rengalin for a child is a cough of different etiology.

The remedy can be used for colds, tuberculosis, bronchial inflammation, laryngotracheitis, allergic cough and other pathologies. The solution is in demand both for an unproductive cough, if it is dry and spastic, and for a wet cough, when the patient's sputum is formed in large quantities.

At what age is it allowed?

According to the annotation to the solution, the use of this form of "Rengalin" in children is possible from the age of three.

If the baby is not yet three years old, you cannot give him this liquid preparation. If it is necessary to treat a cough in a patient in the first years of life, it is necessary, together with a doctor, to choose an analogue that is allowed at an early age.


It is impossible to give Rengalin to children not only under the age of three, but also when a child over three years of age is found to be hypersensitive to any component of the drug. Since the composition of the product includes maltitol, such "Rengalin" is also contraindicated in case of fructose intolerance, and in diabetes mellitus it should be used with caution (the possibility of use must be checked with the attending physician).

Side effects

Sometimes, after one or several doses of Rengalin, the child develops skin itching, rash, edema or other manifestations of allergies.

Such symptoms indicate intolerance and should be the reason for canceling the drug, and if the patient's condition has worsened, the child should be examined by a doctor.


According to the instructions, liquid "Rengalin" is taken orally, regardless of the diet. A single dose of the drug is one or two teaspoons, but a doctor should prescribe a more accurate dosage.

Before swallowing the solution, it is recommended to hold it in the mouth for a while so that the active components of the agent have a better effect on the respiratory tract.

In the acute period of the disease, the frequency of taking Rengalin is 4-6 times a day. As soon as the patient's condition begins to improve, they switch to triple use. The duration of taking the drug is influenced by the severity of the disease and the child's reaction to the solution, so the duration of the course must be checked with the doctor individually.


If you accidentally give the child more solution than the doctor prescribed, or in the case when the drug is stored incorrectly (the child has free access to it), an overdose will manifest itself with nausea, loose stools and other dyspeptic symptoms.

They soon pass, but sometimes require medical attention and symptomatic treatment.

Interaction with other drugs

The manufacturer claims that in the course of studies of the features of the drug, no incompatibility of Rengalin with other drugs was found. This means that the solution can be included in the treatment complex and used with antibiotics, expectorant and other medications.

Terms of sale

You don't need to take a prescription from a doctor to buy liquid Rengalin, but it is advisable to examine the child before starting treatment. The price of one bottle of the drug in different pharmacies ranges from 220 to 270 rubles.


The shelf life of the solution is 3 years and is indicated on the package. If it has expired, it is contraindicated to give such a remedy to a child. It is recommended to store Rengalin at home out of the reach of babies, because the product has a sweet taste, which increases the risk of overdose.

The storage temperature of the drug should not exceed +25 degrees Celsius.

Customer Reviews

About 80% of reviews on the use of Rengalin in liquid form are positive. Among the advantages of the drug are usually called an effective cough action, pleasant taste and affordable cost. According to mothers, the remedy quickly helps and is accepted with pleasure by children, as it is sweet and liquid.

However, there is also a certain percentage of negative reviews, which often talk about the lack of effect.


You can replace the liquid form of Rengalin in the treatment of cough with other homeopathic medicines, for example, Stodal syrup. This product from the well-known company Boiron has a pleasant smell and a sweet caramel taste. It contains several homeopathic substances that help get rid of coughs. Among them are bryony, ipeca, pulsatilla, drosera and other ingredients. The drug is allowed at any age, but in babies under 3 years old it should be used only as directed by a doctor.

If a patient has a productive cough, but sputum is difficult to discharge, various herbal medicines can be used instead of Rengalin, the main effect of which is an expectorant. These include "Gedelix", "Doctor Mom", "Prospan", "Herbion", "Tussamag" and other medicines.

Most of them are sweet syrups, solutions or drops. Many of these drugs are used even in infants, but only after a doctor's examination.

If you need to replace Rengalin with a dry cough, your pediatrician will recommend an antitussive drug. Among the most popular drugs that can block the cough reflex, due to which the condition of children with a painful cough is relieved, are Codelac Neo, Omnitus, Paxeladin, Sinekod.

All of them effectively eliminate dry cough, but should not be used in children without a doctor's prescription. This is due to different active substances, and with the presence of contraindications, and with different age restrictions (some drugs are allowed for children under one year old, others are used from 2-3 years or older).

You can learn more about the action of the drug in the following video.