
Kindinorm for children: instructions for use

Many mothers do not trust traditional medicines, preferring homeopathy. Such parents often choose Kindinorm as a sedative for a child. This drug is manufactured in Germany. It is recommended for poor sleep, nervous excitability, impaired attention and similar problems. However, before giving it to a child, you should consult a doctor, as well as learn about the action of the medicine and the dosages recommended for small patients.

Release form and composition

The only form of "Kindinorm" is granules (10 or 20 grams in one bottle). They are distinguished by their matte surface, round shape and white color. The granules taste sweet, there is no smell. The bottle in which the drug is sold is made of brown glass. The manufacturer chose the dark color of the packaging so that the product does not deteriorate from sunlight.

The action of the granules is provided by several ingredients at once:

  • Calcium hypophosphorosum diluted D4;
  • potassium forforicum diluted D6;
  • valerian substances presented in the D6 dilution;
  • Cuprum Metallicum diluted D10;
  • hamomilla (substances from chamomile) diluted with D12;
  • staphysagria (substances from larkspur), also presented in dilution D12.

The dosage of each of these substances per 100 grams of the drug is 166.7 mg. The only auxiliary component of Kindinorm is sucrose. There are no other additives in the granule composition anymore.

Operating principle

The components of the granules have a complex effect on the human body. The main result is a calming effect. Reception of "Kindinorm" eliminates nervous excitement and improves brain function. In addition, the beneficial effect of the drug on the sleep of patients is noted. The use of the granules makes it easier to fall asleep, helps with restless sleep and insomnia.


Application of "Kindinorm" is in demand:

  • with increased nervousness and excitability;
  • with various sleep disorders;
  • with poor perseverance and problems with concentration.

At what age is it prescribed?

Granules are allowed to be given to children from 1 year old. For babies and newborns, such a remedy is not prescribed. Patients over one year old should be prescribed by a doctor, because such a drug is usually included in the whole complex of treatment.


In addition to age restrictions, Kindinorm has only one more contraindication. The drug is not given if a child over 1 year old has hypersensitivity to any component of the granules. When used for children with diabetes mellitus, the amount of sucrose in the daily dose of the drug must be taken into account.

Side effects

As with any other homeopathic remedy, the patient's condition may worsen in the first days of taking Kindinorm. In this case, the drug is canceled. The child should be examined by a doctor. Among other negative effects of the drug, there are allergic reactions, which also require stopping the intake of the granules.

How to use?

To get the desired positive effect from using Kindinorm, should take into account the peculiarities of its reception.

  • It is recommended to slowly dissolve the granules in the oral cavity. If the child is very small, the drug can be dissolved in a teaspoon of water, and then give the baby the mixture to drink. Usually this method is chosen for patients 1-3 years old.
  • Do not give the pellets with meals. It is best to offer the drug to the child half an hour before a meal. If the patient has just eaten, the appointment is postponed for 30 minutes.
  • The frequency of taking the drug is three times a day. The duration of use is at least 6 weeks. If no improvement is observed after 4 weeks of taking, you need to show the child to a doctor.
  • As for single doses, usually the child is given as many granules as he is. However, this dose calculation is only suitable for patients under 10 years of age. For example, if a child is 6 years old, he needs six pellets at one time. If the patient is already 10 years old, then a single dose for him will be 10 granules, regardless of age (both at 10 and at 11-12 years and older).


At the moment, nothing is known about cases of exceeding the dose of "Kindinorm", but if a child accidentally swallows too many granules, you should consult a doctor.

Drug interactions

The remedy can be combined with any medicine and homeopathic remedies. It is usually prescribed along with other medications that affect the nervous system.

Terms of sale and storage

Kindinorm is an over-the-counter drug and is freely available in pharmacies to anyone. The average price of 10 grams of the drug is 500-550 rubles. At home, the bottle should be in a dry place where small children cannot reach it. The manufacturer's recommended storage temperature is from 15 to 25 degrees Celsius. The shelf life of granules is 4 years from the date of manufacture.


There are many good reviews on the Internet about the use of "Kindinorm" from both parents and homeopathic doctors. Homeopathic advocates praise this remedy for its natural composition, safety and rare side effects.

According to mothers, the granules really help to calm an overly active child, have a positive effect on night and day sleep, and contribute to better perseverance and concentration during class. Thanks to its sweet taste, giving Kindinorm to children is very easy.

The disadvantages of the remedy are often only its high cost, but you can also find reviews in which they complain about the lack of effect or side effects, as well as the need to take the drug for a long time.


If for some reason it is not possible to use Kindinorm for a child, the doctor may recommend another homeopathic remedy with a similar effect on the child's body as a replacement.

  • Valerianachel. This drug from the well-known company "Heel" from Germany is produced in liquid form. It contains valerian, as well as substances from chamomile, lemon balm, oats, hops and other plants, supplemented with inorganic components. The tool is used for fatigue, excitability, neurosis and sleep problems from the age of 6.

  • "Dormikind". This German homeopathic remedy is a tablet containing zinc valerianicum, magnesium carbonicum and substances from the ciprepedium (shoe). It is prescribed for babies from birth to six years old with nervous excitability and insomnia.

  • "Notta". The composition of this Austrian preparation includes substances obtained from oats, chamomile and coffee tree, as well as phosphorus and zinc valerianate. The drug in drops is used from 3 years old, and lozenges - from 12 years of age. "Notta" is in demand with rapid fatigue, fears, nervous tics, significant mental stress and other similar disorders.

  • "Tenoten Children's". This remedy from the Russian company Materia Medica is prescribed to eliminate nervousness, irritability, excitability, tearfulness and anxiety, as well as for severe stress and problems with the adaptation of the nervous system, for example, when moving to a new school. It is presented as tablets containing antibodies to a special protein called brain-specific. The tool is used from the age of 3.

  • "Homeostres". The drug is produced by the French company "Boiron". These homeopathic sweet pills contain substances derived from viburnum, calendula, belladonna, aconite, beetroot and celandine. The remedy is used for anxiety, insomnia, anxiety and other problems in children over 3 years old.

For what homeopathy is, see the next video.

Watch the video: NISIKIND, mama nature for children (July 2024).