
Dibazol for children

The drug called "Dibazol" was created more than 60 years ago, but today it is actively prescribed by neurologists, cardiologists, pediatricians and other specialists. Not everyone knows whether it is allowed for children and how it affects the child's body.

Release form

The medication is produced in the following forms:

  • Tablets placed in paper contour packs of 10 pieces. One pack can contain from 10 to 60 tablets.
  • Solution in ampoules for intramuscular or intravenous injections. One ampoule can contain 1, 2 or 5 ml of such a colorless transparent solution.

In addition, "Dibazol" is represented by a substance-powder, from which powders with glucose are made according to the doctor's prescription. With regard to the preparation of such a form, intra-pharmacy control applies. This powder can only be prepared in specialized pharmacies.


The active ingredient in "Dibazol" is a substance called bendazole. One tablet contains 20 mg of such a compound, and the concentration of bendazole in an ampoule is either 0.5% (5 mg per 1 ml) or 1% (10 mg per 1 ml). The auxiliary components of the tablets are lactose, potato starch, calcium stearate and other substances that give the drug density and help keep its shape. The ampoules contain the active ingredient, sterile water, ethanol, hydrochloric acid and glycerol.

Operating principle

Since bendazole is capable of acting on smooth muscles and causing them to relax, "Dibazol" belongs to the group of myotropic antispasmodics. Due to this effect, the drug causes vasodilation, as a result of which the blood pressure decreases. This effect is called moderate and short-lived, since it is observed only within 2-3 hours after using the medicine.

However, this remedy has other therapeutic effects:

  • Its reception stimulates the transmission of nerve impulses in the spinal cord.
  • The drug is able to activate the synthesis of protein molecules and nucleic acids.
  • It is an immunomodulator, since it is able to stimulate the formation of interferon, the process of phagocytosis and the synthesis of antibodies.


The tool is used for babies in such cases:

  • With neurological pathologies - for example, after a birth injury, with paralysis of the facial nerve, or to eliminate the consequences of poliomyelitis. One of the methods of drug administration in such situations is electrophoresis.
  • To improve immunity for colds and viral infections, as well as for the prevention of influenza.
  • In diseases of the internal organs, in which spasms of smooth muscles occur - for example, with renal, hepatic or intestinal colic.

From what age is it allowed to take?

The medicine is used for children of any age, but only as directed by a doctor. It is not recommended to give "Dibazol" to a child without consulting a specialist.


The drug is not used in case of hypersensitivity to bendazole or its other component. It should not be given with reduced blood pressure.

Side effects

During treatment with "Dibazol" the child can observe:

  • Nausea.
  • Allergic reaction to the drug.
  • Headache.
  • Increased perspiration.
  • Dizziness.
  • Feeling hot.

Instructions for use and dosage

Taking into account the disease and condition of the child, the doctor chooses the appropriate form of the drug and the method of its use, and the determination of the dosage depends on age. For children under one year old, Dibazol is prescribed 1 mg per day. For babies over one year old up to 12 years of age, the dose is selected individually (from 2 to 5 mg per day).

The course of treatment for neurological pathologies is 3-4 weeks. If necessary, it is prescribed again - after one or two months. For colds, the drug is prescribed together with calcium gluconate or vitamin C. For the prevention of viral diseases, "Dibazol" should be taken in the form of tablets for a long time - at least a month.


If you exceed the dose of "Dibazol" for a child, it will lead to increased side effects of such a drug - for example, cause nausea and a feeling of heat.

Interaction with other drugs

  • The combination of "Dibazol" and papaverine hydrochloride has a stronger antispasmodic effect than each of the drugs separately.
  • When administered with other antihypertensive drugs, their therapeutic effect is enhanced.
  • Ascorbic acid has the property of enhancing the immunostimulating effect of Dibazol.

Terms of sale and storage

To buy an injectable form of the drug, you need a prescription from a doctor, and the tablets are an over-the-counter drug. The average price of 10 ampoules is 25-35 rubles. You need to keep "Dibazol" at home in a dry place (at temperatures below +25 degrees), where a small child cannot get the medicine. Shelf life of ampoules - 4 years, tablets - 5 years.


About "Dibazole" respond mostly positively, noting that it is very effective for intestinal spasms, neurological diseases and viral infections. At the same time, mothers often complain about the appearance of an allergic reaction, but among the advantages of the remedy they mention its low cost and availability in most pharmacies.


If "Dibazol" is used as an antispasmodic, then it can be replaced by drugs with a similar effect on smooth muscles and blood vessels - for example, "Drotaverin", Duspatalin, "Papaverine" or "No-Shpa".

When using a medication as an adaptogen and an immunomodulator, the doctor may recommend to replace it with such agents affecting immunity as Derinat, "Galavit", "Polyoxidonium" and others. However, they all contain different active compounds, are available in different forms (suppositories, injections, tablets, drops, powder) and have their own limitations in use, so a specialist should be engaged in the selection of an analogue.

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