
Glucose in the urine of a child

Changes in urine tests help to identify various diseases in a child and begin their timely treatment. What does the appearance of glucose in the child's urine analysis indicate?

What does it mean?

Glucose is a simple carbohydrate that serves as the main source of energy for the human body. All carbohydrates that enter the child's gastrointestinal tract with food are broken down by enzymes to glucose. It is in this form that carbohydrates are used by the cells of the body.

In the child's blood, the concentration of glucose is kept at the same level. Appearance in urine becomes possible when a certain threshold of blood glucose is exceeded (in most children, this threshold is 10 mmol / l) or when the processes of glucose reabsorption in the kidneys are disturbed. This condition is called glucosuria.


If the glucose level in the urine rises, the child may develop symptoms such as:

  • Frequent urination
  • Increased thirst
  • Weight loss
  • Fatigue, drowsiness and weakness
  • Itchy and dry skin


The main reason that can cause the appearance of glucose in children's urine is diabetes mellitus. In more rare cases, the following problems lead to glucosuria:

  • Pheochromocytoma;
  • Acromegaly;
  • Cushing's syndrome;
  • Hyperthyroidism;
  • Cystinosis;
  • Malabsorption syndrome;
  • Intestinal infection;
  • Disorders of the kidneys, in which the threshold for glucose excretion is lowered;
  • Fever;
  • Acute pancreatitis;
  • Traumatic brain injury, encephalitis, meningitis;
  • Glomerulonephritis;
  • Burns.

Disease development

Often, the detection of glucose in urine is associated with its excess in the blood, which affects renal filtration. Glucose is not completely absorbed back by the kidneys, so it begins to be excreted in the urine. This leads to a gradual decrease in blood glucose levels and starvation of the cells that were supposed to receive this glucose for energy.


There is a hereditary form of glucosuria (primary), which leads to genetically determined disorders of glucose metabolism, as well as a secondary one associated with kidney diseases, for example, with poisoning.

Emotional glucosuria caused by stress and alimentary glucose, when glucose appears after changes in nutrition (consumption of an excess of simple carbohydrates), are also distinguished separately.


The division of glucosuria into different types is based on the cause of the occurrence of such a symptom. The following types are distinguished:

  • Renal. It is caused by renal congenital pathologies, due to which glucose enters the urine in an increased amount. The disease is manifested by a feeling of hunger, fatigue, weakness. For treatment, a dietary regimen is recommended in order to maintain blood glucose levels.
  • Renal. With this type of disease, the level of glucose in the urine is increased, and in the blood it is normal. This happens due to impaired absorption of glucose in the kidneys, for example, with nephrosis or renal failure.
  • Daily. Glucose is detected in urine during the day, as a rule, after significant physical exertion and excessive consumption of sweet foods.

What analysis is it determined by?

Determination of glucose in urine is carried out during the general analysis of the child's urine. If such a study reveals glucose, the child is prescribed a retake of the analysis, as well as a blood test. There is also an express diagnosis of the presence of glucosuria, in which special test strips are used. In addition, daily urine glucose is determined.


For a urine test to be reliable, it is important to follow all guidelines for collecting a sample for it. The child must undergo a toilet of the genitals so that substances do not get into the urine, because of which glucose will quickly decompose. The urine is collected in a sterile container, closed tightly and taken to the laboratory within one to two hours.

Sometimes the child has to pass daily urine, then the first portion allocated in the morning is not taken, and starting from the second urination, all urine is collected in a separate container, the first urination of the next day is also included. The collection container is kept in the refrigerator.

Then you need to measure the entire volume of urine, select 100 milliliters for analysis, indicate the child's data and the total volume of urine per day on the form attached to this sample, and then deliver a portion of urine to the laboratory.

Diagnostic test strips

In some cases, glucose in the urine is detected by special indicator strips. This analysis is based on the interaction of glucose with the enzyme glucose oxidase with the release of hydrogen peroxide, its cleavage by peroxidase and oxidation of the dye on the strip. The reaction occurs only when glucose is present in the urine sample under study. This is a qualitative method that helps answer the question of whether there is glucose in the urine. He does not determine the exact concentration; by the change in color, it can be determined only approximately.

In diagnostics, strips are used, the width of which is 5 mm, and the length is 5 cm. They have a strip of light yellow color impregnated with dye and enzymes. The staining of this particular area occurs during the reaction to glucose.

For the test to be carried out correctly, the test strip should be immersed in the urine so that the reagents become wet, after which it is immediately removed and allowed to lie down for two minutes. Next, it remains to compare the strip where the reagents were located with the control scale. Remember to store the strips properly and do not touch the test areas with your fingers.


Glucose enters the urine in such a small amount that it is not detected by tests, so the norm will be the complete absence of glucose in the child's urine sample.

When can a result be false positive?

If the child has eaten a lot of sweets the day before, including fruit, the result may be increased. Also, the false detection of glucose in the urine can lead to the intake of various drugs, for example, drugs containing tannin, salicylic acid, senna, saccharin, caffeine.

If the test is positive, the doctor should suspect diabetes and refer the child to blood tests, which will help confirm the fear or refute them.

The result can be false negative. If the child has consumed large amounts of ascorbic acid, there will be no excretion of glucose in the urine.


The nutritional characteristics of a child who has been diagnosed with glucosuria must correspond to the disease, the symptom of which is the excretion of glucose in the urine. If the violation is caused by excessive consumption of carbohydrate foods, then the child is recommended a diet in which simple carbohydrates are limited.

With glucosuria, dehydration and potassium deficiency are also often noted, so it is important to monitor enough drinking for the child and the consumption of vegetables, grains, and legumes.

Folk remedies

Before using any remedies from the folk medicine kit, you should consult your doctor. The child can be given the following means:

  • A decoction of nettle and blueberry leaves, as well as dandelion roots. Pour a spoonful of chopped ingredients with a glass of boiled water. The tool is taken half a glass three times a day before meals every 8 days.
  • Tincture of oatmeal. Pour a glass of oatmeal with 5 cups of water, which has boiled, cook for one hour. After straining, the tincture can be used by the child in unlimited quantities.
  • Add 1/2 teaspoon of cinnamon to different dishes per day.
  • A decoction of berries and leaves of blueberries. Pour 1 spoon of finely chopped raw materials with 2 glasses of water and boil for 5 minutes. The broth should be taken 15 minutes before meals, 1/2 cup.

Watch the video: 16 Signs Your Blood Sugar Is High u0026 8 Diabetes Symptoms (July 2024).