
Treatment of infertility in women with folk remedies

In most cases, female infertility is surmountable. Medicine offers many ways to restore fertility and give women the happiness of being a mom. Women have always strived for motherhood, and therefore alternative medicine has in its arsenal hundreds of recipes and ways to increase the likelihood of conception. We will talk about traditional methods of treating infertility in women in this article.

Basic principles of treatment

Infertility is not a disease, but a condition that is caused by other diseases or abnormalities in the structure of a woman's reproductive system. That is why it is so important to know the reason why a couple is unable to conceive a baby. You should apply for examination after a year of unsuccessful active planning of pregnancy.

Neither folk nor traditional remedies can help if the infertility is absolute, that is, caused by anatomical congenital or acquired defects, for example, the absence of the ovaries or the uterus. But such infertility is, fortunately, rarely diagnosed. In the overwhelming majority of cases, the reason for the decrease in fertility is inflammatory diseases, obstruction of the tubes, insufficiency of the endometrium of the uterus (for example, in women after abortion and curettage), as well as hormonal disorders. Often, the reason for the absence of pregnancy lies in the absence of ovulation, menstrual irregularities or in immune processes.

In each case, treatment should be targeted, that is, designed to eliminate a specific cause. If you can't get pregnant, it's better to plan treatment not with a healer, but with a gynecologist. And herbs, decoctions and infusions from the arsenal of traditional medicine in most cases can effectively supplement the course of therapy prescribed by the doctor.

It is a mistake to refuse examination, not to trust doctors, to completely rely on "grandmother's methods". Indeed, in some cases, a woman needs surgical intervention, and without it, it will not be possible to overcome childlessness.

Traditional methods of treating infertility in women are very diverse. Before choosing any or several of them, it is imperative to consult with your doctor., since medicinal herbs can cause complications, negative consequences, interacting with medications that are prescribed to a woman, and can also cause severe allergies, which will only aggravate the situation.

When starting treatment, you should remember that it can be quite long, you should not count on a quick result. Also, do not experiment and constantly change funds in the hope of a miracle, because most alternative medicine recipes have a cumulative effect.

Below is a list of the most effective, according to women, folk remedies.

Herbal collection

This recipe came to us from the distant past, it was passed down from generation to generation. To prepare a collection that will help with infertility caused by inflammation and menstrual irregularities, you will need several herbs at once: bearberry, chamomile flowers, calendula, buckthorn bark, St. John's wort, horsetail, motherwort, immortelle, plantain seeds, yarrow.

Fees can be bought ready-made at the pharmacy. Each ingredient will need a teaspoon. The herbal mixture is brewed in half a liter of boiling water and infused for about three hours. You can do this in a thermos, then the drink will not lose its amazing aroma. Then the resulting liquid is filtered.

You can take such a drink no more than half a glass twice a day. After a month, you need to take a week break and start a new course.


The healing properties of this plant are highly valued by both traditional healers and certified doctors. Sage helps to cope with inflammation, normalize hormonal levels, in addition, this plant also increases sex drive in women and helps to feel orgasm more vividly.

Sage is a natural storehouse of phytohormones, some of which are almost identical to female sex hormones. That is why it is undesirable for young girls to accept it. But it has long been known that there is no better remedy for the treatment of infertility in mature women (over 30 years old). Sage drink consists of herbal raw materials and boiling water. A teaspoon of dry raw materials will need about 300 ml of water. After the broth is adjusted, filter it and, if necessary, add a spoonful of honey.

It is recommended to start the course immediately after the end of the next menstruation and continue until the next or until the onset of pregnancy in this cycle. If conception does not work out, take a break of 3 months and repeat the course of treatment again. You need to take a drink from sage twice a day, half a glass.


It should be used only when a woman is not allergic to products of exotic animal origin (mummy is a dung of bats). Otherwise, the consequences can be tragic. For the treatment of some types of infertility associated with endocrine disorders, as well as anovulatory cycles, no more than 0.2 grams of the substance is used twice a day. Shilajit is taken on an empty stomach.

To make it easier for yourself and enhance the effect, you can drink the mummy with blueberry juice or sea buckthorn juice. The course of treatment lasts exactly 28 days - along the length of the female cycle. If the cycle is more than 28 days, the course of administration is increased to the duration of the cycle. The next course of treatment is possible only after a three-month break.


Knotweed tea is brewed in a thermos. To do this, take three teaspoons of raw materials and pour a liter of boiling water. A woman needs to drink such tea at least four times a day before meals. If a representative of the fair sex works or studies, such a schedule for taking a folk remedy is not very convenient, because a thermos will have to be carried with you.

It is believed that knotweed helps to improve ovarian function, improves the quality of eggs, and promotes the onset of ovulation in each menstrual cycle. Traditional healers especially recommend this remedy for women who would like to give birth to a boy. From a medical point of view, this statement looks somewhat ridiculous, because the sex of the child does not depend on the woman and what she drinks and eats, but on the type of man's sperm, which first reaches the oocyte.

Black cumin oil

This valuable product is especially appreciated by oriental men, because it allows you to quickly improve libido and potency. But black seed oil can also be used in the treatment of female infertility. The best results can be achieved in the treatment of immune infertility, as well as cycle failure due to hormonal imbalance.

Oil is taken in a teaspoon twice a day. It is advisable to mix it with honey and wash it down with linden tea. This will significantly enhance the effect of phytohormones contained in caraway seeds. After 2-3 months of treatment, you should take a break for a month, after which the treatment can be continued.

Borovaya uterus

Due to its unique composition, this herb is excellent for inflammatory diseases of the uterus, appendages, as well as for menstrual irregularities. Some hormonal problems are also successfully solved by taking decoctions from the boar uterus. You should definitely know that you cannot take this plant during your period. Also, you can not take decoctions and infusions in the first half of the menstrual cycle (before ovulation).

Treatment with this herb should be abandoned in the presence of tumors, as well as in obstruction of the fallopian tubes. And pharmacies sell not only herbal tea, but also tea from the borax uterus in sachets, as well as drops and tablets with herbal extract. For self-preparation of a water broth, you will need three tablespoons of raw materials and 300 grams of water. You can drink the resulting broth in a tablespoon up to five times a day.

Uterine carnation

This amazing medicinal plant is able to help with a wide range of fertile disorders in women. It helps to relieve inflammation, normalize sex hormones and hormones that promote ovulation, and also strengthens blood vessels, including in the endometrium of the uterus, which is very important for the successful implantation of a fertilized egg. Often, uterine carnations are recommended for women who suffer from habitual miscarriage, miscarriages.

Using the flowers of the plant, a herbal tea is prepared, which a woman should take in a quarter of a glass 4 times a day. An alcoholic infusion is made from the roots of the plant. The flowers and leaves of the uterine carnation are mixed with plantain seeds and brewed as tea in the morning and evening. The effect of such treatment, according to reviews, becomes noticeable after a couple of months.

Red brush

This pretty plant not only enhances immunity, relieves inflammation and helps to find peace of mind, since it has a mild sedative effect, but also rejuvenates the female body, improves the quality of eggs, and normalizes the menstrual cycle.

With myoma or endometriosis, the medicinal plant should be taken in the first half of the cycle to its middle. With endocrine infertility, the decoction of the plant is taken after ovulation, in the second half of the cycle. During menstruation, the reception is canceled.

This remedy is not suitable for women with high blood pressure, heart failure, and women who are deeply depressed.

Everyone else will need two tablespoons of dry plant materials and half a liter of boiling water to prepare a drink. Take a tablespoon of decoction 6-7 times a day.

Beekeeping products

Royal jelly, propolis, bee bee show high efficiency in infertility caused by inflammatory processes. True, you should definitely consult a doctor who can suggest an individual dosage. If you are allergic to bee products, it is strictly forbidden to be treated with them.

Drops of propolis water extract are added to tea, royal jelly (apilak) is placed under the tongue and dissolved in an amount of 1 mg per kilogram of weight. It is permissible to take bee bee bread no more than 30 grams per day in three doses of 10 grams. It, like royal jelly, is absorbed until it is completely dissolved. If the taste is unpleasant for a woman, it is allowed to mix bee bread and milk with honey.

Palm buds

Palm buds are an old recipe that our great-grandmothers knew about. The verb, as a symbol of a reviving life, was even given a mystical meaning, believing that it promotes conception in most types of infertility. If you do not touch on esoterics, then it can be noted that the buds are rich in vitamins and flavonoids, they really increase fertility.

To prepare the broth, take a handful of kidneys and brew with a liter of boiling water. It is advisable to insist the drink in a thermos, and then cool and strain. Take the remedy for a quarter of a glass twice a day.

Kyst al Hindi

Behind the intricate Arabic name is the ground root of a tree of the same name. It is an excellent natural antibiotic that helps to cope with most gynecological inflammatory ailments. To prepare a drink, take a teaspoon of ground root and brew it in a glass of boiling water. You can prepare the broth in a water bath. Take the drink up to five times a day, dividing the resulting volume of the broth into five equal parts. At the same time, you can use the Kist al Hindi oil and apply it in the evening before going to bed on the stomach in the area of ​​the uterus.


This plant is better known as yellow tea or shambhala. It improves metabolic processes in the body, normalizes the duration and frequency of menstruation, increases the likelihood of ovulation in the cycle. In addition, helba improves immunity and contributes to better health and good mood.

There are no special recipes with helba, usually for planning pregnancy, it is taken as regular tea, brewing a teaspoon of raw materials with a glass of boiling water. It is advisable to drink this tea together with your spouse, since the plant greatly improves the composition of the sperm and increases the sex drive in men.


This miracle healer from our windowsills is able not only to heal wounds and burns, but also to help with female infertility. Aloe leaves are cut, the fleshy and juicy ones are chosen. For several days they are kept in the dark and cool (you can in the refrigerator), and then they are crushed and mixed with ghee and honey. The mixture is taken in a teaspoon twice a day.

Aloe juice can be used for douching for inflammatory processes in the uterus and tubes, for problems with the cervix, a cotton swab is soaked with plant juice and inserted into the vagina at night.


So that treatment with folk remedies does not upset and does not cause negative consequences, you should always observe the dosage and frequency of taking the funds. If you buy a fee at a pharmacy, be sure to read the instructions for use and the list of contraindications. If you take raw materials from herbalists, try to buy it only from trusted specialists who can tell you the peculiarities of treatment with this or that herb.

Regardless of which remedy you choose (sage or palm pollen, aloe or black seed oil), be sure to get an allergy test. To do this, apply a few drops of the resulting product to the back of your hand and after 10-15 minutes, look for redness and roughness.

To better understand the great variety of folk recipes for the treatment of female infertility that exists, do not be lazy and find one of the best books on herbal medicine - the book by Elena Zaitseva "Monastic Herbalist". In it you can find not only a description of individual plants, but also combined recipes for each occasion.

For information on how to treat infertility in women with folk remedies, see the next video.

Watch the video: Reasons for infertility (July 2024).