
Obstetric pessary "Doctor Arabin"

Carrying out a baby before the due date of birth is sometimes quite difficult. Special devices - obstetric pessaries - can help with this.

What it is?

An obstetric pessary is a special device inserted into the vagina to strengthen the genitals. They have been used in gynecological practice for quite some time.

An interesting fact is that the first such obstetric pessaries appeared already in the time of Hippocrates. Of course, they were far from modern devices, but they still performed a number of necessary functions.

There are quite a few different pessary models currently on the market. They can be made from rubber, plastic, and other medical grade materials. One of the most commonly used devices is the Doctor Arabin pessary.

These obstetric devices are manufactured in Germany. They also have Russian quality certificates. The devices of this production have proven themselves quite well on the market and are widely used in pregnant women with certain pathologies associated with the inability to bear a baby.

In what situations is it used?

Basically, these devices are used during pregnancy. The setting of an unloading obstetric pessary is indicated for pregnant women with isthmic-cervical insufficiency.

This pathological condition is characterized by shortening of the cervix less than 2.5 cm. Often this pathology is detected in women during cervicometry, starting from the 16th week of pregnancy.

Isthmico-cervical insufficiency is a dangerous pathology for the development of premature birth. In order to prevent this, doctors and resort to the establishment of an obstetric pessary.

Also, the installation of this device is indicated for various pathologies of pregnancy. It can be installed for women suffering from polyhydramnios or carrying several babies at once.

An obstetric pessary is installed for women whose previous pregnancies ended prematurely. Expectant mothers after IVF or other assisted ART methods may also need to install this device.

Another medical indication for the establishment of an obstetric device is the failure of the seams on the cervix after the surgical treatment of isthmic-cervical insufficiency.


It is very important that swabs are taken from the woman for bacteriological examination before placing the device in the vagina. Acute inflammatory processes in the intimate organs are a contraindication. for installing an obstetric product.

The manufacturer claims that this device is not designed to completely block the cervix. It only slightly displaces it to the region of the sacral articulation.

The starting position for installing this device is lying. The obstetric product must be installed by an obstetrician-gynecologist. The installation is carried out in such a way that the more curved part of the obstetric product is at the top. This fixation is most beneficial for holding the pelvic floor.

After the doctor finally installs the midwife product, he will ask the woman to stand up. This must be done in order to assess how well the installation was carried out and whether the pessary will fall out.

Experts believe that this obstetric device is removed from the vagina by 37 weeks of gestation. If, while wearing a pessary, a woman develops some kind of inflammation in the genital area, then she urgently needs to carry out adequate treatment of these pathologies.

For this, as a rule, doctors use topical agents (creams, gels). If such therapy was not enough, and further wearing of the device is impossible due to severe inflammation, then it must be removed.

The decision on the period of wearing the pessary remains with the attending physician. To do this, he must observe the condition of a pregnant woman in dynamics, inviting her to regular check-ups.

Dimensions and parameters

Pessaries "Doctor Arabin" are made of a very soft substance - silicone. In addition to the fact that such material bends well and can take the required shape, it also has very good elasticity. These properties lead to the fact that the installation of the pessary is generally painless. Many women note this in their reviews.

Outwardly, the Dr. Arabin obstetric device resembles a large circle. If you compress it strongly, then it changes its size. All edges of the product are smooth. This feature minimizes the possible risk of trauma to the delicate female genital organs.

Obstetric pessaries from this manufacturer can be of various sizes. They also differ in the height of the curvature. The 2 basic models differ from each other in outer diameter - 6.5 and 7 cm.The inner diameter of the products can be either 3.2 cm or 3.5 cm.

The manufacturer believes that higher models will be more preferable for serious and severe pathologies. However, this is very individual.

The selection of the required size can only be determined by the attending physician, who knows the size of the patient's internal genital organs, as well as the severity of the pathology.


When placing a pessary, it is very important that the procedure is performed by an experienced and qualified doctor. Many women note that they absolutely calmly endured such an introduction, they did not feel pain. At the same time, they mention that this procedure was carried out by an experienced specialist.

Reviews of some women indicate that they periodically experienced a little discomfort while wearing the pessary. Usually, the maximum discomfort was in the very first days after the installation. In the future, they note a rather comfortable wearing and the absence of any pronounced pain syndrome.

Many women who became mothers, having ischemic-cervical insufficiency during pregnancy, also note the remarkable effect of the use of these devices. Even despite some periodic discomfort when wearing an obstetric pessary, the result was more important for them.

Most women who have used this device while carrying a baby the pregnancy ended well.

How to install the Dr. Arabin, see the next video.

Watch the video: pessary insertion video animation video, pessary insertion video (July 2024).