
"Ergoferon" during pregnancy: instructions for use

Pregnant women often cannot avoid viral infections, because while waiting for the baby, the immune defense weakens, and the body of the expectant mother becomes more susceptible to virus attacks. At the same time, many patients try to get rid of ARVI with non-drug measures, for example, drink a lot, humidify the air in the room, and stay in bed. But quite often you have to resort to different drugs.

It is known that many medications during the period of bearing a baby are prohibited, as they can cause developmental disorders. These include all sorts of antiviral medicines. therefore some women prefer homeopathy, choosing for themselves a drug with antiviral activity called Ergoferon.

Doctors treat this tool ambiguously. Some doctors do not see it as a danger for the unborn baby and note a positive effect in their practice, therefore, they allow it to be taken during pregnancy. Other doctors compare the effectiveness of Ergoferon with a placebo and also allow expectant mothers to drink such a drug.

But before acquiring this remedy and taking it to relieve painful symptoms, a woman in a position needs to learn about all the nuances of its use in ARVI.

Features of the drug

Ergoferon is presented in pharmacies in the form of tablets, which need to be absorbed. They are flat, round and white. One package of medicine contains from 10 to 100 tablets. Their action is provided by antibodies that undergo a special affinity purification. Each tablet contains antibodies to three substances - interferon gamma, CD4 and histamine. The excipients of the tablets are lactose, magnesium stearate and microcrystalline cellulose.

Operating principle

Ergoferon has antiviral activity, as well as anti-inflammatory, immunomodulatory and antihistamine effects. The components of such tablets affect different types of viral particles, including rotaviruses, enteroviruses, coronaviruses, herpes viruses, influenza A viruses, adenoviruses, and so on. They also stimulate various immune responses in the patient's body, in particular, increasing the activity of immune cells.

Allowed for pregnant women?

As already mentioned, Ergoferon has no direct contraindications for use in pregnant women, but doctors still do not recommend taking this drug in the 1st trimester. The thing is that in the early stages the embryo is most vulnerable to any kind of external influences, so most of the drugs are not used in the first weeks of gestation. If the symptoms of the disease are mild, and there is no direct threat to the fetus or mother, then the appointment of "Ergoferon" should be refrained from.

In the 2nd trimester, treatment with such a homeopathic drug is possible, but should be constantly monitored by a doctor... The specialist will determine the optimal dosage regimen, taking into account the patient's age, the intensity of symptoms, the presence of concomitant diseases. If the drug is necessary for prophylaxis, the homeopath should also establish the advisability of taking it.

In the third trimester, the use of "Ergoferon" is also not prohibited, but it is in demand only in emergency cases, when there is a real threat to the health of the woman and the unborn child.

While taking the pills, the expectant mother should be under the constant monitoring of a specialist. If any allergic reactions occur, the appointment is immediately canceled, and with the progression of the disease, the therapy regimen must be corrected.

When is it prescribed for expectant mothers?

The most common reason for using Ergoferon is influenza A and B, since such an infectious disease during pregnancy is a serious danger. In addition, pills can be prescribed for:

  • SARS caused by adenoviruses, parainfluenza viruses and other pathogens;
  • various manifestations of herpes viral infection, for example, with chickenpox or herpes on the lip;
  • acute viral intestinal infections;
  • enterovirus infection.

The drug is also in demand in case of bacterial lesions, for example, if a woman is diagnosed with pneumonia, yersiniosis or whooping cough.

Precautionary measures

Although Ergoferon can be purchased without a prescription at a pharmacy without a prescription, expectant mothers should not drink it on their own. The use of any medication during pregnancy, even homeopathic ones, requires a preliminary examination by a doctor.... First of all, a specialist must determine whether a particular patient has contraindications.

The tool is prohibited in case of hypersensitivity to its components, as well as with lactose intolerance. Expectant mothers with kidney diseases and other chronic pathologies require caution in prescribing Ergoferon. It is also important for a woman to explain that the pills should not be swallowed, since the drug that has entered the digestive tract will not have the necessary effect.

How to use?

Taking the pill is recommended separately from food. According to the instructions for use, the drug is kept in the mouth until it is completely dissolved. As already noted, the scheme for using "Ergoferon" should be prescribed by a doctor and depends on the disease. In most cases, more pills need to be sucked on the first day, and from the second day, a three-time dose is recommended until complete recovery.

For the purpose of prevention, dissolve 1 or 2 tablets per day during the period prescribed by the doctor, which can last up to several months. If necessary, "Ergoferon" is combined with any other drugs, since incompatibility with other drugs is not noted in such tablets.


You can find many positive reviews about the use of Ergoferon during the period of bearing a baby. Among the advantages of the drug are a convenient dosage form, a minimum of contraindications, a wide range of applications. Side effects during the use of the drug in most cases do not appear. In negative reviews, they complain about the inefficiency and high cost of the tablets.


If a woman in a position has been diagnosed with ARVI, or there is a high risk of developing it, the doctor may recommend other drugs as a replacement for Ergoferon.

  • Oscillococcinum. These homeopathic granules contain an extract that is obtained from the organs of the muscovy duck. The drug is used for influenza and other acute respiratory viral infections at any stage of pregnancy.
  • "Viferon". Such suppositories are used in 2-3 trimesters and contain interferon. Thanks to their use, the body's immune response is enhanced, so the viral disease passes faster.
  • Aflubin. This homeopathic remedy contains components of bryony, iron, aconite, gentian and lactic acid. The drug is presented in drops and sublingual tablets. It can be used during pregnancy as directed by a doctor.
  • "Influcid". These homeopathic pills are in demand for colds and help to strengthen the immune system. They are prescribed for expectant mothers if the doctor expects a positive effect and believes that the risks for the unborn child are minimal.
  • "Anaferon"... The effect of such a homeopathic remedy is due to antibodies to gamma interferon. The drug can be used during pregnancy as directed by a specialist. He is prescribed with the same indications when Ergoferon is in demand.