
"Angiovitis" during pregnancy and its planning

"Angiovit" refers to a multivitamin preparation used in the treatment of heart and neurological diseases. Taking the drug while carrying a child helps prevent various complications, so it is also in demand in the practice of obstetricians and gynecologists. For pregnant women, it is prescribed to strengthen blood vessels, prevent thrombosis and improve metabolism.

The official instruction does not prohibit "Angiovit" for expectant mothers, but taking such a vitamin remedy while waiting for a child is permissible only as prescribed by a doctor. Depending on the health of the expectant mother and her tendency to diseases of the cardiovascular system, the drug can be prescribed both in the early and late stages of gestation. It is also often prescribed for women who are just planning to become a mother.

Preventive use of "Angiovita" before pregnancy is designed to strengthen blood vessels, prevent pathologies of the nervous system in the embryo and increase the chances of successful conception.

Features of the drug

"Angiovit" is a product of the "Altayvitamins" company and is presented in only one form - tablets, which have a protective shell. They are convex, white, packaged in blisters of 10 and sold without a prescription. One package of "Angiovit" includes 60 tablets and costs an average of 200 rubles.

The action of "Angiovita" is due to a combination of three vitamins, which are:

  • vitamin B6 - in a dose of 4 mg per tablet;
  • vitamin B12 - at a dose of 6 mcg per tablet;
  • folic acid (vitamin B9) - in the amount of 5 mg in one tablet.

Additionally, the preparation contains sugar, primellose, calcium stearate, potato starch and talc. These compounds are necessary for dense texture and long-term storage (drug shelf life is 3 years).

How does it work?

The active substances of "Angiovita", which are vitamins of group B, are able to influence the formation in the body of certain enzymes involved in the metabolism of methionine and homocysteine. Studies have shown that elevated homocysteine ​​levels increase the likelihood of such serious pathologies as myocardial infarction, diabetic angiopathy, arterial thrombosis, ischemic stroke, and others.

The increase in the content of this substance is facilitated by the lack of vitamins B6, B9 and B12, therefore taking "Angiovita" helps to normalize the amount of homocysteine ​​in the blood, which reduces the risk of circulatory disorders.

Planning application

Angiovitis can be given to women before conception if they have problems due to high homocysteine ​​levels. It is known that such a compound has a negative effect on gestation, in particular, on blood circulation in the placenta, which affects the intrauterine development of the baby.

And so many doctors advise find out the level of homocysteine ​​even at the stage of preparation for pregnancy, and then drink "Angiovit", because one of the most common reasons for its increase is the deficiency of B vitamins.

Taking pills is also recommended for future fathers, because a man's health and a sufficient amount of vitamins in his body directly affect the conception of a healthy child.

The "Angiovita" course is especially often prescribed to women who have had miscarriages and problems with bearing in the past. The drug is indicated for disorders of immunity, anemia, thrombophlebitis, diabetes and many other diseases. Its use before pregnancy will be a good prevention of malformations of the nervous system and internal organs of the baby.

When is it prescribed when carrying a baby?

According to the annotation, "Angiovit" is prescribed for patients with a variety of diseases of the cardiovascular system, including stroke, ischemic disease, cerebral circulation dysfunction and angiopathy. During the carrying of a child, the drug is most in demand for pathologies of blood flow in the placenta. It should also be drunk by women who have been diagnosed with hypovitaminosis of B vitamins, because this condition can disrupt the development of the child, cause anemia and many other disorders.

Application of "Angiovit" by expectant mothers helps to lower cholesterol, improve blood formation and liver function. This medicine is the prevention of blood clots and varicose veins - problems that many pregnant women face.

In the early stages, the tablets reduce the symptoms of toxicosis and prevent the occurrence of anemia, and the folic acid in the composition of the drug ensures the full formation of the baby's nervous system.

Potential harm

Before you start taking "Angiovita", it is important to exclude hypersensitivity to any of the components of the tablets, since this is the only contraindication to the use of this medication. There are no other reasons to stop using these multivitamins, but in the presence of any chronic pathologies or problems with gestation, a woman should take "Angiovit" under the supervision of a doctor.

Among the side effects due to taking the pills, itching of the skin, symptoms of dyspepsia, edema, dizziness or hives may occur. With such a negative reaction to the drug, it is necessary to suspend treatment and consult with your gynecologist about further taking the pills.

It is also important not to forget that exceeding the dose prescribed by the doctor can also be harmful, as well as taking too long... An excess of vitamin substances can provoke rashes, dizziness, tinnitus, nausea, abdominal pain, increased blood clotting, and in some women, convulsions and more dangerous symptoms.

The negative effect of "Angiovita" is also noted when such tablets are combined with certain other drugs, for example, with diuretics or drugs to increase blood clotting. The effectiveness of the drug will decrease if you take with it analgesics, drugs for seizures, antacids, hormonal drugs, salicylates, and so on.

Instructions for use

Drinking "Angiovit" during pregnancy is usually necessary one tablet per day. The diet does not affect the time of taking the drug, so you can swallow the pill with a large volume of water at any time of the day. It is not recommended to bite through or break the drug, because this will damage the tablet shell, which will reduce its effectiveness. The duration of use should be checked with a doctor, but most often such multivitamins are taken in courses of 20-30 days. Sometimes they are discharged for a longer period, for example, for several months.

The regimen for taking "Angiovita" in preparation for pregnancy is practically the same. The medicine is drunk once a day, one tablet, being careful not to damage its shell. The duration of the course is from 20 days to 6 months. If pregnancy does not occur while taking the drug, take a break, and then resume treatment.

If, while using "Angiovit", a woman becomes pregnant, they do not give up the pills, but turn to a doctor who will determine whether they need to continue drinking or whether they can already stop taking them.


Women who were prescribed "Angiovit" during pregnancy planning or expecting a baby leave mostly positive reviews about such pills. They confirm the effectiveness of vitamin therapy and note that this remedy strengthened blood vessels, improved heart function and blood flow in the placenta. According to them, after the course of "Angiovita", the state of health improved significantly, pregnancy developed normally, and the child had no pathologies.

Tolerance of the drug is generally good, and side effects, judging by the reviews, are quite rare... After treatment, the majority of expectant mothers eliminated heaviness in the legs, normalized muscle tone, and increased daily activity. Patients with cardiovascular pathologies, thanks to the use of "Angiovit", successfully carried the child to bear and tolerated the labor process more easily.

Doctors also speak about such a medicine mostly positively, often prescribing it for both pregnant women and patients who are preparing for conception. However, they focus on the fact that with all the benefits of the tablets, Angiovit should be drunk only on clinical grounds.

Taking this drug "just in case" is undesirable. If the doctor prescribed the medication to the expectant mother, he will monitor her condition and cancel the remedy in time in case of any negative reaction.


Medicines with exactly the same quantitative composition as in "Angiovit" are not produced, therefore, if there is a need to replace these pills, one must contact a specialist and together with him choose a medication or supplement with a similar effect. B vitamins are found in the preparations "Neurobeks", "Milgamma Compositum", "Neurobion" and others, but their dosages significantly exceed the doses allowed during pregnancy. Taking such funds while waiting for a child is not recommended.

If there is a lack of vitamin substances in the body, then instead of "Angiovitis" the doctor can prescribe the components of the tablets separately, for example, "Folic acid" tablets in the dosage required for a particular woman. In severe cases, intravenous fluids and droppers are used, which will quickly eliminate hypovitaminosis and resume the normal functioning of the body.

For the prevention of a lack of B vitamins, one of the multivitamin complexes, the composition of which is balanced specifically for women in position, is also suitable. These means include Femibion, Vitrum Prenatal Forte, Complivit Mama, Multi-tabs Perinatal, Elevit Pronatal and other complexes.

They give expectant mothers not only the necessary B vitamins, but also other vitamin compounds, as well as minerals important for supporting pregnancy and the development of the baby. Some supplements also contain omega fats, lutein, taurine and other valuable substances. The selection of a suitable multivitamin preparation is carried out together with a doctor, because such complexes have their own contraindications and application features.

Watch the video: GINGIVITIS (July 2024).