
Strollers Noordline Amelis: varieties and tips for choosing

The choice of children's transport should be treated with special responsibility, because it is in the stroller that the baby spends most of the first months of his life, being outdoors. It is important that the model of the chosen stroller is comfortable not only for the child, but also for the mother. The Noordline Amelis brand produces universal models of baby strollers that will appeal to many parents not only due to the good quality of the product, but also to the rather affordable price.

Popular models

The most popular Noordline Amelis models are the Deltim Pro and Super Six, which will be discussed below.

Deltim Pro

This stroller is available in two configurations: 2 in 1 and 3 in 1. It is designed for babies up to three years old. The big advantage of the model is its small size and compact folding. This is a very important point, since the narrow frame of the vehicle indicates its easy passability into narrow openings and elevator doors in any type of building. The inflatable wheels are equipped with high-quality shock absorption, the front wheels rotate, but they can be fixed at will.

The modular system has two units: a carrycot and a stroller. The cradle is equipped with an insulated cover that will reliably protect the child from wind and cold in the winter cold. The cover is made of hypoallergenic German fabric, which does not have a toxic odor and does not rub the baby's delicate skin. The backrest and footrest of the walking block have several height positions and are able to create a spacious sleeping place. The module can be positioned both in the direction of travel and against it.

The large bathyscaphe hood silently lowers down to the knees. Responsible for safety are five-point belts with a secure lock and a removable bumper with a soft pad. The stroller covers are also removable and washed in a washing machine at a temperature of +30 degrees. The 3-in-1 module includes a Maxi Cosi group 0+ car seat designed for children under one year old. The high quality of workmanship and the ensured safety of the chairs of this brand are known to everyone firsthand. In addition, the complete set of both modules includes a warmed leg cover, a bag for mom and a raincoat.

The reviews about this model are quite positive, because for 19 thousand rubles, the family acquires reliable transport for the baby, which will serve him from birth to three years.

Super six

At first glance, this model may seem like an ordinary stroller, but it has a little secret. The fact is that thanks to the double-sided covers, it is able to change color, and the large hood allows you to create a full-fledged sleeping place, moreover, turned to face your mother. The transformation process takes place as follows: the footboard rises high, the backrest drops to a completely recumbent state, and the bathyscaphe turns inside out and leans back to the opposite side.

When the baby is awake, he rides facing the world around him, but as soon as he falls asleep, a few movements are enough and the mother can calmly watch the sleeping passenger. The stroller is very light and maneuverable, its weight is only 6.5 kg, it can be compactly folded into a book. The front rotating wheels are equipped with a lock, the rear ones with a brake.

The size of the shopping basket can be increased at your discretion. Five-point belts and a removable bumper are responsible for safety. The stroller comes with a raincoat, a cape and a carrier. Parents are delighted with the original model with a full berth, which costs only 8 thousand rubles. Perhaps the only drawback of the Super Six is ​​the insufficiently large wheels for Russian roads, who will not be able to drive on uneven surfaces without causing discomfort to the child or calmly climb onto a high sidewalk without a ramp.

Unfortunately, the brand has temporarily removed the stroller from production, it is not known whether it will be on sale again. However, the model can be purchased from hands, and for a much lower price.

How to choose the right one?

When buying a stroller, parents face the problem of choice, it is important to choose the right transport for children, which will bring pleasure to mothers and comfort to the child. First of all, you should decide on the type of product. If you want to save a little budget, you can purchase a modular stroller, which will immediately include both a cradle and a stroller. Such a model will calmly serve from birth to three years. Some parents buy a cradle first, and then a walking view.

After choosing the type of stroller, you should pay attention to its weight and dimensions. Heavy strollers are not welcome if there are staircases in the staircase, and a stroller that is too wide may simply not enter a narrow elevator. You should also pay attention to the wheels, it is desirable that they are larger and calmly pass on any road. The front ones should be rotating, and the rear ones should be equipped with a brake.

If it is expected that the child will often sleep outside, it is better to take care of the presence of cushioning, which will smooth out the shaking and unevenness of the surface.

It is worth trying to choose a convenient type of handle: solid or forked. The type of folding is also important, especially in the case of a walking model: a book or a cane. If the family often travels in a car, it is better to take a stroller that, when folded, fits well in the trunk. It is worth paying attention to the material, since it must be hypoallergenic, usually this is indicated in the instructions or on the label. It is advisable to purchase a model with a removable cover that can be machine washed.

You should pay attention to the complete set of this or that model. It is better if, in addition, a raincoat, a warm cape on the legs and a removable bumper, which do not have to be bought for a separate price, immediately go. A big plus is the bag for mom and hand muff included in the kit. You should also look at the dimensions of the shopping basket, the more spacious the better. The bathyscaphe hood will protect the sleeping child from the sun and wind, and the presence of a pocket for small things and a window will greatly facilitate the walk for parents.

Strollers Noordline Amelis will be an excellent choice for a fairly affordable price.

For an overview of the Noordline Amelis stroller, see the following video.

Watch the video: Hamilton R1 S1 Stroller (July 2024).