
"Lactofiltrum" during pregnancy: instructions for use

Enterosorbents help us out in different situations, for example, if an intestinal disorder occurs, a poisoning occurs or an allergic reaction occurs. One of the effective means of this group can be called the two-component drug "Lactofiltrum". It quickly binds toxic substances and has a positive effect on digestion. Taking this medication while waiting for the child is recommended after medical advice.

Features of the drug

In pharmacies "Laktofiltrum" is presented by tablets, which have a convex elongated shape and dark brown color with white and gray blotches. They are sold in packs of 30-60 pieces, as well as in plastic jars or contour packs. The average cost of 30 tablets is 270 rubles (2019). Their shelf life is 3 years, and a prescription for the purchase of Laktofiltrum is not needed.

Each tablet serves as a source of 2 active compounds at once. The first active ingredient is lignin obtained from wood by hydrolysis. It comes in a dosage of 355 mg per tablet. The second ingredient that can affect the digestive tract is lactulose. This synthetic disaccharide is contained in each Lactofiltrum tablet in the amount of 120 mg.

Operating principle

Thanks to the combination of two active compounds, Lactofiltrum is capable of:

  • stimulate the growth of intestinal and vaginal microflora, inhibiting pathological bacteria;
  • absorb allergens, harmful microbes and toxic substances;
  • strengthen non-specific immune defenses;
  • improve the condition of the skin with itching and rashes caused by an allergic reaction.

It is important to note that Lactofiltrum is a non-toxic agent.

The lignin present in the tablets is not absorbed and completely leaves the digestive tract within 24 hours. As for lactulose, this ingredient, once it enters the large intestine, is fermented by beneficial bacteria, resulting in the formation of organic acids. This increases the osmotic pressure in the intestinal lumen and activates peristalsis, which helps with difficulties with defecation.

Is it allowed during pregnancy?

In the annotation to the pills, there is no information about whether it is permissible to prescribe them to women in position. However, pregnancy is not marked on the list of contraindications, therefore the question of using "Lactofiltrum" while waiting for the baby is left for consideration by the doctors... It is known that gynecologists have long been using this medicine in their practice, calling it harmless to the fetus.

The active components of the tablets act on the digestive tract, do not enter the bloodstream and are not able to affect the development of the baby. This makes it possible to use Lactofiltrum in pregnant women even at an early stage, when the tissues and organs of the crumbs are formed, and any external influence can disrupt this process. Wherein the limitation to the use of this remedy is the increased tone of the uterus.

Since lactulose increases intestinal activity, this can also affect the smooth muscles of the uterus. If there is no threat of miscarriage, such an effect is insignificant and will not affect the condition of the pregnant woman in any way. If the expectant mother was diagnosed with hypertonicity, the use of "Laktofiltrum" is undesirable, because it can aggravate the situation.

When is it prescribed for expectant mothers?

The doctor can prescribe "Lactofiltrum" to a woman expecting a child for various reasons.

  • If the expectant mother has developed intestinal dysbiosiscaused by antibiotic treatment or other causes. In this case, the medicine will contribute to the rapid restoration of the intestinal flora, which will eliminate the uncomfortable symptoms.
  • In case of disorders of the digestive tractcalled irritable bowel syndrome. This functional pathology is manifested by chronic abdominal pain, bloating, loose stools, and other symptoms.
  • Since lactulose gently stimulates bowel movements, the drug can also be used for constipation... This problem is common in pregnant women, especially in the third trimester. Since many laxatives are prohibited during gestation, Lactofiltrum can be a real salvation.
  • The drug is prescribed for women with liver disease... The task of the sorbent in this case will be the absorption of harmful substances that the liver cells cannot cope with.
  • Gynecologists often prescribe "Lactofiltrum" for vaginal dysbiosis... Like intestinal dysbiosis, this problem is caused by an imbalance in the normal flora. Its symptoms are a burning sensation and itching, discomfort in the genital area, profuse discharge and cramps when urinating.
  • Another indication for taking "Lactofiltrum" are allergic skin manifestations... Hives or dermatitis triggered by allergens can become a reason to drink a course of tablets. Lignin in the composition of the drug will bind dangerous particles and remove them from the female body.


It is not recommended to take Lactofiltrum in such cases:

  • if a woman has an increased sensitivity to such pills, provoked by any of their ingredients;
  • if you suspect bleeding from the gastrointestinal tract or intestinal obstruction;
  • if the patient has a peptic ulcer of the digestive tract, which has worsened;
  • with intestinal atony.

Side effects

Some patients react to Lactofiltrum with a skin rash, itching or other allergic symptoms. Sometimes bloating or loose stools are noted while taking the pills.

If the expectant mother has such side effects, this should be reported to the attending physician.

Instructions for use

The drug can be swallowed whole or crushed with water. Typically, the treatment regimen with "Lactofiltrum" provides for three doses of 2-3 tablets for 2-3 weeks. To exclude the effect of the drug on the absorption of food or the effect of other drugs, it is recommended to drink Laktofiltrum one hour before meals or taking any other medicines and food supplements.


The use of "Laktofiltrum" while waiting for the baby is reported mostly positively. The drug is characterized as effective for a woman in position and safe for a child. Its taste is called neutral, and its tolerance is good. According to women, a course of such a medicine improves digestion, eliminates uncomfortable symptoms from the gastrointestinal tract and promotes healing of skin allergies.

Among the disadvantages of tablets, their high cost is usually mentioned, since there are many similar products in pharmacies that are cheaper.


There are no medicines with the same composition as in Laktofiltrum. When it becomes necessary to replace these tablets with some other drugs, the doctor will prescribe enterosorbent with another active substance for the expectant mother. These drugs include "Enterosgel", "Polysorb MP", "Activated carbon", "Smecta" and similar funds. They are presented in powders, gels, tablets and other forms, are used for poisoning, intoxication, toxicosis, dermatitis, rotavirus and other diseases. They can be used at any stage of pregnancy, but only after the appointment of a specialist.