Child health

5 ways to treat accommodation spasm in children

Not every parent knows that his newborn child is born farsighted. The size of the eyeball, the degree of a certain refraction inherent in each individual, as well as the inactivity of the muscles of the eyeball of a newly born little man determines his hyperopic refraction of the eye.

Normally, in a newborn child, it corresponds to 3.0-4.0 diopters. This is a theoretical norm that every pediatric ophthalmologist knows. For the correct development of the organ of vision and visual functions, the coordinated work of all organs and systems in the human body is necessary. Violations in one of the links can lead to failures, even minor ones, in other components of the whole.

Mechanism of the act of vision

In order for us to see equally well at any distance, nature has provided in the eyes of several systems that can and should provide this. The most important role is undoubtedly played by the direct controller of the whole organism - the brain. He gives the commands for obtaining the image and with the help of the eye structures he gets the final picture.

Eye structure

As part of the brain, the human eye itself is capable of receiving visual information. For this, he has a whole system of optical "glasses". It includes the cornea, lens, and also transparent media, which are required to convey future visual information to the main visual center. These are vitreous and moisture in the anterior chamber.

Cornea Is the main apparatus with optical properties. When its basic properties change, the visual rays can be refracted, lengthened or shortened so that the resulting image does not always reach the focal point of the retina. The refraction of the eye depends on the shape and curvature of the cornea. In non-medical circles, it is known as "100% vision", myopia or hyperopia. Doctors - ophthalmologists deal with myopia, hyperopia and emmetropia.

The next stage for the formation of rays into the object image is the passage of information through lens... The lens in the eye of an adult or a small person is in limbo. Zinn's bundle holds this optical lens firmly in the correct center position. The diopter power of the lens ranges from 20 to 40 diopters. This optical power makes it possible to view large objects at any distance quite clearly and clearly.

But in addition to object vision, the human eye is able to consider small details both at close and at a fairly distant distance. It is at this stage that the magic link comes into play. This ciliary band can relax and stretch, thereby changing the shape and curvature of the lens. This is how the complex imaging process known as accommodation takes place.

When examining closely spaced objects, the ciliary ligament is strained, and the lens, due to its elasticity, becomes more convex, since the tension of the zinn ligament is weakened. Due to the increase in the volume of the lens, its diopters increase, and the eye can very well see what is in front of it at a fairly close distance.

But when looking at long distances, there is no need to strain the ligament, and the lens is in an extended state, respectively, its diopters are naturally adjusted for excellent vision of distant objects.

The lens and its ligament play one of the main roles in building clear and clear vision at any distance.

Why does accommodation spasm occur?

In children and adolescents, very often recently there is such a violation of vision as overstrain of accommodation. Spasm of accommodation in children is also known as false myopia or pseudomyopia.

Unfortunately, there is no clear line between false and true myopia. It is very rare to find the initial stages of visual impairment. As a rule, they already come to the ophthalmologist with complaints of a significant deterioration in vision. Children, in their usual rhythm of life, do not notice the deterioration and weakening of vision, since most of their visual loads pass at close range.

However, accommodation spasm as a diagnosis and as a syndrome of visual impairment still exists. It can occur at any stage of the growth of a child's body. You can talk about a spasm in a child from the age of three, although the passion for smartphones as a sedative for a crying child has long been practiced by parents.

The causes of spasm can be divided into endogenous and exogenous, but most often the combination of all adverse effects leads to a steady spasm of accommodation.

Internal reasons

The role of heredity has not been established, but the presence of vision problems in parents passes to their children. If the child's father or mother has myopia and it is not congenital, but discovered at school age, we can safely recommend such a baby to be observed by an ophthalmologist. This is due to the fact that the same working muscle is already weak in genetic predisposition.

Among the internal causes, the spine plays a special role. Children with problems in the cervical and thoracic spine, the presence of the fact of back injuries, identified by scoliosis should also be observed by an ophthalmologist, even without complaints of poor vision.

Head injuries in early childhood can also affect the formation of the organ of vision later. This dependence is determined, first of all, by the fact that the eye, in terms of its intrauterine development, is "descended" from the cerebral bladder.

And the ciliary muscle, which moves the lens, is innervated by the branches of the oculomotor nerve - the third pair of cranial nerves. The blood supply to the "working" muscle is also carried out by branches, which are a continuation of the arteries that feed the brain. And, finally, the process of accommodation is under the direct control of the cortical visual neurons.

External causes

Of the immediate causes that have an adverse effect on vision, special attention should be paid to visual stress at close range.

Risk groups for the development of accommodation spasm

First of all, this concerns children's hobby for tablets, smartphones, netbooks, spending an hour at computers (Internet). From the first grade, children's eyes are subject to tremendous visual stress. In recent years, the school curriculum has become more complicated, subjects have appeared that require knowledge from additional sources. The child's body, despite all the efforts of the parents, turns out to be unadapted to such loads.

It should be noted that the majority of schoolchildren are waiting for their parents, who will come home after work rather late and only then begin to complete the lessons. And this leads to a malfunction of the so-called "biological" clock of the growing organism, the child does not get enough sleep, comes to school already initially tired and unadapted to the new school day.

Particular attention must be paid to lighting the child's workplace. If the kid loves to paint or draw from early childhood, he needs sufficient lighting as well as a student.

The emotional background in which the baby is located is very important for the formation of the child's body as a whole. Stress impairs blood supply due to vasospasm, and, as a result, reduces the general adaptive forces of a small person.

Nutrition is far from the last place in the formation of the organ of vision. Monotonous food, habits of snacks in fast food restaurants, lack of vitamins leads to a weakening of the general forces of the body, reduces efficiency. Such children perform their usual work, as it were, through force, respectively, and the eyes will work in a more intense mode.

From the foregoing, it turns out that the appearance of a spasm of accommodation is possible in every child. In fact, it is so. It's just that in some the adaptive capabilities of the body cope on their own, while in others they lead to the appearance of such a disease as an accommodation spasm.

How does accommodation spasm manifest in children?

Increased fatigue

The first signs of manifestation of tension of accommodation are very difficult to notice at the initial stages of the appearance of this ailment. The main difficulty is that children begin to complain, and we, adults, often write it off as the fact that our child simply shirks from lessons, does not want to fulfill our requests.

Children from three to five years old cannot articulate their concerns at all, and parents are faced with constant whims and tantrums. In fact, when mom and dad understand what an accommodation spasm is, it will help avoid serious vision problems in a child at an older age.

First, you should pay attention to what your child likes to do. With the advent of gadgets in circulation, parents have found a good way to keep the baby busy, so that he does not act up while his mother works, does something around the house, or so that he does not cry during the trip.

Cartoons are loaded onto tablets, unlimited Internet is on smartphones - and the child spends several hours at video terminals. The adaptive capabilities of the child are not yet developed, therefore, excessive tension of the ciliary muscles occurs without their sufficient relaxation.


The first manifestation of a spasm may not even be a distant vision disorder, but a headache. It is clear that the little man will not be able to tell you what exactly hurts, but in every possible way he will show how uncomfortable he is. The kid begins to act up, cry, rub his eyes, insist on demanding attention. Younger schoolchildren may complain that they have a headache, or they may simply refuse to continue their lessons and will try to lie down on the sofa and relax.

The headache is often combined with eye strain. It is no accident that another name for the accommodation spasm is the syndrome of visual asthenopia or visual fatigue. This symptom is manifested by the fact that there is a short-term visual disturbance in the form of blurred vision, poor distance vision, blurred objects at any distance.

Surely parents often notice that when watching, for example, TV, the child comes closer to the screen after a while. This is by no means a sign of poor eyesight, it is a signal to adult mentors that the baby's muscular apparatus gets tired quickly. When you try to "tune" your vision, the blurriness increases, and this adds a stressful mood, which further exacerbates the situation. More often, these symptoms bother the child's body at home. This is due to the fact that surrounded by peers, children adapt and do not relax, and rest for the whole organism comes in a familiar environment.

It is enough just to pay attention to the behavior of the little person, namely, what he is determined to do at a particular time. Try not to strain your child's eyes immediately after leaving school. Distract him from the desire to sit in front of the TV, do not force him to learn a poem or study English. And, of course, do not offer him a "rest" at the computer while watching cartoons. Best for a walk. And if this is not possible, then just let him rest for a couple of hours.

Decreased vision

Decreased vision is a symptom of an already developed, long-standing spasm of accommodation. Pediatric ophthalmology considers this disease as a habitually excessive stress of accommodation. This manifestation of the disease is typical for school-age children and already require the indispensable intervention of a specialist. In this case, it is very difficult to draw the line between reversible manifestations and true myopia.

If your child is already consciously telling you that he sees poorly from the last desk, complains about a fuzzy image on the television screen, suddenly began to lag behind the school curriculum, do not neglect a visit to an ophthalmologist. In the initial stage, the accommodation spasm may respond well to treatment. The end result of timely treatment and implementation of the doctor's recommendations will be a complete restoration of visual functions.

From spasm of accommodation to true myopia

If visual impairment is already taking place in the clinic of spasm of the ciliary muscle, then after a single restoration of visual functions after therapeutic measures, there will definitely be a relapse. This is due to the fact that physiological instability of accommodation is associated with the weakness of the ciliary muscle and imperfection of the nervous regulation of accommodation in a growing organism.

It is no coincidence that this condition is called false myopia. Indeed, true myopia is incapable of reverse development, even despite the treatment being carried out. However, real myopia does not arise, as they say, from scratch. It is known that adolescent myopia develops against the background of rapid growth of the eyeball.

In most cases, myopia appears precisely against the background of excessive overstrain of the muscular apparatus of the eye. Therefore, accommodation spasm often leads to myopia, which becomes true and can lead to a persistent decrease in vision in children. It is quite difficult to distinguish between false and true myopia, because complaints of visual impairment are already a late manifestation of ciliary spasm and a persistent symptom of the onset of myopia.

False myopia can turn into true one rather quickly, especially if untreated and monitored by an ophthalmologist.

Redness of the eyes

A concomitant, or parallel symptom of the onset of accommodation spasm will be the frequent appearance of redness of the eyes, which is not associated with inflammation. Parents often attribute this phenomenon to general fatigue and lack of sleep, but provided that your child is exposed to visual stress, and especially communication with gadgets, this is a signal of the failure of the accommodation apparatus of the organ of vision. The kid rubs his eyes, involuntarily squeezes his eyes shut - such phenomena also indirectly indicate the emerging problems of the formation of the visual apparatus.

You should also pay attention to the moment how long the child can go about his business at close range, for example, paint pictures or assemble a constructor. If this lasts more than 15-20 minutes, and when you are together with your parents, it also causes a storm of delight, then there is nothing to worry about. But if you want to quickly move on to other entertaining games, or even watch cartoons, you should once again visit an ophthalmologist.

Classification of accommodation spasm

What is accommodation spasm is already becoming clear. Parents often wonder if it can be cured. The answer to this question depends on the type of accommodation spasm.

It can be functional and pathological. In medical practice, its pathological appearance is more common. However, its functional manifestation is also not uncommon, only it is rarely diagnosed, since it disappears with the normalization of visual load and timely rest.

Sometimes, especially if the tension of accommodation has arisen as a result of trauma and neuro-emotional overexcitation, drug treatment is required.

Approaches to the diagnosis of accommodation spasm in children

Accommodation spasm in children, or pseudomyopia, has its own subjective manifestations. These signs, up to and including a significant deterioration in vision, are felt directly by a patient of any age. With these complaints, the parents or the child himself, being of a conscious age, turn to a specialist. However, the method of examination and observation of children has a number of special diagnostic measures aimed at identifying a predisposition to decreased vision.


An important point is collection of anamnestic data... The presence of vision problems in relatives of the immediate environment requires a careful attitude from the doctor to the little patient. Very often, children come to the reception who, due to some circumstances, need to conduct a routine examination of the organ of vision. These are cases of issuing a certificate for studying, visiting the pool or sports section.

Boys from the age of 16 begin examinations at military enlistment offices. In a number of regions, examinations of children in kindergartens by specialists are still relevant.

Please note, if your child has been told that there are minor vision problems, do not delay visiting an ophthalmologist.

As a rule, during preventive examinations, they are not particularly interested in the presence of pathology in the next of kin. Therefore, be especially careful about such heredity yourself and do not postpone a visit to a specialist, even if your child checked his eyesight at a routine examination and was told that everything is fine. When contacting an ophthalmologist, be sure to tell them that there are vision problems in your family, maybe someone uses lenses or glasses, or maybe they have already done laser correction.

But the absence of myopia in mom and dad does not, unfortunately, insure their children from this problem. It should be borne in mind that examinations of a child at the age of 3 months, 6 months, 1 year, then up to three years, once a year, then at 5 years of age and throughout life, are mandatory. This applies to those patients who do not have vision problems and complaints. For other categories, the attending physician determines the follow-up plan.


When contacting an ophthalmologist for an examination, the first thing to do is visometry... Determination of visual acuity is a mandatory procedure, one might say, of the first necessity, since it is this indicator that creates the first impression of the state of the organ of vision.

For young patients, pictures are used located at the same angle and at a distance of 5 meters as for adults and school-age children.

Determination of refraction

The next diagnostic measure is determination of refractionbut objective. It is carried out using instruments and devices designed for this. Long-established method skiascopy to this day, it continues to be a priority for children under three years old. Its accuracy is not so close to the true indicators, but it allows to identify gross pathology in children's eyes.

For more accurate indicators when detecting deviations from the norm, pediatric ophthalmologists already routinely use skiascopy after the "shutdown" of the accommodation process. Doctors achieve this moment with the help mydriatic drops - Tropicamide, Cyclomeda or Midriacil.

These drugs have a short-term effect of dilating the pupil, up to three hours maximum, and from a single instillation do not pose a threat to the health of the examined child. Repeated skiascopy should be carried out no earlier than 30 minutes later, which is very inconvenient for a fidget child, and even for parents who are trying to visit several specialists in one day.

Therefore, given such circumstances, the examination of an ophthalmologist should be approached differently and it should be expected that the examination may require additional diagnostic methods and time.


From the age of three, parents and children are greatly facilitated by automated and computer diagnostic methods. One of such methods, which is not only widely used in children, but is also quite informative, is autorefractometry... The accuracy of the indicators depends on the coordinated actions of doctor-parent-child or doctor-child.

For the study to be correct, it is necessary to fix the subject's head and chin in a special fixing frame, with or without the help of parents. The study should be carried out twice - the first time in the normal state of the child's eyes, then 5-7 days after the instillation of drops that relax accommodation.

With false myopia, the autorefractometer will determine emmetropic refraction, or the indicators will be myopic, but the numbers will be up to 1.0. In any case, a specialist doctor should make a conclusion, and this is a prerequisite for the correct diagnosis of accommodation spasm.

For diagnostic autorefractometry, usually Midriacil 0.5% is used for children under 7 years old and 1% for children over 7 years old. It is necessary to use this drug for at least three days. On these days, it is advisable to exclude visual stress at close range, to protect the child from stressful situations. The purchase of a drug in today's time requires certain organizational measures, namely, an extract of a prescription form.

In addition, the independent purchase of Midriacil bears considerable material costs, given that its use is no more than three days. Therefore, there is a medical practice of instilling this drug directly in the doctor's office, which in most cases causes inconvenience for parents.

Practicing ophthalmologists found a way out of this: to work with another drug. Irifrin 2.5% are eye drops that do not require additional restrictive measures. These eye drops are also used in the further treatment of accommodation spasm, as well as to improve the blood supply to the ciliary muscles with significant visual stress and existing myopia. The use of Irifrin for diagnostic measures is long-term and is at least two weeks.


Further examination consists of an examination of the fundus - ophthalmoscopy... Fundus examination is performed to exclude or, conversely, establish the failure of the optic nerve and retina. Babies born prematurely are more susceptible to vision problems precisely because of the incomplete maturity of the nervous system, retina and lens.

Discharge from the hospital with good indicators from an ophthalmologist means that they are not threatened with gross pathology. We are talking about retinal detachment and congenital pathologies. Therefore, children who are born prematurely, examination of the fundus with a decrease in vision, is carried out with a dilated pupil. A single instillation of eye drops that dilate the pupil does not pose a threat to the health of a small patient.

Treatment of accommodation spasm in children

Any manifestations of accommodation spasm should be treated as early as possible. Treatment should be comprehensive and aimed not only at eliminating the symptoms of pseudomyopia, but also at the causes that contribute to the occurrence of accommodation spasm.

Drug therapy

Drug treatment involves the use of a variety of drugs. Their main goal in an integrated approach to treating false myopia is to improve the blood supply to the eyeball, namely, the ciliary muscles.

Local therapy

The most common topical remedy today is Irifrin 2.5% eye drops. Phenylephrine, which is the main active ingredient, is able to relax the ciliary muscles and the Zinn ligament, thereby forcibly weakening the accommodation mechanism. The drug in this concentration is safe for children, but its uncontrolled use is unacceptable. Like any drug, it should be prescribed exclusively by an ophthalmologist. The scheme of application, frequency and duration of instillations is always individual, depending on the clinical situation and the age of the little patient.

In the early stages and small deviations from emmetropia, Irifrin helps a lot. With proper application and strict adherence to the instructions from the doctor, its action can solve the problem of spasm. However, non-observance of the regime of visual loads, abuse of gadgets, will delay the positive dynamics against the background of the use of drops, or even will not give a good effect at all.

In addition, this drug improves the blood supply to the ciliary muscles, thereby increasing the adaptation of the eyeballs to visual stress. The use of this medication in schoolchildren is especially justified during the period of exams, tests, intensive classes in additional subjects in the period of preparation for the final certification.

Accommodation spasm in early childhood requires a complete ophthalmological examination before the desire to apply treatment with these eye drops. The fact is that the onset of myopia before the age of five is often not associated with a spasm of accommodation, but may be the beginning of the manifestation of congenital myopia.

Vitamin complexes

Among the drugs for the treatment of this ailment, the use of vitamin complexes for vision is justified. They have some age restrictions. For example, Streaks-forte is allowed to be used from the age of seven, and the Focus - from the age of five. But it is enough for parents to know which microelements and vitamins are capable of supporting children's eyes during periods of excessive eye strain, as well as in simple everyday life.

After all, it's not a secret for anyone that not all children in the same conditions develop vision problems. This means that it is not only about the visual impact, but also about the intake and assimilation of the necessary substances into the growing organism.

One of the most important vitamins for children's eyes is retinol or vitamin A. Retinol is involved in all visual processes, helps to see at dusk, improves eye adaptation in the dark, and regulates the processes of response to light and color stimuli.

The well-known ascorbic acid not only increases the body's resistance to colds, it is also responsible for muscle tone in the eyes and relieves fatigue. Vitamin E protects the retina from detachment, does not release useful oxygen.

The role of vitamins such as riboflavin and rutin in maintaining visual acuity is also important. In the 80s, our valiant ophthalmologists coped well with accommodation disorders in children, prescribing them a course of intramuscular injections of riboflavin and tablet Ascorutin. Currently, the variety of newest products on the pharmaceutical market creates strong competition for well-forgotten treatments. Although, if you look closely at the composition of new dietary supplements, it becomes obvious that they include all of the vitamins listed.

For healthy vision, babies also need vitamin D. Therefore, it can be used throughout the entire period of the formation of the child's body.

Trace elements and biologically active compounds

Microelements also help to ensure the safety of vision during increased visual stress. Lutein, zeaxanthin, lycopene, and beta-carotene are good for the eyes. The latter plays a special role, since it is he who is in the tissues of the eye, accumulates there in the required amount and is used as needed.

However, as the kids get to know TVs, tablets, smartphones, stocks of a valuable element can be spent at a catastrophic pace. It is impossible to track its losses, but conclusions about the factors contributing to the overexpenditure of these microelements will suggest themselves if your child does not walk, plays computer games in the dark, makes something or paints something in low light.

It is clear that in this case you will very much want to “feed” the child with vitamins. But do not rush to use synthetic analogs - the same useful compounds can be obtained by adjusting the diet and the regime of visual stress. During the growth of the crumbs, he really needs a sufficient supply of calcium. Its lack can lead to a rapid lengthening of the eyeball, thereby accelerating the progression of myopic indicators, if they have already appeared during the formation of the accommodation spasm.

The most common drugs used in children for the preservation of vision and the treatment of accommodation spasm are Blueberry gel, Vita Mishki Focus "plus", Polivit Baby. These drugs are used even in children from 1.5 years old, but still the use of all vitamin complexes is justified from the age of three. For school-age children, you can use "adult" vitamins.

Exercises and exercises for the eyes

The use of these methods of treatment is an important direction for obtaining a positive result. The main point of all exercises is to achieve the most significant relaxation of accommodation and improve the blood supply to the working muscles.

It should be remembered that the exercises will have to be done constantly until the intensive growth of the eyeball ends. The most common in terms of therapeutic effects is considered a "mark on the glass".

The principle is that accommodation is relaxed immediately after its tension. A point drawn with a felt-tip pen or marker, or a cross, is used as a mark. The essence of the technique consists in examining distant objects through a point, slowly shifting your gaze to this "mark" and holding, fixing your gaze directly on it for several seconds.

This exercise must be repeated every half hour of close work. There are a number of specially designed eye gymnastics named after the authors who studied and validated them as the most effective. One of them belongs to the professor of ophthalmology Avetisov E. The main advantage of these exercises is the work not only of the muscular apparatus of the eyes, but also of the systems that have a direct effect on the ciliary muscles, providing blood supply. We are talking about the vessels of the head and neck.

Physiotherapy in children with accommodation spasm

In works requiring increased attention, the visual act uses all its nutritional resources to the fullest. Being a native of the brain substance, the child's eye experiences colossal loads for the correct perception of visual images. Therefore, it is very important that the child always has the correct posture. It's not even about beauty and proper growth, it's about the formation of good quality vision.

Scoliosis is a relative cause in the development of accommodation spasm. If this ailment occurs in a child suffering from scoliosis and other diseases of the spine, the treatment of spasm alone will not give positive dynamics. In any case, exercises for the muscles of the back and shoulder girdle are essential for children of all ages.

Swimming belongs to the category of gymnastics and exercises aimed at improving the blood supply to the eyeballs. Agree, there are isolated cases in the world when a child refuses to swim. Don't make an athlete out of him. Even a single visit to the pool per week will give good results in cumulative treatment.

Corrective therapy

Unfortunately, you still have to resort to glasses or lenses. Very often, when myopia occurs, there is a tension of accommodation, as a triggering mechanism for the progression of myopia.Acquired myopia can occur at any time on the formed accommodation spasm. Due to their employment, not every parent fulfills the requirement of a pediatrician to timely undergo examinations with narrowly specialized doctors within the framework of clinical examination.

Almost every second myopia in schoolchildren is an unidentified spasm of accommodation. Before discharging glasses or lenses, it is advisable to undergo a monthly course of treatment to relax the ciliary muscles with drugs. In parallel, it is worth starting to get along with gymnastics for the eyes.

Previously, it was believed that glasses with myopia should be prescribed with lower diopters in order for the eye to “supposedly work”. However, undercorrection provokes the same spasm of accommodation, which occurs during loads at a close distance. Thus, the eye is still working with tension.

There is a practice in pediatric ophthalmology, when glasses are prescribed “vice versa”. That is, the aim is to relax accommodation when working close. Wearing these glasses does not have to be constant. Depending on the refractive power of the future glass, the doctor determines the time of such treatment. Glasses with "minus" lenses are also required to be used for viewing close objects, and not only for improving distance vision.

Unconventional treatments

Among these methods in children's practice, the method of "correction in reverse" has found application. The bottom line is that the child uses corrective glasses with a diopter power opposite to the existing myopic refraction. That is, the patient is offered the use of medical glasses with the so-called "plus" correction.

It is important to remember that the selection of glasses is a medical procedure, and, accordingly, the ophthalmologist selects the mode of wearing and the time of treatment in this way individually in each clinical case.

Prevention of the development of accommodation spasm in children

To carry out preventive work among children and adolescents, it is necessary to decipher the concept of "accommodation spasm, what is it?" At school and at home, parents and teachers should take measures to protect the child's eyes. These are not necessarily boring seminars or classroom hours. On the part of school employees, preventive measures include maintaining sufficient lighting in classrooms, a proportionate comparison of the visual load during lessons, and their adequate combination.

The use of video terminals in the curriculum must be in strict accordance with sanitary and hygienic standards. At home, parents should minimize visually strenuous work as much as possible, provide a full rest for the child with the obligatory stay in the fresh air. The use of gadgets should be strictly controlled and discouraged.

Condition forecast

Unfortunately, not always parents, and adolescents themselves, perceive the spasm of accommodation as a rather serious problem, especially if it is not treated in a timely manner. It should be noted the possibility of obtaining a good result in the case of timely diagnosis and correct combined treatment. Otherwise, the prognosis is the same - the transition of pseudomyopia to true myopia.

Recommendations for parents

Speaking about the spasm of accommodation in children, one cannot but take into account such important points as heredity and eye strain. The main wish for parents is the manifestation of increased vigilance for children's eyes, in a genetic predisposition that have vision problems. This is not necessarily myopia.

It is necessary to pay attention to any complaint of the child related to the eyes. But the strong recommendation to the adult contingent will, of course, be the maximum exclusion of all kinds of gadgets from the life of your children. Try not to forget about your child's annual eye examinations.


From birth, a child needs attention and care. A growing organism is rapidly forming, relying on the information environment. One of the important organs involved in development is the organ of vision. Being the primary "receiver" of the image, he experiences a tremendous burden when forming a picture into a perception that is understandable to the mind. This complex mechanism involves the muscles of the eye, the optic systems and the complex of nerve endings represented by the optic nerve and the retina.

The more visual images, the stronger the tension of the ciliary muscles. Spasm of accommodation today is not only an actual problem, but also quite serious. It cannot be ignored, it must be identified and treated. And if we talk about the prevention of accommodation spasm, then it is better not to allow it. It is difficult in the modern world, but possible. It is enough just not to deprive the baby of childhood - children should communicate not in the virtual world, but in the natural one. Be healthy!


  1. S. A. Rukhlova, "Fundamentals of Ophthalmology".
  2. M. M. Zolotareva, "Eye Diseases".
  3. M. Buzykin, "Ultrasonic anatomical and physiological picture of the accommodative apparatus of the eye in young people", dissertation work for a scientific degree.

Watch the video: Ciliary muscle training #2. By looking, the muscles of the eyes develop and the vision recovers (July 2024).