
Diet of a nursing mother of a newborn

Perhaps, few topics cause the same heated debate as the discussion of the diet of a nursing mother of a newborn after childbirth and in the first months of his life. There are many prejudices and misconceptions about what to eat for a new mother in order to increase the amount of milk and get in shape faster after giving birth.

A nursing mother's diet reflects on her baby

The main task of a woman who has just become a mother is to establish breastfeeding: to look for a suitable position for attachment, to monitor the satiety of the baby. The most important thing in this matter is to adhere to the correct diet of the nursing mother of the newborn.

Nutrition in the first three days after childbirth

During this period, the woman in labor needs to recover as quickly as possible after the physically exhausting process of childbirth, as well as receive resources for the formation of the first milk - colostrum, which is most valuable for the baby. If there was blood loss, then the body lost stores of iron and other essential substances, which also need to be restored.

After physical and mental stress, internal organs and systems (including the digestive system) do not work as usual, so nutrition should be as gentle as possible. Even if there is no feeling of hunger, the newly made mother needs to eat. Nutritionists recommend light meals:

  • vegetable soup or puree soup;
  • light broths with crackers;
  • soufflĂ© from lean meat or fish;
  • stewed or baked vegetables.

Appetite is usually restored after 4 days, from which time you can gradually increase the volume and calorie content of the mother's food. The diet is 4-5 meals a day.

Why not fried

Fried food is unhealthy for its weight: a lot of fat and fried crusts make it difficult for the stomach and require a lot of energy to digest. The body of a young mother, already weakened after childbirth, will find it difficult to cope with such food, she may experience a feeling of heaviness in the stomach, heartburn and lethargy.

A nursing mother should give up fried food

Important! Fat from frying passes directly into breast milk and makes it too fat for the delicate body of the newborn, which can cause constipation and colic.

How should mom eat in the first month

During this period, the diet of a nursing mother of a newborn should be based on the following principles:

  • it should be balanced in terms of the amount of food consumed - one should neither starve nor eat "for two";
  • new products are added to the menu gradually, in small quantities;

Additional Information. A food diary will do a good service to a young mother, by which you can track what caused a negative reaction in the baby.

  • a complete rejection of sweets or fatty foods is not necessary, all types of nutrients should be equally balanced in a woman's diet;
  • food should be aimed at stimulating lactation;
  • it is advisable to use only natural ingredients in recipes;
  • it is better to eat in small portions, try not to overeat;
  • the best ways to process food - boiling, stewing, baking, steaming

Menu for 1-3 months

When the baby celebrates the first month after birth, his mother can begin to eat more varied, new products appear in her menu.

Note! At this age, many children begin to suffer from colic, therefore, gas-forming products on the mother's menu, while continuing to breastfeed the newborn, are still prohibited.

Nutritionists recommend the introduction of such types of food into a woman's diet as:

  • lean beetroot;
  • raw fruits;
  • homemade jam;
  • walnuts and almonds;
  • freshly squeezed juices (pumpkin, apple, carrot);
  • pearl barley and millet;
  • meat broths.

You should observe the maximum accuracy, strictly monitor the condition of the crumbs, its reaction after feeding. One should not forget about mother's health either - her food should contain a balanced amount of fats, proteins and carbohydrates, vitamins, minerals and amino acids necessary for normal well-being.

If mommy wants citrus fruits, rosehip decoction will become a substitute for potentially allergenic oranges and tangerines, which will perfectly replenish vitamin C reserves, you do not need to drink it every day.

Fried meat is allowed no more than once a week, if you really want to. You can also pamper yourself with a little spices, sour cream sauce. From the berries, you can gradually feast on blueberries, gooseberries and currants. The diet may include cottage cheese casserole, it will saturate the body of a nursing woman with sufficient calcium.

Of vegetables, zucchini, broccoli, pumpkin, potatoes, greens (not spicy) are allowed. Of the eggs, it is better to give preference to quail.

What foods to exclude from the diet

Any list of what you can eat when feeding an infant from birth and by months of his first year of life includes a list of prohibited foods:

  • fried meat (especially pork, duck);
  • smoked meats;
  • mushrooms of any varieties;
  • chicken eggs in large quantities;
  • rich pastries;
  • citrus;
  • fatty broths, marinades;
  • beans, garlic, hot peppers;
  • cabbage, radish and radish;
  • soda, strong coffee, alcohol, cigarettes.

Extended mom's menu for a baby from 3 to 6 months

As the child grows, his mother's menu expands, because during breastfeeding, strict diets are unacceptable, since this leads to the depletion of the body's resources.

The third month of a child's life is the best time to switch to a rational and healthy diet, which will remain in later life.

You can already fry vegetables: zucchini, peppers, grill bread and potatoes on coals (instead of barbecue). Oven-baked turkey, chicken, white fish are perfectly acceptable.

Meat and fish, as well as milk will be useful for mom and baby (however, this does not apply to whole cow's milk, since its protein can cause allergies in babies).

Any dairy products, cereals, vegetable soups, baked or stewed vegetables, nuts are also good for digestion.

Healthy foods for breastfeeding a newborn for mom

What and how you can drink

Since a lot of water (and often blood) is lost during childbirth, it is necessary to immediately begin to restore the water balance of the woman's body to prevent dehydration. For milk production, about 0.8 liters of liquid are consumed per day, so the daily consumption should be at least two liters. Immediately after childbirth, it is better to drink plain (or mineral) water in small sips, as well as weak tea (do not put sugar), compote. Yogurt, yogurt and kefir are very useful.

Kefir is useful for nursing mothers

Diet for mom with diathesis in a child

If a newborn has an allergy (diathesis), mom should eat with great care, otherwise the child may vomit, constipation and rash.

In such cases, the following should be excluded from the mom's menu:

  • any fish and seafood;
  • chicken eggs;
  • nuts and honey;
  • coffee, chocolate, jam;
  • red and orange fruits and berries.

It is necessary to definitely give up fried. Dairy products, cereals, vegetarian soups, lean meat, turkey, cookies can be left.

Diet restriction while breastfeeding

All food eaten by a nursing mother goes to the baby. Sometimes they cause allergies, but often vomiting and rashes are only from overeating.

Council. Also, it is not necessary to strictly limit oneself in food to "dissolve" the kilograms gained during pregnancy, the menu should be balanced and varied, and not limited only to buckwheat with boiled chicken.

A breastfeeding mother should not limit herself to food.

Should you follow a strict diet? Unless an infant has a confirmed food allergy, the answer is no. The diet should be balanced, include components such as:

  • vegetables fruits;
  • cereals, cereals, bread;
  • starchy vegetables;
  • healthy fats (fatty fish, nuts, olive oil).

Every mother who feeds her baby with breast milk thinks about her nutrition. It should stimulate lactation, be harmless to the baby and help the woman recover after childbirth. There are recommendations for useful and prohibited foods, as well as approximate schedules for their introduction into the mother's diet as the child grows up.

Watch the video: Tips for a Healthy Breastfeeding Diet (June 2024).