
Buckwheat porridge with milk for a child per year

A healthy human diet should be based on complex carbohydrates, proteins and fats. This is especially important for a growing child's body. Buckwheat porridge with milk for a child will be an ideal dish.

Milk buckwheat porridge

The benefits of buckwheat porridge with milk

Those who are concerned about their health know that carbohydrates are different: simple and complex. The first are food waste, slag. They give a quickly passing feeling of hunger, instead of being deposited on the body in the form of excess fat. The second is what makes a person move and think. It is from complex carbohydrates that people get energy for muscles and food for the brain. In addition, they saturate these beneficial trace elements for much longer.

You need to look for slow carbohydrates in legumes and cereals, cereals. Buckwheat, or buckwheat, is also on this list.

Long-term satiation, energy for the body, mind - this is what children especially need. In a period of active growth, mastering the world, these three effects are extremely necessary for them. In addition, buckwheat does not irritate the stomach of a baby who is just getting to know the "adult" food. It is gluten-free, which means there is a low chance of allergy to it.

Composition and nutritional value

Buckwheat is often called “the queen of groats”. This happens due to the composition of this product, rich in extremely useful microelements:

  • Amino acids;
  • Protein (there is a lot of it for cereals);
  • Calcium;
  • Potassium;
  • Magnesium;
  • Sodium;
  • Phosphorus;
  • Iron;
  • Sulfur;
  • B vitamins (1, 2, 6, 9);
  • Vitamins A and E, PP, C.

Buckwheat also contains other useful trace elements in smaller quantities: boron, copper, zinc, iodine and cobalt.

How to choose the right buckwheat

Currently, in any store you can buy buckwheat in a familiar brown shade. But this is not her natural color. In nature, buckwheat is green, brown only after being roasted by the manufacturer.

Green buckwheat or fried

Despite the fact that green buckwheat, or live buckwheat, as it is also called, is considered more useful than fried, it is not recommended to give it to children under 3-4 years old. Frying makes the cereal softer, it boils better in water. Green, too rough, can injure the delicate intestines and stomach of children.

Left - fried buckwheat, right - green

Important! Even after 4 years, children are not given pure green buckwheat. Up to 10 years, it is allowed to mix it with 2 tablespoons processed in the appropriate proportion. - 100 gr. Even such a mixture should not be eaten often, so as not to provoke constipation in the child.

How to fry buckwheat yourself

If you only have green buckwheat at home, you can fry it yourself. This is very easy to do if you follow the step-by-step recipe below:

  1. Buckwheat groats should be sorted out, debris removed from it, then rinsed well with water.
  2. Prepared buckwheat is poured into a pan with a dense bottom (preferably cast iron). The layer thickness should be about 5 mm. A spoonful of vegetable oil is also added there (or two, if there is a lot of buckwheat).
  3. You need to fry the cereals until a characteristic brownish hue appears, without stopping to stir.
  4. When cooking with a slotted spoon, remove the emerging foam.

You can fry buckwheat without oil. Then the kernels will not be as strong and may boil.

When to feed with buckwheat in milk

For children, cereals are included in the first complementary foods. There are three cereals recommended for him: these are corn, rice and buckwheat. It is necessary to introduce porridge into the baby's diet correctly, in due time. There are two options:

  1. At 4 months of age. As a rule, this is typical for bottle-fed babies.
  2. After half a year. After acquaintance with vegetables, porridge follows on the water, approximately by the age of 7-8 months.

Note! It is forbidden to introduce buckwheat porridge with milk into the children's diet before 8 months. Cow's milk protein is an allergen; the child is not given it before the specified time. If necessary, its entry can be postponed up to 9-10 months and even later.

Kid eating buckwheat milk porridge

Proper preparation of milk buckwheat porridge

Milk buckwheat porridge for a baby and an older child is often a favorite. All thanks to its interesting taste, and also because of the shape of the nucleoli, which are quite difficult to boil down. If for babies up to a year you can dilute porridge from a bag (which many mothers do), then it is time to introduce a one-year-old not in the form of mashed potatoes. For adult children, all the more, buckwheat will have to cook.

Cooking buckwheat porridge

Some mothers wonder how to cook buckwheat in milk for a child so that it is as tasty as possible. There are two ways to prepare milk buckwheat porridge.

Method 1 On the stove

You will need:

  • Half a glass of buckwheat;
  • Half a glass of milk and water;
  • Butter;
  • Salt or sugar.

Prepare porridge on the stove like this:

  1. First, prepare the cereal: it is recommended to sort it out, removing the litter and darkened nucleoli, then rinse.
  2. A stewpan or saucepan with a tight bottom is placed on the fire. Water is boiled in it, a piece of oil is sent there.
  3. The groats are thrown into boiling water, covered with a lid and then the heat is reduced. The goal is to wait until the water disappears (buckwheat will absorb it) and make sure that the buckwheat does not burn.
  4. Then milk is poured into the saucepan. The future porridge should be boiled in it for about 10 minutes. Salt or sugar is added with milk.
  5. The last stage of cooking is infusion. For him, you need to remove the pan with buckwheat from the stove, cover and leave for 15 minutes. The dish is ready.

Method 2 In a multicooker

Especially this cooking method will help in the morning, because multicooker has a delayed start function. It is enough to fall asleep and pour the food into the bowl in the evening, set the mode and timer, and in the morning the porridge will be ready to wake up.

Milk buckwheat porridge in a slow cooker

For cooking, you will need exactly the same products as in the first method. The cooking method is slightly different:

  1. Buckwheat is thoroughly washed until clear water.
  2. It is recommended to grease the multicooker bowl with butter.
  3. The washed cereal is laid out on the butter, which is poured with a mixture of milk and water with the addition of sugar or salt.
  4. All that remains is to set the desired mode. Which one should be found in the manufacturer's instructions. It can be "milk porridge", "cereals" or just "cooking". If necessary, a timer is set to delay the start of cooking.

Norms of milk buckwheat for babies

Despite the fact that buckwheat is very useful for the body, especially for children, it is impossible to give it to crumbs uncontrollably. So that the use of this product does not turn into problems, you need to follow a number of rules.

How often to give

Many children ask their parents for buckwheat milk porridge almost daily. But you can't do that. First of all, due to the fact that the baby needs to be gradually accustomed to different foods. Age up to a year is not the time to completely transfer the baby to the common table, but the period to get acquainted with a variety of foods.

The second reason is composition. Buckwheat is rich in useful trace elements, but it does not include everything that a growing person needs. It is unable to completely replace all other products. Therefore, it is recommended to give the crumbs and other cereals.

Milk buckwheat porridge

It will be quite enough if a baby from 8 months to a year eats a portion of buckwheat milk porridge three times a week. You can individually adjust the nutrition schedule, but buckwheat should not be its basis.


The child grows, and so does his standard food portion. It is different for each month.

Norms of a single portion of complementary foods with milk porridge for a child under one year old

Up to 8 months8 months9 months10 months11 months12 months
Serving allowanceThere are no milk cereals in the diet150-180 gr.180 g180-200 gr.200 gr.200-250 gr.

The above norms are averaged. A child can eat a little less or a little more, depending on the build, appetite and taste preferences.

What can be combined with

Many mothers are wondering if milk buckwheat porridge can be mixed with other products. This is allowed, but only if the child is already familiar with the second product. So, buckwheat can be bred with fruits, vegetables, meat purees and pieces.

When introducing a new product into the diet, it is not recommended to mix it into porridge. It should be given from a spoon in pure form so that the baby gets acquainted with its taste.

Possible problems with complementary feeding

Buckwheat with milk is very healthy, but it can cause digestive problems in babies. They can be like this:

  • Allergies or intolerances. Both cases provoke cow's milk protein. If this happens, you should immediately stop feeding milk porridge and consult a specialist.

Kid with mom at the doctor

  • Constipation. The infant's gastrointestinal tract is imperfect; it may still not cope with thicker food. Solutions - specialist advice, increasing the amount of water consumed by the child per day, introducing prune puree into the diet.
  • Stomach upset. Buckwheat contains a lot of fiber, which can manifest itself like this. The way out is to stop giving porridge for a while, consult a doctor.

Buckwheat porridge with milk must be in the diet of a child at any age. It is very useful for a growing organism, but only if there are no contraindications and the principle of dietary diversity is observed.


Watch the video: 30 DAY HEALTH RESTART. WHAT I EAT IN A DAY (July 2024).