
Omelet for a one-year-old child - recipes in a slow cooker, oven

The growing baby is gradually introduced into the diet of complementary foods. At some point, eggs appear on the menu. How useful an omelet is for a child, how to cook it correctly and how much to give is the main topic of this article.

Omelet for baby

The benefits of the dish

Eggs are included in the list of dietary products that have nutritional value for the body. One of the important components in the composition is lecithin. Its benefits are as follows:

  • promotes the digestion and absorption of food;
  • participates in the metabolism of fats and cholesterol;
  • enhances the separation of bile;
  • in the company with protein forms cell membranes;
  • prevents fat from accumulating in the liver, facilitating their transport into the blood.

Yolks are especially rich in lecithin, which are the first to be introduced into the complementary foods of babies. In addition, the product contains a large set of minerals, essential amino acids, valuable fatty components. Group B, D, E should be distinguished from the vitamin complex. Provitamin A gives the yolk its characteristic color.

Note! Dishes from quail eggs are useful for kids. In terms of nutritional value, they exceed chicken.

The product from quails contains:

  • 1.5 times more vitamin A, cobalt and copper;
  • 2.2 times more B2;
  • 2.8 times - vitamin B1;
  • 4 times - potassium and iron.

Quail eggs

Therefore, quail eggs are recommended for medical nutrition of babies with a number of diseases. They improve appetite and do not provoke diathesis. This product is even used in a measles vaccine.

How to choose the right eggs

It should be noted right away that goose and duck eggs cannot be taken into an omelet for a one-year-old child. They are hard for a child's body to digest. The main reason is that these foods often contain harmful microbes.

Council. If it is not possible to cook an omelet from quail eggs for a child, you can take a chicken product. Moreover, it must be absolutely fresh.

How to check the quality:

  1. The eggs are scanned into the light. If dark spots are visible, the product is not edible.
  2. The egg is placed in cold water. Fresh will immediately sink horizontally to the bottom, stale will slow down with immersion and become a butt.

How freshness is determined

  1. The egg is brought to the ear and shaken. If the contents move when rocking, then the protein has mixed with the yolk. This is due to the fact that during long-term storage some of the moisture evaporates.

When eggs are bought in reserve, you need to properly organize their storage. If the product is kept at temperatures above 21 ° C for a long time, it stimulates the development of the embryo. Without the proper conditions, he dies, but his circulatory system remains in the egg, traces of which can be seen when the shell is broken. Such a product must not be used for food.

When to introduce omelet into complementary foods

The baby receives the first eggs at 7 months - ¼ part of the yolk is introduced into the diet. After a month, you can give half. So they continue to increase the rate up to a year.

If the baby is not allergic to the product, the mother diversifies the menu by preparing an omelet for the child instead of boiled yolk. It is allowed to introduce this dish into the diet when the little one is already able to chew food on their own, and his digestive system has developed enough.

Note! The question of at what age a child can be given an omelet is discussed with the pediatrician. An individual approach is important here. In most cases, the optimal period is when the baby is 12 months old.

Omelet recipes

Many dishes can be prepared from eggs, but not all of them are allowed for babies. Scrambled eggs are excluded immediately if they are made over an open fire, frying in oil. An omelet with the addition of milk has a softer consistency and is better perceived by the baby's stomach.

Frying dishes in a pan is not allowed for a baby. To avoid the ingress of carcinogens into the child's body, they are steamed or in an oven, multicooker, microwave oven.

In the microwave

There will be no difficulties in preparing the dish. To make the omelette in the microwave for a child lush, it is enough to maintain the proportions - take 0.5 cups of milk for 2 eggs. The cooking process itself looks like this:

  • eggs are broken into a deep plate;
  • lightly add and beat with a whisk;
  • pour in milk and mix thoroughly again;
  • the mass is poured into a container intended for the microwave;
  • turn on the desired mode for 5-6 minutes at a power of 800 watts.

Important! If the dish is prepared for a baby up to a year, then in the specified recipe for an omelet in the microwave for a child, instead of a whole egg, you need to take only the yolk.

For a couple

This recipe is for those with a steamer. The ingredients are standard, but it is recommended to replace half of the milk with water. A steamed omelet for a child is prepared according to the following principle:

  • the mold is greased with butter;
  • fill the container by no more than ½ of the volume (the omelet will rise);
  • covered with a lid, cook the dish for 20 minutes.

Steamed omelet

For those who do not have a special device, another option is offered, how to prepare a steam omelet for a child. Taking an ordinary saucepan, proceed to the following actions:

  • pour water into it and put it on the stove;
  • the muffin pan is half filled with the egg and milk mixture;
  • when the water in the pan boils, put a mold in it, trying to make it sink 1/3 of the height;
  • after reducing the heat, cover the pan with a lid and keep the omelet in the bath for 2-3 minutes.

After turning off the stove, the mold is removed and carefully thrown back onto the plate. It remains to decorate the dish appetizingly and serve to the baby.

In a multicooker

For a change, it is suggested to add semolina to the main products. From this, a steamed omelet for a child in a slow cooker will turn out to be more satisfying. To do it, follow the following algorithm:

  • eggs (3 pcs.) are mixed with milk (75 ml), salted to taste;
  • semolina is added to the whipped mass (2 tablespoons);
  • stir gently and leave for 20 minutes;
  • water is poured into the multicooker bowl;
  • a container with an omelet is placed on top;
  • cover and start the timer for 20 minutes.

The omelet is removed from the multicooker, placed on a flat dish and cut into portions. After waiting, when it cools down a little, they feed the baby.

In the oven

Complementary foods from an egg-milk mixture can be prepared in the oven. For this, a silicone baking dish is suitable. To make the omelette for a child in the oven more original, it is suggested to try this option:

  • eggs (3 pcs.) salt to taste;
  • pour in milk (1 tablespoon) and beat;
  • heat a frying pan without a handle in the oven;
  • grease with butter;
  • pour the whipped mass into it and put in a cabinet over medium heat;
  • as soon as the mixture begins to thicken, remove the pan;
  • the omelet is wrapped from 2 sides to the middle to make an oblong "pie";
  • turn the seam down and put in the oven for another 1 minute.

Omelette pie

Put the finished omelet on a plate, grease with butter and serve.

Quail eggs

In this variant, the cooking technology remains the same. You can bake an omelette in the oven, steam and microwave. Only the ratio of ingredients changes. To prepare 100 g of an omelet, you need 5 quail eggs and 60-70 ml of milk of any fat content.

Note! The cow product can be replaced with infant formula, to which the baby is accustomed.

A one-year-old baby is introduced to the diet of hard cheeses. Therefore, you can grate 16-20 g of the product into the omelet mass by choosing the varieties "Poshekhonskiy", "Russian", "Gollandskiy".

Omelet feeding rates by month

Baby eggs are introduced into the diet only at 7 months. In this case, protein is excluded from the menu up to a year (in some children - up to one and a half). If a mother wants to pamper her baby with a properly prepared omelet, then you need to start closer to 12 months, as advises Dr. Komarovsky. It is allowed to introduce the dish earlier if it is prepared only from the yolks.

Having made an omelet, the baby is given a small piece, adhering to the prescribed norm of the product:

  • at 8-9 months, the child's body should receive 0.5 chicken yolk;
  • at 10-11 - ¾;
  • from 1 year old - whole yolk.

If the doctor permits, then from this period you can give an omelet from a full-fledged egg. The daily norm of a dish in terms of weight at the age of 1 year should be 50 g, by one and a half years - 75 g.

It is important to know how many times you can feed your baby an egg dish. If the baby has good tolerance to the product, after a year it is allowed to use 1 egg per day, but it is better to introduce an omelet into the diet no more than 3 times a week.

What can be combined with

Egg dishes are recommended to be served in the morning meals. Having accustomed the baby to an omelette, you can supplement complementary foods with other products:

  • greens;
  • cheese;
  • vegetable purees;
  • green peas;
  • jelly;
  • fermented milk products.

How to serve the dish

It is recommended to add grated apples, carrots, zucchini, tomato pulp passed through a sieve to the omelet itself.

Possible problems when feeding an omelet

Not all babies tolerate eggs in their diets. The product is considered an allergen and provokes a skin rash and severe itching reaction. There are other risks as well:

  • if the heat treatment is insufficient when preparing an omelet, salmonella can enter the baby's body;
  • egg white introduced into complementary foods earlier than expected will negatively affect metabolism;
  • Excessive consumption of omelet can lead to kidney failure.

To avoid negative consequences, it is recommended to use quail eggs instead of chicken eggs. They will not cause allergies and will provide the body with all the necessary substances.

Omelet in complementary foods

Watch the video: Making Food Monday: Pressure Cooker Breakfast Casserole (July 2024).