
How much to cook quail eggs for a child

Children's nutritionists, speaking about the introduction of complementary foods for infants, advise to diversify it with quail eggs, the benefits of which are beyond doubt. It is believed that this natural product contains many substances useful for the child's body. However, it must be borne in mind that the baby's body is not yet fully formed and is more sensitive than that of an adult. Therefore, the use of quail eggs by a baby has its own characteristics that every mother needs to know.

Quail eggs enrich children's diet

Quail eggs for baby food

Nutritionists emphasize the benefits and positive effects of quail eggs on the child's body. The use of a product rich in complete protein helps to strengthen the children's immune system, as a result of a faster recovery from viral and infectious diseases. In addition, it has been confirmed that eggs contain a large set of organic and mineral substances, they include many amino acids, lipids, vitamins. The inclusion of boiled testicles in the diet of infants increases tone, reduces fatigue, and helps to activate the brain.

Note. Pediatricians confirm this fact: dishes made from testicles help the development of memory and mental abilities of babies. Therefore, it is useful to include them in the children's menu from 7-8 months.

Composition and nutritional value

Nutritionists, talking about the benefits of quail eggs, emphasize that its protein is a high-quality raw material of animal origin, it is easily absorbed by children. Protein is essential for building cells in the body, especially muscle tissue.

The product contains essential amino acids, beta-carotene, a vitamin group, and minerals: potassium, calcium, magnesium, iron, phosphorus and sodium. The composition is enriched with lysozyme, a natural antiseptic with antiviral and anti-inflammatory effects.

Important! Despite the enormous benefits of the product, nutritionists warn that the yolk contains cholesterol, which increases the risk of vascular plaque formation. The second unpleasant fact - although it is argued that salmonellosis is not typical for quail, eggs can become a carrier of this disease if stored improperly. Therefore, before eating, you must follow certain rules when buying, storing and preparing egg dishes.

Are soft-boiled eggs good for babies?

Pediatricians warn that it is forbidden to give raw eggs or cooked soft-boiled to children under one year old. This is dictated by the fact that, in addition to salmonellosis, the baby is also susceptible to other dangerous diseases that will be very difficult for the child's body to overcome.

The raw product is contraindicated for infants also due to the fact that the gastrointestinal tract has difficulty digesting proteins and yolks that have not undergone heat treatment.

It is important to understand! The cooked product has sufficient health benefits of the crumbs, minimizing the risk of diseases and allergies.

In pediatrics, it is considered: if a child is prone to allergic reactions to food or has a similar heredity, then such reactions can be caused by the eggs of any bird.

Cooking Quail Eggs Correctly

Eggs occupy an important place in the infant menu, as they include many vitamins and trace elements. However, with their obvious benefits, you need to carefully start introducing egg dishes into the diet of the crumbs.

The main rule is that quail eggs must be impeccably prepared and well thermally processed before being consumed by babies.

Quail eggs are thoroughly washed and boiled in a special dish before cooking.

Egg selection

The mother of a small child must observe the following rule: before preparing a dish of quail eggs, they must be carefully checked for freshness. Experts offer such available methods:

  • Weigh one sample on a balance, fresh weight should be 15-18 g;
  • The product is not the first freshness, light, as if empty inside, weighing about 6 g;
  • Place an egg in a glass of water, if it floats up, it means stale;
  • Fresh product quickly ends up at the bottom;
  • Visually inspect it to identify defects;
  • Break one of the purchased ten and carefully examine the contents, since the white and yolk should be together. The contents of the stale sample are spilled.

Choice of dishes

Some mothers are of the opinion that the dishes for boiling eggs should be separate; it is undesirable to cook other food in it. Experts see no reason for such a statement, since during boiling, all existing microbes die. Then you need to wash the dishes with soda, and its cleanliness will remain.

For direct cooking, it is better to choose pans with a wide bottom in order to prevent shell cracks. The most convenient option is a saucepan with a long, non-heating handle and a spout to make it easier to drain the water.

It is believed that it is healthier to cook eggs in a non-stick aluminum pan, as this material is most resistant to temperature contrast. This will allow you to rinse the testicles with cold water immediately after draining the boiling water.

Cooking degree for a one-year-old child

There are several opinions among parents about what degree of cooking quail eggs should have. Some say that a child can only be offered a hard-boiled product. Others believe that nutrients are lost during cooking, and are of the opinion that raw quail eggs are harmless.

Important! Modern pediatricians dispute this opinion and insist that the eggs of any bird without heat treatment are dangerous for babies. The bird can become infected through feed or due to poor care. For example, a violation of the temperature regime in the poultry house contributes to the fact that Salmonella appears in quails.

To feed the baby, quail eggs should only be hard-boiled

Egg boiling time for children under one year old

Agreeing that boiling eggs is simply necessary, mothers ask how much quail eggs to cook for a child. Nutritionists explain that in order to preserve vitamins and trace elements, you need to adhere to certain rules, despite the fact that there are different opinions when discussing this issue. It is believed that there are three rules to follow when cooking quail eggs, to reduce the allergenic load and kill possible germs:

  • Wash the testicle before boiling, even if it looks clean. It is recommended to wash in warm water, with soap and a soft brush;
  • Do not add salt to the water during cooking, as salt can affect the natural taste. According to WHO recommendations, salt in food for children under one year old is contraindicated, since sodium chloride exerts stress on blood vessels, kidneys, and gastrointestinal tract;
  • Place immediately in boiling water, since the peculiarity of this type of eggs is that their shell does not crack. This ensures quick readiness and saves more nutrients.

Egg dishes for baby's nutrition must be prepared taking into account certain requirements.

Nutritionists warn moms that the safest method of preparing testicles for babies is hard boiling. There is no need to worry that beneficial substances will be lost after prolonged heat treatment. For the baby's benefit, there will be enough of those that remain.

Note! When cooked correctly, the hard-boiled heat treatment is 5 minutes. The main thing is not to digest, so that the yolk does not darken, and the protein part does not become tough. In addition, if the heat treatment is carried out for more than 5 minutes, all the useful elements of the product will be lost.

Quail eggs are small in size, unlike other species, so their cooking time is shorter. It is enough to consider the following points:

  • A hard-boiled egg should be boiled for 3-4 minutes after boiling water, if placed in cold water;
  • Another way to cook eggs is to put them in boiling water and cook for 5 minutes to get them hard-boiled;
  • In the microwave, the time for boiling hard boiled eggs is reduced to three minutes.

Cooking options for babies

Every mother wants to feed her child tasty and healthy, so she is interested in how to cook quail eggs for a child if he is reluctant to eat them. Experts offer different options for meals so that kids like them, so that they eat them with pleasure.

You can find delicious recipes on children's websites. Here are some of them that every mom can cook:

  • The most affordable way to make a dish attractive to a baby is to take care of its design by decorating children's sandwiches with quail eggs. For example, by cutting the testicles in half, make funny animals out of them: mice, bears, bunnies;
  • Children will like vegetable salads with eggs added. They can be decorated with interesting figures of carrots, egg white and yolk;
  • An ideal dish for a baby is a stuffed quail egg. Children's nutritionists suggest stuffing them with mashed potatoes, chopped vegetable salad, broccoli puree, which go well with yolk and protein.

You can prepare a variety of quail egg dishes for the children's menu

Quail eggs contain a whole range of vitamins and minerals, so they are ideal for baby food. However, their inclusion in the diet of the crumbs requires adherence to the rules that have been developed by nutritionists.

Watch the video: Greek Goes Keto - Hen Eggs VS Quail Eggs Mini Course (September 2024).