
7 pediatrician tips on what not to buy before your baby is born - it may not be useful

Among the main buyers of an unnecessary amount of baby things are young parents. As a result, future mothers and fathers take loans for strollers and force them to use unnecessary appliances to the apartment even before the long-awaited baby appears.

A qualified pediatrician Andrei Ivanov, who works in the capital's children's clinic, who gave 7 practical tips for young parents, will help to refuse unnecessary expenses and unnecessary gadgets.


It is important to think about before buying furniture, which is the most comfortable way to sleep for a child and mothers, fathers. You can prepare a place for her in advance, but you should postpone the acquisition of things until you are absolutely sure that it is better for the baby and mother to sleep separately. Most often, little crumbs sleep alone, and closer to 6 months they fall asleep worse and require special conditions.


Healthy children are weighed at the pediatrician's appointment, and having scales at home and weighing the baby regularly is a sure way to neurosis. After all, a lack of appetite due to internal ailments in the body or an increase in the child's activity due to anxiety increases the risk of a temporary delay in weight gain, but the baby is able to quickly compensate for it.

Changing table

This is a separate parental misfortune, leading to real horror, since children often fall from them and are injured. The main difference between the changing table is that there is no special need for it. Better to replace them with moisture-resistant diaper changing mattresses and lay them on the bed.


Since a child cannot bathe in a bathtub, let alone lie in it, the practical use of the object does not carry any meaning. The bathing process is more related to a physical activity. Therefore, all hygiene procedures with washing the baby should be carried out in an ordinary large bath.


Children grow rapidly (several cm per month) and most of the clothes of the first year of life are worn only a couple of times. Among unnecessary clothes, various caps, anti-scratches and more are often bought.

Stroller with carrycot

Some strollers are so expensive that young parents are ready to take out a loan if only they have this thing. The main feature of all strollers is weight. It is not easy to move around with it, especially on staircases and in public transport. The cradle will not save the situation, because together with the child it can weigh up to 8-10 kg! It's very hard for women.


The abundance of toys does not have a beneficial effect on the development of the baby, but, on the contrary, forms tolerance for them. This is especially true for items that are not suitable for age, which parents like to buy. After all, children have no idea what to do with them. For normal stimulation, 2-3 pieces will be enough, corresponding to the current age indicator.

The most advantageous thing is to refuse to buy unnecessary things, this will save money, nerves and time. There is no need to rush the baby to be born sooner, and it is better to buy items as needed.

Watch the video: 7 Tips about Vitamins for Infants. Baby Development (July 2024).