
3 weeks pregnant

The 3rd week of pregnancy has come. What's new in a woman's life these days? What joys and worries are associated with this time? The most important points, information and advice - everything for expectant mothers.

Two views of the deadline

For convenience, any doctor will count from the first day of a woman's last menstrual period. The concept of obstetric term is based on this system. According to another system (embryonic), the period is counted from the middle of the cycle. It is at this time that ovulation and conception most often occur.

In obstetric practice, the third week is the period of fertilization... The ovum is ripe and moves to the uterine cavity. At some point, the sperm penetrates into it, and then the zygote will continue to move. This new cell has a complete set of chromosomes and is capable of very fast division.

According to the embryonic method, once a single cell already develops a vigorous activity and actively lives its own special, secret life. And the expectant mother? If she still does not know exactly about her pregnancy, then she probably guesses. After all, her period has been delayed for about a week.

In order not to get confused in the lines, we read a detailed article about this (terms of pregnancy: obstetric and embryonic).

From guessing to certainty

Three weeks after conception, the pharmacy test will show the same two strips. At the same time, the level of the hCG hormone will increase in the woman's body. An appropriate blood test will confirm pregnancy. But if we talk about the obstetric third week, pregnancy has barely come and has not yet been determined. Moreover, a woman may still have her period.

According to medical research, 70-75% of fertilized eggs are rejected the female body even before fixing in the uterine cavity. This happens for a variety of reasons:

  • initial cellular defects;
  • hormonal disorders;
  • infectious diseases;
  • stress.

Sometimes rejection occurs without any preconditions at all. Since the embryo has not actually begun to develop, such a phenomenon is not considered a miscarriage. A woman may, in principle, not find out about what happened. For her, one day just another menstruation will come.

Unwanted pregnancy

The third week from conception is the time for making a decision, if the pregnancy was not only not planned, but also not allowed. Anything happens in life. In fact, no method of contraception is 100% guaranteed. And sometimes the partners are careless about this important issue.

In any case, if you interrupt an unwanted pregnancy, then right now. Only the decision to abortion must be balanced and taken with full responsibility. Any actions should take place according to the instructions and under the supervision of a physician. “Amateur activity” here can lead to the most unfavorable consequences.

Feelings of a future mother

In the third obstetric week for a woman, everything goes as usual. But three weeks after conception, there can be a lot of new experiences.

For example, a woman begins to accurately recognize dark and light grapes by smell. Even if before she could not boast of a subtle sense of smell at all. And then she begins to be madly annoyed by the smell of her beloved man's eau de toilette.

Food tastes can also change. Sauerkraut or cucumbers become one of the tastiest foods, and your favorite cheese is suddenly disgusting. Perhaps this is a prelude to taste quirks. Among future and accomplished fathers, there are whole legends about wives who ate herring with sour cream or demanded strawberries in February.

And the most active and lively woman suddenly turns into a “sleeping beauty”. It seems that the rest is full, and there is no overwork. But more than anything else, you want to sleep.

All such sensations arise in a woman due to hormonal and physical changes. The body is strenuously tuned in to work in a special mode... Also, the expectant mother can note:

  • increased sensitivity of the breasts, especially the nipples;
  • frequent use of the toilet due to relaxation of the smooth muscles of the intestine and increased activity of the ureters;
  • periodic constipation;
  • nausea (which may result in vomiting).

What will others notice?

Objective signs are absent in the third obstetric week, but they can be very noticeable with the embryonic approach. A test or blood test is most likely done, confirmation received. Thoughts about the baby can significantly affect the appearance of the expectant mother. She becomes more feminine, graceful and seems to blossom.

However, at the same time, a woman can suddenly suddenly “break off”, become irritated. Relatives or loved ones will see a noticeable increase or decrease in appetite.

During a physical examination, the doctor will note specific symptoms: breast swelling and an increase in the size of the patient's uterus.

Embryo or fetus? What's going on inside?

From an obstetric point of view, a full pregnancy has not yet occurred in the third week. So far, the uterus is preparing to receive the fertilized egg.

Everything is different if you count from conception. Although the embryo is still a collection of cells, similar to a berry, it already contains the formation of the floor begins... While at the same cellular level, real sexual characteristics will not appear soon.

If the embryo has not yet taken root in the uterine cavity, then now it will definitely happen. The whole process is quite complicated, it takes about forty hours. First of all, the embryo produces a particularly important immunopressor protein. The fact is that half of the cells of the embryo are foreign to the mother's body - after all, they "came" from the child's father. Without a special protein "signal", the uterus will never accept the future fetus - immunity will not allow it.

Anchoring the embryo in the uterus gives rise to another important process. it placentation... Through it, the fetus in the womb receives all the necessary nutrients.

What does a future child look like? So far, everything is pretty prosaic. The embryo is in the morula stage - a dense, round lump of cells. Morula quickly turns into a blastocyst. This means that a cavity with fetal fluid is formed inside the lump, in which the baby will then develop.

The size of the fetus (embryo) is negligible... By the end of the third week after conception, it has a diameter of 0.1-0.2 mm, and its weight is 2-3 micrograms (mcg, one thousandth of a gram). And in this tiny grain of sand there are already about 250 living cells. Very soon, the formation and development of the main systems of the fetus's body will begin, and the tiny heart will count its first beats.

Ectopic pregnancy

The term seems to speak for itself. In theory, in addition to the uterus, a fertilized egg can gain a foothold in other areas of the female reproductive system (for example, on the ovary or in the fallopian tube).

The percentage of ectopic pregnancies is very small, but there is always a sad possibility. When to suspect something is wrong? Severe increasing pain is the first signal of possible violations... In this case, the stomach hurts not from below, but to the left or right. Usually this is the place where the embryo is not anchored. The pain intensifies when the doctor palpates. The most experienced specialists can even locate the implantation site.

In our time, gentle methods have been developed to get rid of an ectopic pregnancy. They do not give negative consequences and do not interfere with motherhood in the future.

Spontaneous termination of pregnancy

A miscarriage is the rejection of a fetus already fixed in the uterine cavity... Many factors can provoke it. The main signs are bleeding or persistent spotting, sharp pain and pulling sensations in the lower abdomen and lower back. The consequences depend on how quickly the woman herself and the doctors reacted.

It is important for an expectant mother to remember that mild pain is common in the early stages of pregnancy. The same hormonal changes are “to blame”. The body adapts to the new state, and the lower back and lower abdomen "respond" to this.

Frozen pregnancy

During pregnancy 3 weeks from the moment of conception, fading sometimes occurs... Then the test (both pharmacy and hCG) first confirms the pregnancy, and then as if it no longer "sees" it. However, menses do not come. Detection of a missed pregnancy requires an attentive approach and thorough diagnosis.

Do I need to do an ultrasound?

In the normal course of pregnancy, an ultrasound scan in the third obstetric week may be required to confirm that ovulation has occurred. Three weeks after conception, a scan in the normal course of pregnancy will be practically uninformative. The embryo will appear as a small dot against the background of the uterine cavity.

But if an ectopic pregnancy is suspected, it is according to the results of ultrasound that the place of attachment of the embryo will become clear and a decision will be made on further actions. For greater reliability, ultrasound can be performed transvaginally, that is, through the vagina. The procedure is carried out carefully, carefully and does not cause discomfort.

Will there be discharge?

For the third week of pregnancy, any special discharge is uncharacteristic. With obstetric counting, relatively thick and dense mucus can normally be released. It protects the egg from external infections - what if conception will happen or has it already happened?

Strong mucous discharge, especially with an unpleasant odor, can be a signal of illness... Better check with a doctor.

When the fetus is attached, minor implantation bleeding may appear. It is just a faint brown discharge or a pink or bloody smear.

If it is the third week from conception, the pregnancy is confirmed, and suddenly blood has really started flowing, this may mean a miscarriage.

Body temperature: the line between norm and disease

If the embryonic period is three weeks, a slight increase in temperature (37.2 ° C) without signs of a cold is normal. However, 37.5 and more is already a danger signal.

When contacting a doctor, a woman must definitely warn him about a possible or confirmed pregnancy. The doctor will take this into account when choosing treatment methods.

For many, a cold is a mild illness that they can treat themselves for. Including antibiotics. For a pregnant woman, this is 100% unacceptable. Antibiotics, even topical ones, should only be prescribed by a doctor. And he can do this only in the most extreme and difficult cases. Side effects of this group of drugs can cause many different complications in the embryo.

3 weeks pregnant and sex

The third obstetric week will not do without sex. When planning for conception, the intimate life of a couple usually follows a specific schedule. Ideally, sex should be on the day of ovulation, 2-3 days before and 2-3 days after it. This increases the quality of sperm and increases the likelihood of conception.

In the third week after conception, the sexual life of future parents may remain the same or change.... Some women experience increased attraction to the child's father. Others report a decrease in libido. Both are normal and should not be a cause for concern.

[sc: rsa]

There is also a rather rare sign of pregnancy that almost never occurs. After intercourse, a woman may feel a sharp, severe pain in the vagina and on the labia. In this case, intimate life gives the expectant mother inconvenience, even a feeling of fear. Fortunately, these feelings soon pass.

If the intimate life of future parents threatens to deteriorate, it is important to take action on time. The main thing at this time is trust between a woman and her husband (partner). It must be explained to a man that there are changes in attraction, that he remains a loved and desired person. The future father will need patience and attention to his soul mate.

Intimate life will have to end completely if there is a threat of miscarriage.

Nutrition for the expectant mother

You should not listen to those who recommend “eat more and more often”. The nutrition of a pregnant woman should be carefully calculated and complete.... The main recommendations are the same as when planning or at an earlier date.

  1. Food intake - fractional, 4-5 times a day.
  2. For the full presence of protein, lean meat is needed and, on the contrary, fatty fish (it contains important acids), as well as legumes and dairy products. Mushrooms are also protein, but such food can be hard on the stomach.
  3. Fresh vegetables and fruits - to provide vitamins and microelements. No pharmaceutical vitamin complex will be truly effective if mom does not get natural vitamins from food.
  4. No multi-colored soda! This is zero benefit and a lot of calories.
  5. It is advisable to give up white buns and switch to coarse bread.

Another nutritional recommendation will help expectant mothers with early toxicosis... An attack of nausea can be found everywhere: at work, on a walk, in public transport. Sometimes it "rolls over" so that the forces literally leave the woman. In addition, vomiting in public places is a severe psychological stress. What to do?

It is advisable to experimentally find that “tasty treat” that will help suppress an attack of nausea. It could be anything. A bottle of sparkling mineral water will save you if the acidity of the stomach increases with nausea. Someone carries an apple with them in a plastic bag and takes a bite when nausea sets in. A piece of cheese, a crouton or something else can help - the expectant mother needs to carefully experiment.

In case of sudden vomiting, it is better to carry a special bag and wet wipes in your purse.

We recommend that you read the detailed article about toxicosis >>>

Other "yes" and "no"

An expectant mother can and should take care of herself and the future baby. This must be done in all cases: if a pregnancy is planned, allowed or has already been detected. The main recommendations are the same as in the first or second week:

  • Taking vitamins. What kind of drugs are needed - the doctor must decide.
  • If, for some reason, alcohol and cigarettes are still present in a woman's life, they should be “driven out” immediately and for a long time. In the third week from conception, any negative factors are dangerous for the embryo.
  • Every effort must be made to avoid nervous shocks. Only positive emotions. But they should not be excessive either. Having experienced some kind of moral upsurge, the expectant mother may remark with great surprise that she is very tired even from positive experiences.
  • You can not lift weights and do difficult physical work. If the expectant mother goes in for sports, the load will have to be reviewed, or even completely change the type of activity. Most often, expectant mothers are recommended to swim (for their own pleasure) and yoga.

In the third week from conception, it is important for the expectant mother to remember: she is now not alone and shares with her baby everything that happens to her. Attention to yourself will make the third week of waiting joyful and happy.

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Watch the video: Live Pregnancy Test at 3 weeks 1 day!!! (July 2024).