
TEST: is your baby ready for weaning

Whoever says anything, breastfeeding is just another stage in a child's life and it grows out of it the same way it grows out of diapers and romper suit. And for every baby, such a time will certainly come by itself, even if the baby is not encouraged to wean.

But if, for whatever reason, you decide to end breastfeeding ahead of time, this test will help you weigh the pros and cons again. With it, you can objectively assess whether your child is ready for weaning at this stage or not.

The table below lists the questions to which you need to answer either yes or no. For each answer a certain number of points is awarded, which is indicated in the corresponding cells. Based on the amount typed at the end of the test, you can understand whether it is possible to wean your baby right now.


up to 6 points: Your baby is almost ready for weaning. But if you notice that it is still difficult for him to do without breastfeeding (he periodically sucks his finger or lower lip) - do not ignore these manifestations and sometimes spoil him with your milk. And remember that weaning the baby should be gradual, sometimes even on the principle of "one step forward or two back." Don't worry - this is normal. And you just need to be patient and not rush things.

from 7 to 12 points: Your baby no longer needs your breast so badly, because he may well calm down and even fall asleep without it. But, nevertheless, weaning should not be forced. And is there any special sense in making the child worry once again instead of giving him a feeling of satiety and security?

from 13 to 19 points: as unexpected as it may be, your baby is not yet ready for weaning. But you can be sure that if you don’t act harshly and don’t begin to tear (in the literal sense of the word) the baby from the breast, he will very soon decide to say goodbye to mother’s milk! Just give your child time to figure it out for himself.

Of course, any, even the most accurate, tests always have a certain degree of error. Therefore, first of all, you need to listen only to your intuition - it itself will tell you the day and hour when weaning the baby from the breast can pass easily and naturally! You just have to take a wait and see attitude and believe in the best!

Watch the video: BABY LED WEANING BLW Progression: 6-10 Months! (July 2024).