Games and entertainment

Games that teach children to be kind

All parents dream of raising their child to be kind and sympathetic. However, more attention is paid to games for the development of intelligence and memory, the ability to count and distinguish colors. Are there any exercises that will teach the kid kindness, help to instill in him the desire to take care of others, the ability to empathize? Of course there is, and they can be played from birth. Such good entertainment will be discussed in our article.

Children learn everything, including morality, through the example of their parents. Having surrounded the child with love and tenderness from the very first minutes of his life, having become for him the best example of empathy and sympathy, you will take the first confident step on the path to child kindness.

The second step is an affectionate word. Sometimes it helps to create a healthy environment and mutual respect in the family. You should not skimp on courtesies and compliments for your household, but remember that they must be sincere and appropriate to the situation.

Well, the third step is the formation of moral qualities, including kindness, in the game. This fun activity will bring many pleasant moments for you and your baby. Start from the very birth, and it does not matter at all how the child behaves, obedient and gentle or capricious and aggressive. In any case, pay more attention to educating your baby for kindness and compassion.

Games for children under one and a half years old

  • "Kisses"

Blow kisses to your baby. Let them touch his arms, tummy, nose and cheeks. Exchange kisses while standing in front of the mirror with him. Be sure to teach your baby to imitate your actions and return signs of love. Take your older child to school and your dad to work, blowing kisses with your little one.

  • "Where does it hurt?"

Remember that kindness heals. If the baby bumps or falls, take pity on him, blow on the abrasion and say: “Where does it hurt? That's it, it doesn't hurt anymore! " When you hit, also ask the child to blow on the sore spot. Show compassion for toys that children often drop.

  • "Treat"

When treating your baby, for example, with a slice of apple, ask him to share with you. Eat a treat and thank the generous child very emotionally, sparing no tender words. Invite your favorite toys to the meal so that no one leaves offended.

Games for children from one and a half to three years

  • "Little Helper"

At this age, it is already possible to involve the child in household chores. Small and simple responsibilities will delight him and teach him to bring, albeit small, but useful. Play mom's helper. Show me how to dust off with a napkin, clean up the nursery together, water the houseplants. After all, benefit is another manifestation of kindness.

  • "Festive bouquet"

Collect beautiful bouquets while walking. These can be autumn leaves and rowan branches, wildflowers or willow branches. Let the child decide for himself who he will give them to - a neighbor's girl, grandmother or older sister. If you are going to a birthday party, buy one flower for the baby so that he can give the birthday boy a precious gift.

  • "Bring me, please"

The game consists of requests to find and bring you or your brother some thing. It could be the TV remote that Grandpa needed. Or a wallet that you "forgot" in your room. Each time your little one fulfills your request, consider what he brought and warmly thank for the successfully completed task.

Games for children from three to four years old

  • "Necklace"

Make a magnificent necklace of pasta on a string for your grandmother or beloved teacher with your baby. During the creative process, repeat all the kind words that the child knows. Tell us how to give and receive gifts correctly.

  • "To help the birds"

Make together the simplest feeder (you can from a paper milk bag) and hang it on a tree near your home. Do not forget to regularly add seeds, bread crumbs and watch the birds. Explain why city birds need to be fed, especially during the cold season.

  • "Sad Bunny"

Find a furry with a sad expression among the stuffed animals. Read to the kid a poem by A. Barto about the unfortunate abandoned bunny. Say behind the toy: “For some reason no one loves me. And nobody, nobody plays with me. " The child will certainly grab and hold her to him.

Games for children from four to five years old

  • "Puppet show"

Create a real puppet theater at home by acting out a variety of good stories with your baby. Take as a basis Russian folk tales, psychotherapeutic stories, suitable for a specific life situation. After the show, discuss the good and bad characters. Specify who the child would like to be like.

  • "Box of good deeds"

Cut out any figures from thick colored paper or cardboard: hearts, flowers or circles. At the end of the day, invite your toddler to throw as many flowers and hearts into the box as he has done today. If he finds it difficult, try to find kindness in the smallest good deeds.

  • "I am a hero"

In any developmental notebook you can find tasks for the development of fine motor skills: labyrinths and drawing fences. Take them into service. For example, let the kid help the hedgehog along the tangled path to carry the apple to the house or draw a fence to save the mouse from the cat. Explain that in life, you need to give help to everyone who needs it.

  • "Name it affectionately"

Ask your Vanya or your Lizonka to call their relatives, friends and, of course, you in the same affectionate manner. How can you affectionately call Baba Katya? Granny Katenka. And how will he affectionately call his preschool friend Sergei? Seryozhenka. Try to remember all of the child's friends and change their usual names to pet names.

Suggest diminutive names of all the surrounding objects: crib, ball, bear, etc.

Games for children aged five to seven

  • Friendship tree

This entertainment can be played alone or in the company of peers. Cut out a tree with branches from thick brown paper and place it on the wall. Make hearts out of multi-colored paper and write the names of the child's friends on each. Let the baby choose a heart with closed eyes and, after reading the name, say one good thing about this person. Then place the paper heart on one of the branches of the tree, using, for example, plasticine.

  • "Most kind"

Play together with your child or invite his friends. Throw the ball into your hands and invite the caught person to name a person and explain what his kindness is. Your little one might say, "My older brother is very kind because he teaches me to play the guitar."

  • "What to do?"

Come up with a little story about a minor accident. For example: “Misha falls off his bike. What will you do?" If the child offers to help, ask how he can help the boy. If he says that he will laugh, ask how Misha feels at this moment. And what would the child himself feel in his place?

We also read: 10 games to overcome child aggression

In addition to games and personal examples, watch cartoons and read books that foster empathy. Do not miss a single aggressive behavior of the child. If the mother gives the baby the correct attitudes from birth, then he will carry kindness throughout his life.

Several videos:

Watch the video: Top 10 Games That Teach English (May 2024).