Good to know

How to properly equip a nursery for a newborn baby

One of the main troubles at the birth of a baby is arranging a nursery for him. How best to do this, what should be observed and what should be abandoned so that the newborn child in his room is cozy and comfortable?

General requirements for a room for a newborn baby

Any pediatrician, as well as any person with everyday experience, can say what the basic requirements should be for a room for a newborn baby. There are not so many such requirements, and it is desirable that all of them be met. The well-being and correct development of the child ultimately depends on how they are fulfilled. These are the requirements:

  • The room temperature must be regulated;
  • The room must be ventilated and properly lit. The light in it should not be too bright so that it does not irritate the baby, and, at the same time, there should be enough light, otherwise the baby may be afraid of the darkness;
  • Extraneous noise should not penetrate into the room, which will disturb the child. In addition, reliable noise isolation will allow other family members to feel natural and not lower their voices to a whisper every time;
  • Walls should be finished with exceptionally safe, natural materials;
  • The color of the walls, ceiling, floor and furniture should be calm, light and warm colors that have a calming effect on the baby, as well as on his mother.

Children's design

Design requirements are very important. Here the child will spend a lot of time, grow up, develop, play, relax, gain experience. Therefore, everything should be foreseen here to the very last detail.

It is best to divide the room into zones. One zone should be for games, the other for relaxation, the third will be needed by the child when he grows up and starts classes or needlework, in other words, he begins to learn.

There are several ways to divide a room into zones. One of these ways is the appropriate arrangement of furniture. Another way is flooring, wall coverings or wallpaper. For example, the part of the space where the baby's bed is located can be pasted over with photo wallpaper with muted, dim colors, so that the child can fall asleep more calmly. And, say, the part of the room where the child will play can be pasted over with photo wallpaper depicting toys, various animals, nature, etc.

There can be many options here. At the same time, designers and child psychologists advise placing the play area in the center of the room or next to a window. Firstly, natural light is much better in such places. Secondly, the child feels more confident in the middle of the room. Thirdly, in the future, you can put a table by the window, at which the child will study.

10 design ideas for a newborn baby's room

How best to decorate the walls

There can also be many options for wall decoration in this case. However, it is best to finish the walls in a children's room with the following materials:

  • Washable wallpaper;
  • Wallpaper for painting;
  • Paint.

When decorating walls, there are several points to consider. If the walls are covered with wallpaper, then you need to be prepared for the fact that the wallpaper will have to be periodically changed to new ones. Firstly, children love to draw on wallpaper, and this process is difficult to keep track of. And secondly, during outdoor games, the child will sooner or later break the wallpaper.

The most preferred wallpaper for a nursery is paper or vinyl. It is highly desirable that they are solid and not too bright. No pictures on the wallpaper are needed, otherwise the child will get tired quickly, as bright colors irritate his nervous system. As for the paint, it should be water-resistant acrylic and odorless.

What should be the flooring in the children's room

There are also many requirements for the flooring. It should be made from natural, environmentally friendly material. This could be:

  • Laminate;
  • Cork covering;
  • Wooden floor or parquet.

For obvious reasons, the floor in the children's room should be of high quality, without cracks and burrs. It is advisable that when laying the floor, the joints are carefully sealed. Since the child will move on the floor (at first - crawl, and then - walk), the floor covering should be easy to clean. But carpet is highly undesirable here. The carpet, as you know, actively absorbs dust, and it is quite difficult to remove it from there.

What color should the children's room be

Above, we have already partially mentioned the color finish of the baby room. Let's dwell on this in more detail - especially since there are specific features that should be taken into account. Of course, what color to decorate the room in depends largely on the parents. But at the same time, the following points must be taken into account here:

  • Too bright colors excite the child's psyche, therefore, it is better not to use red or bright orange colors in the decoration;
  • For the same reason, dark colors should be avoided: brown, emerald, purple, blue;
  • The best option is calm (cream, blue, olive, gray, salad) colors that calm the child;
  • Bright blotches can be used only to indicate areas inside the room or to highlight with their help some places that the child must remember;
  • It is generally accepted that when decorating walls in a baby's room, there should be no more than three colors. Too many colors have an exciting effect on the child and can even lead to illness.

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Room for a boy and for a girl

Child psychologists, pediatricians, grandparents, as well as experienced parents assure that in terms of design, rooms for a newborn boy and a newborn girl should be different from each other. In a boy's room, the overall tone should be light, but fragments of brown, blue, gray and even black colors are acceptable (and even highly recommended). It is believed that strict dark tones help to bring up purely masculine qualities of character in a boy: confidence, purposefulness, perseverance in achieving goals. In general, the design of the room for a boy should be kept in more restrained colors than for girls.

Designers sometimes call the little girl's room the "princess room" or the "fairy room". It is great if it is decorated in pink colors. It is even better if the pink color is combined with other colors: beige, gray, turquoise, chocolate. There is a lot of room for design fantasies here. The main thing is not to overdo it and not make the "princess room" pink beyond any measure, as a result of which it can become cloying and uncomfortable.

"Right" ceiling and "right" lighting

As for the ceiling, there are also certain requirements for it. It is believed that the ceiling in terms of design should not be too complicated and pretentious. Better if it is a simple, flat ceiling. There are the following reasons for this:

  1. First, a volumetric ceiling always evokes a feeling of cumbersomeness and heaviness (in such cases, they say that it "presses"). Accordingly, the “oppressive” ceiling can scare the child.
  2. Secondly, dust settles on the embossed ceiling, which is quite difficult to remove from there.

It should also be borne in mind that a baby, lying in a crib, most often looks at the ceiling. Therefore, it is not recommended to paint the ceiling in bright colors. If there is still some kind of stucco on the ceiling, then it should be painted in calm colors. However, it is best in this case to make a stretch ceiling.

Lighting plays a very important role for the baby. Until the child is three months old, his vision must be protected from direct exposure to sunlight.... In addition, you need to take care of the correct lighting of the room with electric light sources. This requires:

  • Cover all windows in the room with natural fabric curtains that will diffuse and dim the sunlight. Linen or linen fabric of plain soothing colors is best suited here. These should be simple curtains without any ruffles and other design delights. Composite curtains collect too much dust;
  • Windows must be equipped with mosquito nets;
  • In the luminaires located on the ceiling, fluorescent lamps must be installed;
  • Alternatively, you can do without overhead lighting altogether, using sconces, table lamps or floor lamps;
  • If there is a special changing area for a baby, it should be equipped with a separate light source.

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What furniture should be

Let's start with the crib. There is probably no need to explain in detail the importance of a crib for a baby. Therefore, equipping the nursery, first of all, you should take care of this particular piece of furniture. The main advantage of a crib is that it should be comfortable for a child, and also convenient for an adult caring for an infant. Since you have to bend over to the baby and take him in your arms, the side of the crib should be designed in such a way that it goes down and up.

There are certain requirements that have been proven for many centuries, exactly how to place the crib. Usually it is placed in a place where it is calm and quiet. The crib should not be exposed to sunlight. The crib should not be placed near a door, or near outlets, switches, or wall lights. If possible, the bed is placed on a specially made podium.

Currently, there are many varieties of cribs: with a specially equipped changing area, with additional boxes for linen, etc. If parents intend to rock the baby, they can buy a cradle instead of a crib. Many types of cradles are sold in modern furniture stores. This can be a carrycot on wheels or a carrycot equipped with pendulum mechanisms. Such mechanisms are divided into longitudinal, transverse and universal.

It is very important what material the crib or cradle is made of. You should not buy a crib and bassinet that are made of synthetic materials. The crib (or cradle) for the baby should be made of natural wood. In addition, care must be taken to ensure that the crib is not varnished or painted. Varnish, paint or synthetics can cause allergic diseases in a child.

As for other furniture, there should not be much of it in the children's room. In general, in addition to a crib or cradle, the set of furniture here should be as follows:

  • A chest of drawers for storing children's clothes, toys and other necessary things;
  • Changing table;
  • A chair in which it will be convenient for mom to feed the baby.

Maintaining a comfortable temperature and cleanliness in the baby's room

It is very important to know that excessively humid, as well as dry air, is harmful to a child. In excessively humid or dry air, all kinds of harmful bacteria develop. The ideal air humidity for a baby is at least 50, maximum 70 percent. There are many ways to optimize air humidity:

  • Air with low humidity is usually found in rooms with central heating in winter. In this case, a special humidifier will come in handy. In the absence of a humidifier, you can use the old proven method - hang wet towels on the batteries, changing them periodically;
  • Humid air usually occurs in autumn or spring. In this case, the room must be ventilated as often as possible. It is clear that here it is necessary to take measures so that the child does not catch a cold;
  • It must be remembered that the nursery must be ventilated at least 3-4 times a day. It is imperative to ventilate it before putting the child to bed.

The temperature in the children's room is of great importance. The temperature must be constantly monitored and adjusted if necessary. The most comfortable temperature for a baby is 20-22 degrees. When bathing a child, the room temperature should be higher - 25-28 degrees. When the baby grows up and begins to move, the temperature in the room should be 18-22 degrees - so that the child, actively moving, does not overheat.

It is necessary to clean the children's room daily. In addition to routine cleaning, a general cleaning is required at least once a month. It includes washing curtains, washing windows, wiping walls and ceilings. Here it should be borne in mind that such cleaning must be carried out without the use of chemicals.

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  • Children's room for a newborn boy: interior, design, decoration, furniture for a children's room
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It has become very fashionable to decorate the interiors of home and office with photo wallpapers. Wall murals are a very interesting way to decorate walls. Modern technology gives this type of decor a special charm: clarity of graphics, saturation of colors, a rich choice. With the right choice, you can change the space of the room beyond recognition. You can choose and buy wallpaper here -

Anna Sheina: Renovation of a children's room

How we set up our children's room. What is in the nursery: furniture for a newborn, toys, lighting and much more:

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