Parent stories

I could not immediately fall in love with my son: an Englishwoman posted her revelations on the network

I did not immediately fall in love with my son: the revelations of an American mother are discussed on the Internet. What a woman felt for a baby immediately after giving birth and when love for a baby came.

It is believed that any woman begins to love her child as soon as she finds out about pregnancy. But there are times when a mother, seeing her baby after giving birth, realizes that she does not feel love for him. Although it is not customary to talk about this, it does not mean that there are no such women.

If the mother does not feel love for the child immediately after his birth, this can cause her first torment - “I AM A BAD MOTHER”, a feeling of guilt, and then postpartum depression blooms. She considers herself to be an inferior, not a real mother and is very worried about this feeling.

English teacher from London school Barbara Hopkins decided to share her story of the birth of a child and the emergence of love for him to explain to people that situations are different. The mother of a two-year-old baby frankly told on the network about her feelings for her son.

I did not feel love for my son at the moment of his birth. I experienced different feelings when I first saw my child: delight, surprise that I was able to endure and give birth to this miracle, but at first there was no love, no. Perhaps this is because of the cesarean. After the operation, everything hurt me, everything inside ached, I had a hard time recovering from anesthesia, I was tormented by nausea. In addition, immediately after giving birth, I did not fully realize that this had happened to me. The birth itself turned out to be something surreal for me, unexpected and not fully realized. Perhaps there were some other reasons ...

I thought that it takes time to develop love for a child. Perhaps, like breast milk, she needs to mature. In the first days, weeks, months after the appearance of the baby, a woman's life changes completely. Her body, heart and brain are aware of and accept these changes gradually.

All my life I have heard from other people that love for a child arises immediately after his birth. It appears as if from nowhere. The first days I was very worried that something was wrong with me. I did not feel love for my newborn son. I was happy, not depressed or sad, but I didn’t love the child.

I had no love either in the hospital when my son was just born, or at home when we returned, and I began to get used to the new rhythm of life, in which most of the time was spent caring for the baby.

I remember what I was thinking these days: “How so? How can it be that I feel for my son the same as for my cat. Is this really normal? Isn't it strange? .. "

I felt like I was promised a Maserati and instead given a Mustang. It was great, but I expected something completely different.

And then suddenly love came. I felt that I fell in love desperately and forever. When I looked at my son, my breath caught in my throat. And I didn't have enough air to breathe when I saw him. When I thought about him, tears of joy came to my eyes.

My husband and I brought our son to our house on the first day of the new year. The first night was difficult for us. In the hospital, everything was simple - the nurses cleverly washed, swaddled and fed the child. At home, it all fell on me and my husband.

The next morning we were barely alive from fatigue, as the night was very "merry". Billy cried in the middle of the night and did not want to breastfeed. I asked my parents to spend the night with us, because I understood that my husband and I could not stand it for a long time.

When Billy burst into tears again in his crib, I went over to calm him down. And then he hit me with his tiny hand. Tears gushed from my eyes, I sobbed inconsolably and could not stop. It was at this moment that I realized that it was at this moment that my life changed forever and as before it will never be. I am bound to this little one by the strongest bonds imaginable.

The love that I felt was so strong that it literally overwhelmed me, it was like nothing else. I felt omnipotent and was ready to move mountains for my son. The child became the center of the universe for me.

Sobbing, I asked my father to take a picture of me, because I understood that I want to remember this moment all my life, the moment when I fell in love with my baby. I could not stop crying, the tears were rolling down from my eyes.

The day when I fell in love with my son I will remember for the rest of my life. This moment is still standing before my eyes. Quiet music plays, the room is twilight and I stand in front of the crib. Even the greatest filmmaker could not have created a more touching and perfect shot.

In the player, Adele sang "Feel My Love", and even Steven Spielberg himself would not have created a better shot. I remembered the day, the moment, the time when I fell in love. Fell in love with my little son. "

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Watch the video: The five courageous child heroes that saved their mums life. 60 Minutes Australia (July 2024).