Baby feeding

Sound sleep is the key to health

Sleep is a state of the body that is extremely important not only for energy recovery, but also for full growth and development. The choice of high-quality porridge for evening feeding not only positively affects the child's sleep, but also becomes the key to the formation of intelligence at an early age.

In the first months of life, a young child wakes up several times during the night due to the inability to tie the sleep cycles together. An infant's sleep cycle is 40-90 minutes. The task of the parents is to pay due attention to the child's sleep.

The importance of evening meals

To organize a quality night's sleep, it is necessary to think over the evening feeding menu, which may become more varied as complementary foods are introduced. It should be noted that the metabolism of a child under one year old is several times higher than that of an adult, and therefore, it is worth giving preference to nutritious and well-digestible foods. A properly selected evening diet allows you to reduce or completely eliminate night feedings, after which the baby's stomach continuously digests food. Constant digestion negatively affects the restoration of the necessary energy.

Porridge and sleep: what is the connection?

Porridge is an integral part of the baby's diet, which contributes to the full development of the child's body:

  • almost all cereals are easy to digest,
  • have a beneficial effect on the work of the gastrointestinal tract,
  • contain a whole complex of vitamin and mineral substances.

The product is gradually introduced from 4 months, which allows the baby's body to be provided with the necessary amount of fiber, proteins, carbohydrates, fats and vitamins. Moreover, some pediatricians recommend starting complementary foods not with vegetable purees, but with cereals, which once again confirms the benefits and importance of this dish for full development.

Most moms choose to feed their baby breakfast cereal to energize their baby for the day. In the meantime, porridge is a great night-time meal that, despite stereotypes, is not heavy food, but rather easily digestible and creates a long-lasting satiety effect.

Drinking porridge is the best choice for restful sleep

Of course, breast milk is the best food for a young child. But there are situations when milk is not enough. Today in stores there is a huge selection of baby cereals, designed to meet the needs of a child of a certain age. In order to make the child's sleep as calm as possible, drinking cereals with milk are perfect.

Experts in the field of baby food Heinz have released a line of drinking cereals adapted specifically for evening feeding of babies from 6 months. The series includes six cereals, each of which takes into account the peculiarities of the functioning of the child's body at night: oatmeal, wheat, 5 cereals, multigrain with linden and chamomile, multigrain with banana and raspberry, oatmeal with banana.

Cups are unique in that they contain:

  • cereals for a long-lasting satiety effect;
  • prebiotic for healthy digestion;
  • Omega-3 fatty acids, which, in turn, are especially important in the first year of a baby's life for the normal development of the brain *;
  • vitamins C, E, D + Ca.

The choice of high-quality porridge for evening feeding not only has a positive effect on the child's sleep, but also becomes the key to the formation of intelligence at an early age. Important: before introducing complementary foods, you must consult with a specialist.

* Heinz porridge contains docosahexaenoic acid (DHA), which is one of the essential ingredients for brain development

Watch the video: Posture: the Key to Good Health. Annette Verpillot. TEDxMontrealWomen (July 2024).