
How to choose a skateboard for a child and how to learn to skate?

Probably all parents sooner or later hear from their child a request to buy a skate. And many questions immediately arise: what is it, from what age can you learn to master it, which skate is better for a 5-year-old kid or a child of 10-11 years old? Our article will help answer these and other frequently asked questions.


A classic skateboard is a board (deck) covered with several layers of veneer and mounted on wheels. In some modern models (for example, cruisers or longboards), the deck is made of plastic.

The skateboard can be used as a vehicle or sports equipment for performing stunts.

Skateboard construction consists of several basic elements:

  • Soundboard... This is the skateboard base board itself. Consists of several layers of glued maple veneer. Typically, this is 7 or 9 layers, but for lightweight models, 5 layers are used. For children's skateboards, 6-7 layers of veneer are enough.
  • Griptape is the top cover of the deck. In appearance, it is very similar to sandpaper. Thanks to this self-adhesive tape, your feet will not slide off the skateboard while moving or performing tricks.
  • Suspension... Sturdy metal construction for connecting the wheels to the board. Most often it is made from an alloy of aluminum with other metals.
  • Wheels... The main criterion for choosing wheels is rigidity. It is the sufficient rigidity that makes the movements of the skate smoother. If there is a special area for skating, then the wheels can be soft. For an ordinary yard or street, it is best to choose a board with rigid wheels.
  • Bearings, pads, base, shock absorbers and other parts.

Types and types

Depending on the size and design, skateboards are divided into several types:

  1. Longboard - long board. It is characterized by larger and softer wheels. The front of the skate has a pointed appearance, the back is raised.
  2. Cruiser - a board with 4 wheels, which is optimal for riding in the city and on flat roads. Wheels are usually soft to medium hardness. Has a raised "tail" at the soundboard. This is the best option for teaching children to ride from 5 years old.
  3. Streetboard, snakeboard... Consists of several platforms. Used to perform trick elements.
  4. Freeboard... This board has 6 wheels. Used for freestyle.
  5. Flowboard... Board with 14 wheels, high maneuverability, ideal for stunt elements.
  6. Mountainboard... The board is designed for riding on rough terrain. Has wheels with a diameter of about 20 cm.
  7. Stowboard... Foldable skateboard. Its main part is not a board, but a metal support - a foot basket.

At what age should you start skateboarding?

Today on sale you can see a huge variety of skateboards of a wide variety of designs, sizes and designs. The smallest and lightest models are designed for children 5-6 years old.

In general, it is believed that children under 7 - 8 years old should not practice skateboarding. Of course, you can put a 4-5 year old baby on a skate, but experts are unanimous in their opinion: young children do not have good stability and coordination of movements... Therefore, early acquaintance with a skateboard can result in injuries.

Any age it is necessary to start classes under the supervision of a more experienced and adult trainer... Parents should hold children from 4 to 5 years old when riding by one hand and insure against falling.

Please note that the child's body should be tilted forward, so parents should always walk in front of the skate.

Which one is better for young children?

For the youngest athletes, you can choose mini skateboards that don't exceed 22 inches in length. The skate must be strong, lightweight, resilient enough... Bright colors will be an additional plus in favor of choosing the model you like.

How to choose the size of the skate according to the age?

The basic rule for choosing a suitable skateboard is to match it with the age and height of the young athlete.

The length of a standard board is from 78 to 83 cm, and the width is from 19 to 21.5 cm. However, these dimensions are designed for adults. Therefore, depending on the child's age, there are different standard sizes of skateboards (we are talking about a traditional skateboard, not a cruiser):

  • Skateboards for children whose height has not yet reached 1 meter. The dimensions of the skate are 27.2 - 27.6 x 6.5 - 6.75 inches (length - about 70 cm).
  • Children 6 - 8 years old up to 1.4 m. The size of the board is 28 x 7 inches. (length - up to 71 cm.)
  • Children from 9 to 12 years old up to 1.5 m. The size of the board is 29 x 7.3 inches (length up to 74 cm).
  • Children over 13 years old. Suitable for adult skate sizes.

Manufacturers overview

The most famous and popular skateboard manufacturing companies include:

  • Alien Workshop... These are classic, sturdy boards with large curves. Designed for rolling, not suitable for jumping elements.
  • Black Label. One of the most comfortable models for beginner skateboarders. They have a stable, strong midfoot, but the front and back, thanks to the deep concave, can begin to break over time.
  • Blind... Boards that are distinguished, first of all, by their aesthetically pleasing appearance. They are lightweight.
  • Santa Cruz. Comfortable, sturdy boards of original design. Have a slight bend.
  • Penny board... A high quality Australian brand that pays great attention to detail. It is this option that is most popular for small children.

For information on how not to fall for the bait of scammers and not buy a fake, see the following video using the Penny Board skate as an example:

Tips for choosing

When choosing the right skateboard for your child, you should pay attention to the following points:

  1. Deck width. It can range from 4.7 to 10.62 inches. The narrower the board, the more maneuverable it is, the wider the more stable it is. Beginner athletes should choose models with a small width. In the process of training, you can choose the model that best suits the width.
  2. Deck length. In principle, the length does not affect the speed and quality of the ride. The standard size is 31 inches (78.7 cm), but for very young athletes the length of the board may be shorter.
  3. It is best to buy a skateboard made of maple veneer rather than plastic... Plastic models are much cheaper, but less elastic and durable compared to wooden ones.
  4. Concave. It is best for beginner skateboarders to purchase flat boards, there is no point in choosing skates with a deep concave (bend). Such boards are suitable for more experienced athletes.
  5. The surface of the board must be smooth and free from cracks, chips or dents... Wood can deform over time, so it's best to buy a recently made skateboard.

What to consider when choosing for beginner children?

When choosing a skateboard for a beginner athlete, you should not chase external beauty and original design.

The skateboard should have the simplest and most comfortable shape, the size appropriate for the age and height of the child, and be made of quality materials.

The skate can be assembled independently by purchasing the necessary parts separately, but It is best for a novice child to buy a ready-made board. Preference should be given to brands of well-known, proven manufacturers. They will be more expensive than plastic counterparts, but there will be firm confidence in their quality, reliability and safety for the child.

How to learn to ride?

Skateboarding is a kind of extreme sport. It consists in performing tricks of varying degrees of difficulty using a skateboard. There are many riding styles.

The most popular among them:

  1. Flatland. Rolling and performing tricks on a flat surface.
  2. Straight... Skating on the street using all kinds of stairs, railings, ceilings, etc.
  3. Freestyle... A style characterized by performing tricks and jumps in the same plane.
  4. Vert... Style with performance of stunt elements on the ramp.
  5. The park... Execution of especially difficult and spectacular elements on the ramp.

The first thing to start learning with is choose a jogging leg... Once the correct setting has been mastered, you can learn to push off, move and stop. Take your time, the process should take some time.

How to learn the 5 basic elements of skateboarding, see the video.

What tricks can you perform?

The trick part of skateboarding is usually within the power of the most experienced skateboarders. However, there are also quite simple feints that even a novice athlete can easily master.

  • Ollie (jump with a skateboard). One foot is placed on the rear bend of the board (tail), and the other - in the middle or slightly further. Then, with the foot on the tail, make a click on the ground, and stretch the other leg along the board, as if stretching it. At the same time, the legs should be slightly bent. The jump, of course, will not work the first time. In skateboarding, the main thing is constant training. See the next video for more details.

  • Nollie... It resembles an ollie with the only difference that the movement begins with the leg that is in front. It makes a click, and the other leg "pulls" the skateboard up.
  • Manual... A very simple element. Its essence is as follows: the athlete, pressing on the tail, raises the front part of the skateboard and tries to stay in weight, balancing and helping himself with his hands.

You can learn this element faster by watching the following video.

  • Ollie with a twist. It is similar to the ollie element, only during its execution you need to try to turn in place with the board. The element begins in the same way as the ollie, only after clicking on the ground, with the second foot you need to spin the skate, turning in the same direction and yourself. You can help with your hands.

About why beginners may not be able to ollie - in the next video.

  • Kickflip... The most complex of the presented elements. It is based on the same ollie, only during its execution it is necessary to try to twist the skate horizontally. The exercise is performed in motion. First you need to do the ollie exercise, and when the front leg reaches the bend of the board, you need to twist it sharply. After the rotation, the board stops with two feet.

Watch the following video before making this element.


The utmost attention to safety and protection

Any skateboarder, regardless of his level of training, needs protective equipment, because skateboarding is a rather traumatic sport.

For training, it is best to choose loose clothing made from natural fabrics and comfortable shoes. It is imperative to use protective equipment parts of the body most susceptible to blows and injuries: helmet, protection for elbows, knees, wrists and shins.

It is best to start training on specially equipped grounds for this - smooth, flat and without incline. Before training, try standing on a skateboard on the grass.

Watch the video: WHAT SIZE SKATEBOARD SHOULD YOU RIDE? ,,, etc. (July 2024).